Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 1853 Anger attacks the heart

Yang Zaitian paced back and forth in the room.

Now that they have control of the situation, they are basically confident of victory.

This time the dark demons may have become completely alone, and I don’t know if they will have such an opportunity in the end.

But judging from the current situation, everything will become a little different.

I just don’t know very well, will they be able to control it in the end?

If not, I'm afraid the overall situation will become different.

At least now, they may not be able to face it calmly, and even need to pay a certain price before they can get something from it.

And in this case, they have no choice but to do it.

What needs to be more noted is that the dark demons will definitely not slow down their pace, and will take advantage of the victory to strike. This is not so wonderful for the dark world.

So much so that in the end, no one may be able to control the situation well, causing their dark world to suffer so many losses in vain.

"Junior Brother Qin Feng, what direction will we develop next? I don't know this, are you sure?" Yang Zaitian asked.

The current situation is still like this, and there is no room for them to be negligent in the slightest.

If they can't solve this problem, then the overall situation will indeed be different.

No one knows, this is so detrimental to them.

Qin Feng smiled softly and then said: "Actually, it's very simple. I want to see if they will be very afraid of this if the news is completely released. As long as I ask for something, I believe it will be better." There will be a lot of confidence.”

After hearing this, their eyes lit up.

What would happen if the Dark Demon knew that he was being smart?

"This is a great plan! It can also detect their true and false intentions."

This was quickly agreed upon by all.

What's more, they can only choose this method now, and perhaps no other changes will happen.

As long as you can seize such an opportunity, it doesn't matter.

If this is the final result, there is no need to worry too much.

At this time, they had already expected this situation to happen.

"In your opinion, how to solve such troubles is still unknown. I think this does not prevent us from doing so, but I don't know whether we will have a chance in the end?" They cannot be angry with the Dark Demon. This is probably a question that puzzles them.

But they decided to give it a try anyway.


When the Dark Lord learned of his stupid approach, he couldn't help but be stunned.

I really didn't expect that it would end up like this.

I originally thought that the Ghost Clan was heavily guarded, and it would be a clever plan for them to attack the Xuantian Gang, which would also make the people of the Xuantian Gang suffer.

But in the end, they did not expect that not only did this not alleviate the situation, but they themselves suffered the consequences.

It completely pushed the people of the Xuantian Gang to the opposite side. How could they accept this?

As a result, as time changes and develops, they no longer have such a possibility.

"It really offends me! Damn Qin Feng! He would use such a vicious way to deal with us." The Dark Demon snorted coldly.

His face at this moment has become quite ugly.

No one could have predicted that such a result actually happened to them.

There is no room for any worries, and there can be no other gains from this.

If this ultimately leads to some unfavorable results, the overall situation may become a little different.

"I really didn't expect that this matter would develop in such a direction. This was something we didn't even expect. Everyone, do you have any decisions at the moment? Qin Feng has already stepped on our heads severely. After a kick, I have no other assurance now. In this case, I can only start the decisive battle in advance, but your safety cannot be guaranteed, and I cannot give you a good explanation. "

The Dark Demon God quietly looked at the Five Elements Demon King in front of him.

If it weren't for the sake of these tribesmen, he would have taken action long ago, why would he wait until now?

Now is not the time to talk about those things, it depends on which direction they should make decisions.

If they make the wrong choice, they will only suffer the consequences.

All this is not something they can save.

The faces of the Five Elements Demon King were not that good-looking, but they were extremely moved in their hearts.

Because they know very well in their hearts that the reason why they have not entered the ultimate decisive battle now is because they are not strong enough, and they do not want Qin Feng and the others to seize the opportunity. Otherwise, with the help of the Dark Demon God, With enough power, you can deal with the people in the entire dark world.

There is no doubt about this. They believe that the Dark Demon Lord definitely has such strength!

But now the whole thing has become a little different, making it a little difficult for them to guess.

"Lord Demon God, in your opinion, are there any other possibilities besides this step?" The Demon King of Gold asked tentatively.

Who doesn’t want to live longer? This is naturally necessary.

But if they can't get a satisfactory answer in the end, even the Dark God may have no choice but to give up on them.

At worst, he will get more demon slaves and control them personally. The strength of the dark demons will still be able to grow as quickly as possible.

This is reasonable, but he did not choose to do so.

Then the Dark Demon murmured: "If I still have a way, then I can only force the fish to die, but this will be very uneconomical for us, and I don't think anyone will want to see this result. ? It’s far from acceptable for me to end up in such a state of dormant waiting for ten years.”

He is an extremely stable person, and he will do better if he wants to do it!

Of course, there cannot be any mistakes in other aspects, but the current situation is extremely unfavorable to the dark demon clan.

I don’t know if they will have these opportunities in the end to save this situation?

The Dark Demon didn't quite understand, but if he kept looking for foreign aid, it would be very troublesome.

After all, if they look for foreign aid due to their strength, the chances are great.

But the lessons learned from the Xuantian Gang are there, does he still dare to go?

This is obviously something I don't dare to do, and I don't want to pay more for it, so it doesn't make much sense.

Apart from increasing their casualties, it cannot solve any problem!

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