Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 1642 Nine Heavens Mysterious Altar

After returning to the Martyrs Headquarters, when Qin Feng told what he had learned, everyone could not help but frown.

There was also a look of deep shock on their faces, because this time the Five Elements Demon King did not seem to intend to join any force, nor did he do anything in any force.

But this would be more terrifying than that, so much so that it would ultimately exceed their imagination and cognition.

For such a result, they really don't know what to do.

All in all, the matter is not that simple.

No matter from which aspect, since something like this has happened now, we can only find a way to solve it.

Jiutian Xuantan? I never thought that I would be in this forbidden place. This is a forbidden place, but it is also a blessed land. It is a place shared by the Dark Star Territory. I never thought that these Five Elements Demon Kings would hide here. Junior Brother Qin Feng, Is this result reliable? Yang Tianlong is still a little unsure.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly and nodded. He had confirmed it several times.

After knowing this situation, naturally no other problems will be discovered.

It's just that this matter seems too weird, and I don't know exactly what they should do.

Jiutian Xuantan, since the Demon Protector appeared, such a place has been tightly sealed off by them.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a hidden danger, which really left them speechless.

Are these dark demons too capable of taking advantage of loopholes? It was really something unexpected for them.

All in all, since something like this has happened now, it must be solved properly, and there must be no more mistakes. Otherwise, the consequences will be quite serious.

And once this happens, it will be very difficult to recover such losses.

Qin Feng said slowly: Even I didn't expect that they would hide in Jiutian Xuantan, but that moment just passed by in a flash. I don't know whether it is accurate. Do you want us to continue to explore it? ? If it works, there is no need to worry about this matter anymore.

When Qin Feng talked about going to Jiutian Xuantan, everyone couldn't help but be stunned, and then shook their heads.

Firstly, not everyone can go to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Altar. Secondly, if there are really Five Elements Demon Kings there, they will definitely be more powerful than the Demon Protectors.

If Qin Feng is alone, he will inevitably encounter some dangers when he goes there.

At that time, they will not be able to take into account Qin Feng's safety. This is obviously not a result that they can easily bear at the moment.

If there is still no solution in the end, then they will have to think of other ways.

At least Qin Feng must not take risks, otherwise it would violate their original intention.

Anyone can go, but not you this time. Yang Tianlong said it without any scruples.

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

He doesn't understand why Senior Brother Bailong vetoes it like this. Doesn't he know that his current strength is enough to protect himself?

If you can't think it over carefully, the consequences will obviously be quite serious.

No one wants to see such a situation happen. As long as we can seize this opportunity, it may still be solved.

But they would never allow Qin Feng to take the risk himself, and would rather let the most powerful people like them go.

This is the hope that belongs to this era of dark world, and there must be no accidents.

Otherwise, they would not be able to bear the consequences, and it would make them feel a burst of inexplicable pressure.

What Tianlong said is indeed true, Junior Brother Qin Feng, you can’t imagine the danger in this place, and it’s not just our words. In addition, it is very likely that the Five Elements Demon King exists now. If you take the risk, this is not This is what I can bear, and I think everyone is not willing to see this happen. Yang Zaitian said the same.

Not only that, even Wan Xulin, the chief master of the Black Dragon Qijia Sect, doesn't really want Qin Feng to take risks alone.

In this case, it is obviously not cost-effective, and they must be prepared for both.

After Qin Feng heard this, he was moved in his heart.

But this time he was not specifically looking for these Five Elements Demon Kings, but had some things of his own to accomplish.

At least there would never be any mistakes, he had to go there in person.

Otherwise, he would really be a little uneasy, and such a thing would far exceed his expectations.

All in all, now that this matter has happened, he cannot stay out of it.

He has to personally participate in everything and control the entire process in order to enjoy that feeling.

Afterwards, Qin Feng said slowly: Don't worry, everyone. First of all, I just want to explore the actual situation, and I will not look for these demon kings. Secondly, I can still talk to these demon kings. I have some contact, maybe I need to confirm.

Although the Jiutian Xuantan has been sealed off, it is inevitable that there will still be some omissions.

Since these demon kings chose not to take action, perhaps, even if they saw people from the dark world, they would just avoid seeing them.

Instead of being as rampant as the previous demon protector, he would not directly assimilate people.

This is not a result that they can easily accept at present, but it is precisely because of this that they have such an opportunity to seize it.

Otherwise, no matter how hard it is, it will not be of any use.

There will still be considerable problems in all this, so much so that they are far beyond their imagination.

No matter what, now that something like this has happened, he, the chosen one, cannot help but step forward.

Even though everyone wanted to stop him, he still wanted to go.

This is a mission that belongs to the chosen ones and cannot be replaced by others.

After seeing his persistence, Yang Tianlong and Yang Zaitian looked at each other, and then laughed bitterly.

If Junior Brother Qin Feng chooses to avoid seeing him this time, he will not be the Junior Brother they know.

Isn't it the character of Junior Brother Qin Feng to step forward now and shoulder the responsibility of being the Chosen One?

Only in this way can we consider Qin Feng in their impression, but everything must be safe.

There must not be any mistakes or accidents, otherwise, they are likely to fall into a situation of eternal disaster.

This is not a situation that they can easily predict now, everything will appear quite serious.

Qin Feng said slowly: Just relax, I still know this in my heart.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Altar is a place in the center of the Dark Star Territory. There is a huge Mysterious Altar there that existed at the beginning of this era.

There stands a statue of the most powerful chosen one in the past era, Lord Xuanyuan Shan.

He once led the last era and almost defeated the entire dark demon clan.

It is precisely because of this that he can be famous in history. Even in this era, he is still a famous figure, one who is highly respected by the most powerful people.

Qin Feng has arrived at Jiutian Xuantan, and now it seems to be a bit cold and desolate.

It is almost inaccessible. In such a situation, coming here rashly would really be a big problem for other people, but for him, everything will seem quite easy and not Some other problems occur.

This is also a situation that he can easily endure at the moment. At least there will never be any mistakes in it. If not, the consequences will not be something he can easily imagine at the moment.

What are you going to do? I have heard of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Altar before, but will the Dark Lord really appear here? Even if they are the Five Elements Demon King, the protector level next to the Dark Demon God. The tower spirit of the Tower of Darkness said slowly.

There was a look of doubt in his eyes, and he didn't know what Qin Feng's real purpose was?

All in all, there is absolutely no need to take such risks.

As long as you wait for the opportunity to come, everything will come to light. There is no need to wait until now.

Qin Feng nodded, with a firm look in his eyes.

If you choose to retreat at this time, that is the real regression.

It would be very detrimental to this era, and this is not a situation he wants to see now.

Everything will seem quite serious and not so unimaginable.

You can figure it out with just a little thought. Qin Feng's doing this is nothing more than risking his life to survive.

But the tower spirits of the Dark Tower don't think so. Doing so is a waste of time. Since these dark demons have decided to hide well, they will naturally not surface easily.

After he expressed what he was thinking, Qin Feng also sighed. It was not that he had never thought of this.

As long as you can find a chance, you must cherish it and take advantage of it.

Once you miss such a good opportunity, it will not be that simple to find it again.

Don't worry, I do things in a measured way. This time I just want to determine whether there is any dark energy here. If there is, then this place can basically be defined, and the Five Elements Demon King is hiding here! If everything seemed very normal, perhaps the Heart-Slayer Demon King had been deceived by them. Qin Feng said slowly.

Ta Ling smiled bitterly and nodded. Since he decided to take the risk, Ta Ling couldn't do anything to dissuade him.

However, this truly shows the responsibilities and obligations that the chosen ones of this era should have, as well as their mind and demeanor.

This may not exist for anyone else, even if it is the most powerful person, it may not exist.

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