At this moment, Baili Qinghe could be considered to have understood what the Dark Demon God meant.

I'm afraid Qin Feng should be causing trouble behind this matter.

If it weren't for this reason, perhaps many things would actually be obvious.

"Lord Demon God, is it possible that Qin Feng really did this? But with his ability, how could he achieve this? In my opinion, this matter seems a bit unimaginable. !" Baili Qinghe said in shock at this moment.

Even though he didn't want to believe it, the Dark God had already said so.

Maybe the final result of the matter will really be like this.

In other words, they must be fully prepared to properly solve this problem. Otherwise, not only will they no longer have those opportunities, but they will also have to pay even more for it. price.

The Dark Demon God came back to his senses and replied: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible. I know how high-end my second clone is, and it happened in the Immortal Stone Star Territory. Existing in the dark world, it seems that the result of this problem is already obvious. "

No matter what, the Dark God has now guessed some unlikely things.

But it is indeed placed in front of them. Even if they want to deny it, how can they solve this crisis?

Overall, I'm afraid there will still be many changes for them.

When this change takes place, it will be even more incredible.

Baili Qinghe actually felt quite puzzled in his heart.

Because this is his biggest reliance, but now such a change has happened.

If they cannot explain this well, they may have to pay a higher price for it.

Once this happens, it will be even more unexpected, to the point where it is incredible.

That is what is truly extremely uncomfortable, and there is no other better way to describe what happened.

Baili Qinghe asked again: "But apart from Qin Feng, there seems to be no other possibility here! Is there any other mystery to this matter?"

They all have different views on this issue, because they really don't know how to consider this.

The Dark Demon was pacing back and forth in the room. It was obvious that he was very upset inside.

They want to solve this problem, but they feel that such a thing is unlikely to be that simple after all. If they can't cope with it, they will have to pay a heavier price for it.

In this case, not only will it not be of any help or significance to them, but the final result will not necessarily be so simple.

Not long after, the Dark Demon's eyes couldn't help but light up. Why didn't he think of something?

That is, these things seem to be a little different now, but in fact it has already been obvious.

The reason why it hasn't happened yet must be because of some other reasons.

"I think I probably know what this is all about." The Dark Demon took a deep breath.

Even though he was reluctant to admit it in his heart, this was an indisputable fact.

Baili Qinghe quickly asked: "Sir, please tell us quickly, what kind of changes have taken place? Are there really those reasons for this?"

At this moment, he felt extremely curious about this matter, but he knew very well in his heart that it was probably impossible to reach such a point.

The Dark Demon God nodded and said: "Although this matter does not have any other suspense for you, I can see from it that this matter should not be that simple. Even if you don't I am too willing to believe that, in my opinion, this is indeed what it is now.”

Then he told something about the original will of the dark universe in the dark world.

This original will is actually the actual controller of the dark world. He almost controls the will of these people in the dark world.

It is precisely because of this that a phenomenon like this has emerged, which makes them feel that it is impossible to prevent it. Otherwise, even if they want to solve the problem quickly, it will not be like this.

All in all, what should have happened has actually happened before their eyes, and they are not allowed to deny it too much.

But doesn’t the original will always want to control those people? Why is there such a result in the end? In their opinion, this seems a bit unusual.

But the current situation makes it impossible for them to speak out properly.

Then the Dark Demon God said: "It seems that it is very likely that Qin Feng and the original will reached some kind of consensus to completely hide my second clone."

"Then what should we do now? Is it possible that we have just let it go? If that's the case, I won't be able to accept the result! And these things don't seem that simple now." Baili Qinghe I couldn't help but sigh.

This kind of thing has indeed happened, and if they have too many regrets now, it will not be of great help to them.

If this goes on for a long time, the consequences will become even more serious.

After reaching such a point, I wonder if they can solve this problem properly with their current strength?

No one can know the answer, because such a thing really makes them too passive.

The Dark Demon shook his head. No matter what, they must make a new plan now.

If they can't even grasp this point in the end, the price they pay will probably become even greater.

Even if they are not careful, what they get in the end will not be so simple.

Now it seems that there is no chance, but in fact, they still have a certain initiative.

As for how to completely solve this trouble in the end? It depends on what they think in their hearts.

This damn dark universe world's original will actually wants to go against them? If they don't teach them a good lesson, they really don't know that in front of a higher plane, it is a necessary rule to maintain due humility.

But now want to overturn this point? Maybe there will be no such possibility at all.

The Dark Devil would not want to give them such an opportunity. After all, after this incident, everything would not be so simple anymore.

In other words, as long as they could prepare themselves again, there should still be room for maneuver.

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