Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2033 Tired of living

He told everything about the previous scene, and everyone couldn't help but frown after hearing it.

Did you really not expect that this would happen in the end?

This was really unexpected for them. Even if they wanted to solve this problem, it was probably impossible.

At least he would not give the other party such a chance. After hearing this, Yang Tianlong and others felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

I never thought that these people would be so shameless.

If it were spread, who would choose to believe it easily?

"It seems that the reason why Rakshasa Ghost Lord made such a choice is that he still has some thoughts of his own in his heart, but some things are a pity after all. Even if we want to do this, I'm afraid the other party won't give it. We have this opportunity, if we really want to go this far, how easy is it?" Yang Zaitian sighed.

This kind of thing is obviously beyond their imagination and cognition, and this kind of taking advantage of the situation is indeed shameful to them. If there is no good way in the end, how can they take advantage of this?

I'm afraid this is just shooting themselves in the foot. The other party's purpose is so bad, but after all, they may still have some purposes of their own.

As for how they want to make money from it? Maybe it's not what they need to care about.

Because once this happens, it will become even more difficult to end it.

So much so that no one is willing to see this beyond their imagination and knowledge.

"What I'm talking about is, does this so-called Longmen person really have that much energy? Can he ignore the problem to this extent? It seems that this is really unbelievable. If I had never heard of it, I would have been fooled. "Yeah." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but sigh.

They have reached a point where they are struggling. If they can't figure out this solution, the consequences will be even more unacceptable for them.

And if it really reaches that point, I'm afraid not just anyone can do this easily.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly. He already knew it, but what else could he do now?

"Brothers, I know that the other party's purpose is not pure, but I also want to solve this problem as soon as possible. Unfortunately, until now, I have not thought of a complete solution. In short, this point is definitely far beyond our imagination, even if If I want to solve this trouble, I'm afraid I have to pay a certain price." He couldn't help but sigh, and there was nothing he could do. Otherwise, how could he solve the problem in this way?

He has never been a person who allows himself to be manipulated by others, but the situations that are happening now are indeed very imaginative.

What's more, in this matter, it seems that the other party has been leading the way.

It’s not clear, if they continue to proceed in this way and cooperate with the people of Longmen, will there be any other benefits to them?

This is indeed worthy of making them puzzled, and they want to find out this even more.

Otherwise, once it is not understood, the consequences will inevitably become more serious and reach an extremely incredible level.

"Actually, let me tell you this. They are just tired of living, and they dare to make trouble on our heads? Who would be willing to believe this?" Wan Xulin is impatient. After all, there is really no What a better way.

Want to poop and pee on their heads? Then don't weigh it and see if there is anything worth paying attention to.

If you cannot grasp even this point, I am afraid that everything you do next will no longer be of any use or significance.

On the contrary, it will make them have endless daydreams. If they really reach that point, I am afraid that the other party will be even more aggressive.

"Black Dragon, I know what you are thinking, but this matter is indeed not that simple. Even if you don't want to admit it, this is probably an indisputable fact, isn't it?" Yang Tianlong smiled bitterly.

Why doesn't he want to do this? But what can be done now?

The reason why I still choose like this is simply that there is no better result.

If they can seize this opportunity, those things can be easily solved.

At this time, Qin Feng said slowly: "Senior Brother Tianlong is right, Sect Master Wan, we have reached the point where we are at the end of our rope. If we really cannot solve it, I am afraid we will have to pay a considerable price in the future." OK."

It's just that the Dark Demon God and Baili Qinghe have always been extremely cunning and cunning.

This cannot be denied, and as this matter develops, the consequences will inevitably become more serious.

If it really reaches the point where no one can solve it, this will probably make them even more unbelievable.

Even in the end, they could only act obediently according to the other party's orders.

It is impossible for them to have too many other ideas, otherwise, I am afraid that this matter will become more and more difficult.

"Junior Brother Qin Feng, can we only choose cooperation now?" At this time, Yang Zaitian suddenly asked curiously.

Regarding this, although there is no better way now, it can be predicted clearly.

And if something like this happened in front of their eyes, it would be even more unbelievable.

"There is no other way now. We can only be forced to agree. Maybe there is still room to solve it. Moreover, the matter of the second clone is actually more important. We have to guard against this." Qin Feng said with a wry smile.

He must be clear about the truth, but what is the truth of the problem?

He didn't want to figure it out, because if he didn't figure it out, it might make people even more uncomfortable.

This is enough to make them pay a heavy price, reaching an even more incredible level.

In this case, relying solely on these things now will not be enough for them to control things well.

"Well, it seems we have to go look for the Rakshasa Ghost Lord again." At this time, Yang Zaitian gave a bitter smile.

The last thing he wanted to see was a situation like this.

But now it is indeed happening in front of their eyes, how can they deny it?

And they can only place all their hopes on Qin Feng.

This is an indisputable fact. Even though they are reluctant to admit it, it actually happened in front of them.

It would be great to be able to seize this opportunity tightly. What they fear most is that they will have no chance at all in the end.

That would be so embarrassing that there would be no chance of winning.

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