Divine Hint: Reporting An Escaped Convict From The Start

Chapter 596 Sword Qi Storm, Sword Wall Collapses (Please collect and subscribe)

Li Hao seemed to have returned to the previous era, and he came to the scene to comprehend the peerless elegance of the sword that appeared once.


At this moment, Li Hao was still sitting cross-legged in front of the sword wall of Tianxingzong, quietly comprehending.

I don't know if it's because of the Supreme Dao Bone, or because of the talent of the gods, Li Hao experienced this sword for himself, as if it was cut by Li Hao himself.

Not far from Li Hao's side, that Ye Lang also saw Li Hao, with a strange look in his eyes, but he still didn't pay much attention to Li Hao, still didn't pay attention to Li Hao, still relying on his Tongming Sword With the advantage brought by his heart, he carefully comprehended the sword intent on the sword wall, hoping to arouse the resonance of this sword intent.

The same is true for the woman named Xu Man in front of her.

In their view, they are the real geniuses of the sword, and only they can comprehend the sword intent on the sword wall.

What they didn't notice, however, was that.

At this moment, on the sword wall, a faint sword light emerged.

The next moment.

buzz buzz.

The sword wall actually trembled endlessly at this moment, not only the sword wall, but the whole earth was trembling.

This scene happened so abruptly that no one expected it.

"what happened?"

"what happens?"

"what's the situation?"


At this moment, all the people made a sound of surprise, and looked at the scene in front of them in shock, but they seemed a little confused.

Immediately afterwards, they saw it again in horror.

On the sword wall in front of them, there was an extremely bright sword glow.

boom boom boom~

Streams of sword energy descended from the sword wall, and the sword energy continuously circulated and flew in the entire space.

In the blink of an eye, the entire space in front of the sword wall was filled with sword energy.

The lingering sword energy turned into a sky-filled sword light, and then turned into a huge storm of sword energy, directly covering the entire space.

And all of this happened so quickly that before many people could react, the huge storm of sword energy had already enveloped the entire space, including them.


Endless sword energy streaked across the space, tearing the space apart, and some sword energy directly acted on these Tianxingzong disciples who were comprehending the sword wall and sword intent.


"Who can tell me what's going on?"


Immediately, there were frightened voices coming from the mouths of these figures.

This sudden scene caused these Tianxingzong disciples to suffer immediately. They had to use their cultivation power to form a shield around their bodies to resist the sudden storm of sword energy.

Even if they wanted to escape from this storm of sword energy, they couldn't do it.

All this made them very confused, they didn't know what the situation was at all, and because of the existence of the sword energy storm, the endless bright sword light blocked their sight, and they couldn't see the specific situation at all, but they could It felt that the center of this sword energy storm seemed to be those figures who were comprehending the way of swordsmanship.

And when this storm of sword energy was born.

On the peaks of Tianxingzong, in the palace, there were some majestic figures, and they were also shocked at this moment.

"This is... the sword wall has been moved!"

"who is it?"

"Who inspired the sword intent on the sword wall?"


Surprised voices came from some parts of Tianxingzong. At this moment, even the big bosses of Xuanxian level were shocked by this scene.

A series of powerful spiritual senses suddenly descended on the scene where the sword wall was located to investigate, but when their spiritual senses touched the storm of sword energy, they were still blocked.

There are even some strong men who descended directly to the place where the sword wall was, but they still could only see the huge storm of sword energy in front of them, but could not clearly see the specific situation in the storm of sword energy.

But without exception, they had an intuition at this moment.

The sword qi storm in front of him must have been caused by the power on the sword wall being induced by someone.

Who is it? Aroused the sword wall. In other words, comprehended the sword intent on the sword wall.

In the storm of sword energy, Li Hao seemed to be still immersed in the previous scene.

Following the slash of the sword, after the shackles of the Dao were broken, the whole world was also shattered by this sword.

Faintly, Li Hao also realized something.

"Slay the sky, destroy the Dao?"

Li Hao murmured, opened his eyes, and broke away from the previous scene. The figure was gone, and he didn't know what the result of the figure was after cutting out the sword. Whether she is still alive, and whether she has awakened the woman in her arms.

And if it were him, would he look like him in such a situation?

This picture is lingering in Li Hao's mind, and this sword is also deeply remembered by Li Hao.

Got it!

Li Hao understood.

Is this the sword intent on the stone wall? Li Hao looked forward with a gleam in his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Lang, who was not far in front of him, seemed to sense something with a clear sword heart.

Ye Lang had already attracted this sword intent into his body, but at this moment he felt that the sword intent seemed to leave his body in an instant, and then poured straight into another figure in front of him.

at the same time.

The storm of sword energy in the surrounding space also suddenly dissipated.

Seeing that figure, Ye Lang stood up suddenly.

"It's him? How could it be him?"

"How can this be?"

Ye Lang saw that the figure was actually the guy he looked down on before, and a look of disbelief suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Illusion, this must be an illusion.

Ye Lang calmed down, thinking that his eyes were dazzled, and the sword light was all over the sky just now, and it is very likely that he misunderstood it.


Everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Sword Qi Storm is gone?

"what happened?"

"Everyone, look at the sword wall!"

"The Sword Wall"

"My God, the sword wall is actually cracked!"

"how so?"


In the next moment, everyone uttered an incomparably horrified voice, someone's eyes fell on the sword wall, but they saw that a crack appeared in the middle of the originally towering sword wall at this moment.

A huge crack.

The crack went from top to bottom, and one went through to the bottom.

And the sword intent on the sword wall is gone.

buzz buzz.

In the next moment, the crack on the sword wall actually became bigger and bigger.


At a certain moment, the sword wall collapsed directly.

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