Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2069 Not bad

Now at this time, Dark Demon is also being pushed to the shelves.

He couldn't imagine how powerful Qin Feng was.

And if you can't deal with this point, I'm afraid the price you'll pay will become even greater.

Now it depends on whether Qin Feng is willing to agree to himself, and he will try his best to absorb the energy contained in his second clone in the Immortal Stone Star Territory.

Qin Feng only looked at the dark demon in front of him. It seemed that the other party still had such strong confidence in his own strength.

But can this source of confidence be controlled by him?

Now it seems that these things are somewhat different.

The most fearful thing is that in the end there will be no chance, and it will become a bit embarrassing.

After coming back to his senses, Qin Feng said with a smile: "No matter what, now that it has happened, it has to be solved. Of course I am confident in my own strength, but what is your strength? Maybe no one can It can be easily predicted, but at this time, don’t pretend to be calm here. Do you really think that I don’t know what Xiao Jiujiu is in your heart? If you don’t believe it, then we can give it a try, just hope that it comes. At that time, just don’t regret it.”

He has firmly grasped the Dark Demon, and he will not have too many other thoughts about this.

But if you have to make a choice, it's still possible for him to take good care of you.

If they can't handle this at all, then Qin Feng may not need to continue to hang out.

In this case, it will eventually bring them many opportunities.

The Dark Demon God's face couldn't help but darken. He really didn't expect that it had reached this point. Qin Feng was still so aggressive when he spoke. Could it be that he believed that he could win?

If this were the case, it would definitely not be that simple.

More importantly, Qin Feng may not necessarily control all opportunities in this choice.

"I'm really not sure what changes will happen by then, but Qin Feng, don't be so confident. It's quite easy for me to solve your problem." The Dark Demon said coldly.

He didn't give too many chances. Otherwise, he might still be the one regretting it in the end.

He was not willing to pay such a price before everything was in place.

Qin Feng couldn't help but shook his head. He really didn't have that much leisure time.

But now that it has happened, he won't think too much about it anymore.

Then he gently hooked his fingers towards the other party, causing the Dark Demon's face to darken instantly.

It seems that Qin Feng is still quite confident in his own strength. Otherwise, how could such a situation happen?

It’s just that when these things cannot be demonstrated, it will naturally not be that simple anymore.

The Dark Demon God made a hand seal with his hands, and an invisible energy burst out from his body almost instantly.

No matter what the final result is, at least this is what must be faced.

The dark energy continued to gather towards him, looking so majestic.

Look at this, the price that needs to be paid in the future will probably become even greater because of this.

Qin Feng's face also showed a dignified look.

He knew very well that the Dark Demon's all-out attack would not be that simple.

If he can't grasp it now, I'm afraid it will make him even more uncomfortable by then.

Thinking about it carefully, I always feel that things like this will never be that simple anymore.

The black energy instantly condensed into a gigantic black dragon that hovered in the sky and let out a dragon roar. People with slightly lower strength would feel their hearts tremble due to this.

This incident indeed happened too fast. They almost didn't grasp it well, and such a change had already occurred. If it weren't for a certain reason, some people would have retreated by now, so why wait until now? It doesn't give them too many choices at all.

The black dragon suddenly opened its eyes and looked at Qin Feng with a hint of joking.

It seemed that he wanted to suppress Qin Feng with lightning speed.

But the current situation has become a little different.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help but sweat for Qin Feng, and Wan Xulin even more so. He knew very well that what he was doing now was really childish compared to what he had done before.

If it weren't for some reasons, they would have been frightened at this time.

What's especially important is that such a change may never be that simple again.

"I don't know if Junior Brother Qin Feng can survive it safely, but looking at the current situation, it seems that everything will not be that simple anymore." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

Of course he hopes Qin Feng can withstand this move, but some things may not go as they wish.

But looking at the current situation, it will definitely not be that easy anymore.

Moreover, the Dark Demon almost uses all his killing moves, and he has a feeling of being unstoppable. If you think about it carefully, you will always feel that things like this will not be so easy again.

But as long as something can be done, basically there won't be any big problems.

Yang Zaitian patted his shoulder and then said: "Don't worry, Junior Brother Qin Feng is not bad. I think he will be able to survive."

For such changes, no one would be willing to make easy choices, but as long as we can seize this opportunity tightly, it is still possible to solve it.

At this time, there was a feeling of black clouds looming over the city. The black dragon instantly came to Qin Feng's head, seeming to want to devour him entirely in the shortest possible time.

He was not given any chance to react at all, but the current situation would eventually become a little uneasy.

Qin Feng's face couldn't help but show a solemn look.

How could he not see that such a change was taking place?

But now it seems that there is no other way. No matter how much you don't want to admit it, this will be an indisputable fact. Only after it reaches a point that even they cannot solve, will things change with such a choice? It will be even more troublesome.

The sound of the dragon's roar almost made his ears ring.

He was even more confused, and it really shocked him.

Even if we want to solve this problem perfectly, it seems impossible.

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