Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2039 Arrival

The preparations they are making now are nothing more than considerations for the future.

Even the Dark Demon God's original intention was just to obtain the Dark World alone, but now it has become impossible.

If we had known today, why would we have done it in the first place?

After all, everything is not that simple. It can only be said that they thought too little.

If not, things would never have turned out like this.

But next, they can think of some other methods. Maybe in this way, they can accept this result in an orderly manner.

As long as we can seize this opportunity tightly, there should be no other changes or mistakes.

"I do have a clever plan, but I don't know if it will succeed. I think the people from Longmen will definitely follow the spatial coordinates given by Rakshasa Ghost Lord and come to the dark world. If we carry out a robbery and murder on him, he will be there. If we blame Qin Feng for this, I think we will have a great chance." At this time, Baili Qinghe suddenly said.

The Dark Demon was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

This is true. After all, the time and opportunities they can control now are indeed not too much.

But he didn't expect that Baili Qinghe would be so cunning and cunning in what he did.

If this were spread, who would be willing to believe it?

I'm afraid there won't be anyone, and I even have to suspect that his purpose is not pure.

But he believed it, but where would this spatial coordinate appear?

This is another question. Even now, they don't dare to make rash guesses.

"Tell me, where will they choose to go in the end?" After coming back to his senses, the Dark Demon God asked.

Baili Qinghe paced back and forth in the room, obviously thinking.

It's just that he thought for a long time and couldn't think of a reasonable and definite answer.

Finally, he said: "If my guess is correct, it should be in the Void City, that place is the most likely."

When he came to the dark world before, he also did some research.

He basically has a thorough understanding of every place in the advanced star field, so naturally there will be no other changes or mistakes.

And at this point, since it has already happened, there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

As long as you can cope with this, you can accept the result no matter what price you pay. Otherwise, no one would be willing to see this happen to them.

After I figured this out, everything was relieved.

"City of the Void, this is a secret and good place, but I don't know if I can get those rewards in the end? That place is not that simple after all. If we are rash and careless, I am afraid we may not be able to accept it." The Dark Demon God slowly Said slowly.

At this point, he still doesn't have much confidence.

This is reasonable. Who told us that such a change happened in the end? Even if they want to deny it, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Baili Qinghe smiled and said: "Don't worry, everything is possible. Of course, the prerequisite for doing this is that we must seize these opportunities tightly. Otherwise, the result of the matter will definitely make us quite miserable." Uncomfortable.”

Now that we have such preparations, we no longer need to worry about it.

This can be considered within their scope of consideration. Even if some accidents happen, so what?

Judging from this situation, the Void City does have a great possibility, and we have to guard against this.

Finally, they sent powerful men from all sides under their banner to prepare to go to that place.

As for what price it will ultimately pay? It's not something they need to worry about.

At this point, there is still a lot of certainty, and it is absolutely impossible to have too many considerations because of this. This will definitely make them unbelievable. If they really reach that point, they don’t know how many years and months it will take. Only then can you see the remarkable effect.

At this moment, Qin Feng and others are preparing to set off to greet the people from Longmen who are coming.

"We rushed to the Void City rashly. If the Dark Demon God and the others noticed it, wouldn't the consequences be quite serious?" At this time, Yang Tianlong said worriedly.

If not for this preparation, who would be willing to choose to proceed in this way?

But now there is no other way. This is a dark world that belongs to them. Even if they want to deny it, it will not have any effect.

On the contrary, this will make it more difficult for them to accept, but if the other party really causes trouble, the consequences will definitely be difficult for them to accept.

Qin Feng waved his hand and then said: "Don't worry, it's probably unlikely. If they really had such strength, I'm afraid they would have already chosen to take action. As for them wanting to cause such trouble, let them go. "

He is very open-minded, and when the soldiers come, the water will block the water and the soil will flood.

If you really want to cause trouble for them, I'm afraid just relying on these things now is probably not enough.

Even they had to pay a certain price before they could take such precautions.

Seeing that Qin Feng had already said this, they naturally would not have any other opinions.

Finally, he left here. This time, Qin Feng went alone. He should not worry about other things for the time being.

Although for some reason, Qin Feng always has some worries of his own in his heart, but judging from the current situation, the result may have become quite clear.

Even if they want to deny it, this is an indisputable fact.

It's just that I did see some incredible people in this place. Because of this, I have these so-called gains now.

If not for this reason. The situation will not definitely develop in this direction.

"Qin Feng, I think you can be more careful this time." At this time, the tower spirit of the Dark Tower suddenly said.

Qin Feng couldn't help but look at him in surprise. Where did he start talking about this?

Is it true that there is no such certainty and plan? If this is really the case in the end, then this kind of thing is indeed worth pondering.

After all, no one wants to see such a situation occur, and the final result will become unacceptable to them.

Qin Feng couldn't help but smile. There was no point in worrying about this now.

The reason why it continued in this way in the end was simply because we had grasped some new opportunities.

If it were not for this reason, perhaps this reason would not be so sufficient.

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