Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 1888 Unique body

At this time, the entire surrounding space has become extremely unstable.

There was also some disorder in these energies, which made Qin Feng and the others' eyes brighten.

The opportunity is coming soon! Without thinking much, they directly activated all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and completely shattered the surrounding realm!

The realm is broken and they come out of it.

There seemed to be a road with no end in sight, and the two of them walked forward.

They felt that there were extremely powerful rules and restrictions, and everything came from darkness.

This is the unique power of darkness in the dark world. Qin Feng, as the Chosen One of this era, can feel those rules, and the Dark Demon God, as the leader of a generation of demons, can also temporarily feel it with his tyrannical cultivation.

Immediately afterwards, they came to a rather strange place.

Here, there is only a steady stream of dark power.

But the rules here seem to be that these forces of darkness have extremely strong attack capabilities, making them impossible to defend against.

In many aspects, I am afraid that even if the two of them concentrate on it, it is impossible to deal with these things.

"This should be the incarnation of the origin of darkness. If you can stay here for a few days and use your body to carry the darkness, you will be able to quickly understand the origin of darkness. It seems that it is for this reason that Lao Qi Make it through!" the Dark Demon said slowly.

After hearing this, Qin Feng asked thoughtfully: "The old seventh you are talking about is not the seventh-generation Lord of the Dark Demon Clan, right?"

The Dark Demon God frowned slightly and stared at Qin Feng in front of him.

He is really clever. He clearly controls the Dark Tower in his hands, but he cannot use it to deal with it.

This is really hard for them to guard against, and they don’t know what to do specifically!

But Qin Feng did not deny it. He said: "The power of darkness in these people is really majestic. If I had not absorbed the power in them, the huge energy of heaven and earth that I need to break through now would be unknown."

"So you sucked them all up?" The Dark Demon's eyes widened in anger, as if his eyes could kill people.

Qin Feng changed the subject and said: "So what if I suck it? But let's take a look at the things in front of us first. They do look quite strange."

After seeing this, they were all a little overwhelmed.

The Dark Demon God could only suppress the curiosity in his heart and prepare for the things in front of him with all his strength.

Soon, several lines of large characters appeared in front of them.

"The origin of darkness is unpredictable, extremely powerful, and becomes invisible!"

"At the beginning of the origin, I was forced to carry the physical body. If I become invisible, I will be born with wind!"

Looking at these two lines of words, both of them were mumbling.

But what is the meaning behind these words?

"Is it possible that this is to allow us to gather the power of the physical body? Or is it to allow all the power of the physical body to be gathered into the essence of darkness? I don't know what the origin of this darkness is. It is completely difficult to guess now!" The Dark Demon held his chin and thought, He seemed very curious.

Qin Feng on the side was asking the tower spirit of the Dark Tower.

But even he doesn't know. It seems that this point still needs to be considered by himself, and he can only understand it after experiencing it for himself.

Maybe this is the unique idea of ​​forming the power of darkness, completely uniting the physical body and the power of darkness?

If this is the result, there is no need to worry too much.

At least with everything that's happening now, there will still be more opportunities for them.

The prerequisite for doing all this well is to control these things!

There must not be any more mistakes, lest they become even more uncomfortable.

This will become quite uncomfortable, and even make them unable to control it.

No matter what, the current situation may be like this, and there is no room for them to think too much about it!

Even if there is such leeway, no one may be able to make good use of these things!

Then Qin Feng said slowly: "Then let's have a thorough understanding!"

Then he came to the side and meditated on the spot, quietly comprehending the power of these dark origins.

At the same time, he removed all his defenses and became the chosen one of this era. He allowed these dark sources to erode wantonly on his body without making any resistance.

The Dark Demon next to him was almost stunned.

No defense? Wouldn't it be that he was suffering all this pain in vain?

This person's courage is really great! But he no longer hesitated, but felt all this immediately.

Qin Feng is now making full preparations, hoping to quickly understand the origin of darkness through this method.

He no longer hesitated and immediately opened his claws, frantically absorbing the surrounding dark power, allowing these things to hit his body.

But to him, it was just scratching an itch.

Qin Feng closed his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth to persist.

This may put a lot of pressure on him, but as long as he gets through it, there won't be any problems in other aspects.

This still has more opportunities for him now.

As long as you can control it well, you can still accept it!

And he will not pay attention to the Dark Demon God. It is of no use at all. As the Dark Demon God, he is so powerful, and only the Lord of the Dark Demon Clan of the seventh era has come to this place in the south of the sky. Top.

Isn't this something that comes easily to them? But it's different for him!

Once the physical body undergoes qualitative changes, the increased combat effectiveness cannot be compared to the slight improvement of the Dark Demon!

Qin Feng shouted angrily and made a hand seal. At the same time, the dark spirit in the divine sea of ​​dantian came out automatically and attached to his body, wanting to wrap it tightly. As long as it could be protected, That won't be too much of a problem.

And with everything that is happening now, there will be no other problems.

If they cannot control it well, they may have to pay a higher price next!

So that they can't control it at all, and overall, it will become even more unbelievable.

"If you can't hold it anymore, just tell me. I can feel that there is a steady stream of dark power on the top of Tiannan, which is gathering here. I think it should be the changes in the world caused by the two of you!" At this time, Ta Ling's voice came over.

What he said is extremely true. The entire Tiannan Peak is almost undergoing a major change.

It has entered the chaotic darkness, and it seems a bit shocking. Everyone is looking at the changes here in disbelief, but most people don't know what is happening here!

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