Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2142 The past is like smoke

"Is this damn Qin Feng crazy? Our strength has become stronger and stronger now, and he still has to choose to solve it in this way. Is he really not afraid of the dangers he will encounter at the last critical moment? existence? Or is it that he is quite confident in his own strength and thinks that he will not have any other mishaps? "

"Who knows? But Qin Feng is indeed too arrogant. It seems that this time he will probably fall."

"No matter what, what should have happened has already happened. There is no room for any other excessive considerations, lest the price paid will become even greater. In this case, maybe We will all become cannon fodder.”

"I hope that Lord Demon God can cure this person, so as not to be unsure at all times. That would be a bit unrealistic."

The Five Elements Demon King was discussing in a low voice there. It can be said that they were quite angry about Qin Feng's situation.

None of them thought that Qin Feng would be so shameless. If they had been prepared, many things would have been obvious when Qin Feng came here.

There is no need to worry about other changes happening at all, but since some things that should happen have already appeared, they can't make too many decisions.

The Dark Demon God at this moment can be said to be extremely angry.

Because such a thing is unlikely to be controllable by them.

"Qin Feng, you are here less. Do you think I don't know what your real purpose is? It's just that you have to face these things now that you have no choice but to face them. If there is a chance, I will I don't think you will give up easily, so let's talk about the real purpose of coming here, which may help you reduce a lot of losses." The Dark Demon God looked at Qin Feng in front of him quietly.

There are some things that he doesn't want to talk about at all. Firstly, it won't be of any substantial help, and secondly, it will make them pay a worse price.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to take action and perhaps reduce considerable losses.

Even if they did encounter some costs that they couldn't control at that time, they could actually be within a reasonable range.

Qin Feng ignored it and looked into the room.

He had already heard it just now, so there was not too much surprise on his face.

"Let the friend in the room come out and speak. I want to see who he is and whether he is a person under the original will. He doesn't want to make progress and wants to associate with wolves. It seems that today Even if I don’t want to deal with this matter anymore, I can’t do it anymore,” Qin Feng said with a smile.

Everyone's faces had already turned the color of pig liver and became extremely ugly.

Who could have predicted that such a change would happen in the end? It is simply difficult for them to imagine.

But when this change actually occurs, will they finally be able to gain a certain opportunity?

In their opinion, there is still a big gap.

If they cannot take advantage of this, it may cause them some unpredictable losses.

Not long after, there was a noise, and a man in black robes instantly appeared in Qin Feng's sight. For some reason, when he saw the man in black robes, it actually put him under great pressure.

No matter how you look at it, you feel that this matter is not that simple, and it is really unexpected.

But now doesn't seem to be the time to think about these issues. Over time, the price that needs to be paid may become even heavier.

And this also means to some extent that they are unlikely to have those gains again.

Qin Feng looked at the man in black robes in front of him and couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Such a powerful figure suddenly appeared in front of him, which actually made him feel frightened.

More importantly, it is simply not the right time to talk so much nonsense.

So as not to pay more for it later, which may not be satisfactory.

It is very likely that they will all have to pay a heavy price, and in this case, it may become even less simple.

What's more, it will reach a point where even they have to look up to them.

"It seems that this should be your reliance, but I'm not sure, what does this kind of reliance mean to you? Or can you find it when faced with this kind of thing?" Qin Feng said with a smile.

But he already had a lot of ideas in his mind. In his opinion, such a thing would never be as simple as it seems on the surface. If it is not handled properly, the consequences will become more and more serious. The tragedy.

The man in black robe did not show any signs of anger after hearing such mocking words.

He smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. Although you still seem to have some abilities now, in my opinion, it's just that."

This is what he hates the most. If the solution is still not in place at the last critical moment, I'm afraid it will make them even more unbelievable.

If it really reaches that point, if you think about it carefully, you will always feel that this kind of thing will seem quite wrong.

Qin Feng frowned, not knowing the origin of this man in black robe.

But no matter how you look at it, something like this is no longer as simple as it seems.

Being able to come to this place is enough to explain some new problems.

But now they don't seem to have that much control over this.

Over time, perhaps the price paid will become even greater.

When it really reaches that point, it's really unclear whether they can cope with this crisis with their current abilities?

Now it seems that all this is no longer that simple.

If you still can't cope with it in the end, you may have to think of other ways.

In this current state, it is simply not suitable to have other entry points.

"May I ask where you came from? I don't know why the original will values ​​you so much that it allowed you to come here. It seems that everything is not as simple as it seems." Qin Feng decided to make an innuendo.

I hope to get some more useful information from it, so that the inexplicable price they pay will not be in vain.

At least at this point, you can still have the opportunity to witness it.

In order not to pay a more heavy price for this, it depends on whether the other party will tell him roughly his origin.

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