Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 1658: Sure enough, I was fooled

After seeing that Qin Feng seemed to have left here, and there was no movement in the Dark Tower next to him, such a powerful oppressive force no longer existed.

The two demon kings looked at each other, and both saw a hint of worry in each other's eyes.

If it was really because of the two of them that the entire dark demon clan fell into such a dangerous situation, then they would be sinners through the ages.

They really don't want to bear such a reputation, which will make them feel very uncomfortable, and they don't know how to solve it.

Black Dragon Tianshan, Qin Feng came here at this moment, and he planned to repeat his old trick, but this time he actually put the Xuantian Demon King and the Heart-Destroying Demon King into the Black Dragon Prison.

In this way, the other party can also be fooled, and some people will not be able to figure out the truth.

For them now, there will naturally be more opportunities.

"Qin Feng, you are finally here." Wan Xulin has been waiting here for a long time.

His hands were gearing up, just to see if he would gain anything this time.

This is absolutely crucial to them now. If they can make good use of it, then at least one demon king can be destroyed.

As the closest protector-level demon king to the Dark Demon God, since he can come to the dark world, the time before the Dark Demon God comes to the dark world must have been very short.

If they fail to seize these opportunities, the consequences will be quite serious.

Even in the end, it cannot be solved at all. The huge trouble that gradually develops will be beyond their imagination.

"Sect Master Wan, we have to get rid of the others this time. I plan to invite you to the urn to see if they will be fooled. However, the dark demons now still have the demon guardians and the Tianji Demon King. They are also very hostile to us. I understand, and he is also a very cunning person, so he must be vigilant at all times." Qin Feng looked at Wan Xulin in front of him and said with a very solemn expression.

If they can't do that, then everything else is for naught.

Wan Xulin nodded solemnly, he did not want to put his Black Dragon Tianshan into such danger.

That would make him feel very uncomfortable. Fortunately, they, the strongest, would also take action this time.

It just depends on whether they can attack more dark demons. For them, this is also full of great challenges, but they don't know whether they can solve these troubles.

If they can't solve it, they can only swallow the bitter fruit of failure.

"Qin Feng, where are they?" After returning from the martyr's headquarters, Wan Xulin has been setting up the defenses there.

However, there is some confusion about the specific positions of Yang Tianlong and Yang Zaitian.

Qin Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, they have already done what they should do. As for now, we have to let the news out. I want to see if they will be fooled. I can't You don’t even want to rescue your own comrades. In that case, what’s the point of being a dark demon? It’s better to just disband on the spot.”

This news spread very quickly indeed. In less than half a day, it had already reached the ears of the Demon Protector.

And this time, I actually saw the existence of Demon King Xuantian and the Demon King of Heart Destruction, in the Black Dragon Prison.

So much so that the demon protector at this moment was a little restless. What on earth did Qin Feng mean?

Are you going to repeat the same old tricks with them again? Such little tricks really make them both love and hate.

But he doesn't know exactly what to do, because he can't command the Five Elements Demon King.

This is a very arrogant existence. After following the Dark Demon God for so many years, he has long been overly ambitious and underhanded.

If the Five Elements Demon King dares to underestimate Qin Feng, the losses he will suffer will be huge.

And this does not allow them to take more precautions, and even there is no such opportunity to solve everything.

"Master Demon Protector, what else do you have to say now?" Originally, they wanted to rescue Xuantian and Mie Xin, but the Demon King of Gold did not expect that the Demon Protector would actually stop them.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it has indeed been confirmed that these two demon kings are in the Black Dragon Prison.

The only difference is that they were not seen last time. It seems that Qin Feng does have that method of concealing human aura.

Otherwise, they might have succeeded last time and there would be no need to wait until now.

For them today, there will still be plenty of opportunities to practice this.

Instead of falling into a passive and embarrassing situation, the Demon Protector sneered and said: "Tianji, these five idiots don't understand, don't you understand too? Do you really want to bury them?"

After seeing the Demon King Tianji who was also silent at this moment, the Demon Protector's face began to look anxious.

Once something like this happens, it will definitely be quite serious, and it will even be difficult to deal with such a problem by then.

This is obviously a trap set by Qin Feng for them. If they really want to continue to dig in, then the demon protector will never accompany them.

In this case, it is very likely that his own life will be involved, which is not a good deal at all.

Even the losses suffered were far more than what they were like now, and the Demon King Tianji smiled bitterly.

But the Five Elements Demon King couldn't bear it any longer. What kind of confidence does this demon protector have? How dare you call the five of them idiots?

Even the Dark Demon Lord is reluctant to scold them like this, right? Is it possible that the Demon Protector still regards himself as a more powerful being than the Dark Demon God?

This really made them feel very unhappy, but they also knew that this matter would still be filled with a lot of trouble.

"You five should calm down. Although the words of the Demon Protector don't sound good, they are also true. Now we have found out some of Qin Feng's truth. Since he can cover up people's aura, then this time we Going there is very likely to be in vain. This is obviously a series of traps set by the other party, waiting for us to get into it. If we are really fooled, I think Qin Feng must be very happy." Tianji Demon King. He said with a frown.

"Is it possible that we just sit idly by and ignore them, knowing that they are suffering in the Black Dragon Prison but unable to rescue them?" the Demon King of Earth said with some reluctance.

The other four demon kings also nodded.

Because in their opinion, this is completely unimaginable.

But this matter will still make them full of more doubts. If they are not rescued, this will become a worry for them. Then they really don't know how to solve such trouble.

The demon protector frowned. He really didn't expect Qin Feng's move to be so cruel.

And they had to be fooled and had to go to the rescue.

Originally, he wanted to think of some countermeasures in advance, but now it seems that everything seems so urgent. If he doesn't go to the rescue earlier, it is really unlikely that such a possibility will happen.

Even though they had already lost Xuantian and there was any news about Mie Xin, to be honest, the Demon Protector was also very unwilling.

But what can be done? The other party has already behaved so cunningly and treacherously.

Finally, the demon protector sighed and said slowly: "What you said is indeed true. We must go to the rescue this time, but we must think of some escape routes. This is obviously a trap set by the other party for us. There are many powerful people waiting for us to dig in. If we don’t solve this problem, everything will be quite difficult.”

Even though he knew it was a scam, he decided to fall for it.

The Five Elements Demon King's eyes couldn't help but light up, the demon protector had really come to his senses.

Otherwise, it would really make them speechless. If you want to rescue them properly, you will have to suffer such a blow.

This is not what they want to see now, but some of the demon guardians are right, and they also know that this is a trap.

But they are more confident in their own strength. You must know that the last time Qin Feng fought one against five, they were just there to defend, but they did not form any too powerful attack on Qin Feng.

In other words, Qin Feng and even the dark world don't know their methods now, which is also an advantage.

As long as we can make good use of this opportunity, there is still a slight chance that we can rescue Xuantian and Miexin.

"Then what do you think we should do about this matter? How should we be prepared? Obviously this matter will not be that simple. For us, as long as we can control these things, thank God , How can I ask for so many things?" The Demon King of Gold said with a wry smile.

Even though I don’t want to admit it, this does happen.

In this game, it depends on how they will seize the opportunity.

No matter what, Qin Feng and the others can never succeed in their conspiracy.

At least you can't make them feel too good, otherwise they will still cause a lot of trouble, which is not what they want to see now.

The Demon Protector began to think deeply. He glanced at the Demon King Tianji next to him. When he saw that the other party had no reaction, he secretly cursed the old fox in his heart.

Although it seems that the Demon King of Tianji usually tries to curry favor with everyone, the evil in his heart is really palpable, and he is unlikely to expose this matter. Otherwise, how could he be so arrogant?

Divine Soul Martial Lord

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