Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2161 Bai Luotian

Seeing that the other party still looked confident until this moment, Qin Feng couldn't help but sneer.

At this critical moment, will talking to him so much nonsense still have any effect?

In Qin Feng's view, this is just a wasted choice.

If some things were really decided, I think it wouldn't be like this.

Thinking about it carefully, it is quite good for them to at least ensure the overall development of this kind of thing, and now, at this time, it is really not suitable to talk so much nonsense.

Lest the price they have to pay is far beyond their ability to bear.

And thinking about so many things now will not only not be of any help to them, but there may be some worse situations when the time comes.

Then Qin Feng said with a smile on his face: "Of course you know that if you can hide something like this from others, you can't hide it from me, so I can be so well prepared, how about it? Now in your hearts How do you feel about this? Do you find this extremely embarrassing?”

His sarcastic words can be said to be quite obvious. At this moment, there is no need to worry about so many things.

Otherwise, the consequences will become even more serious. Once it reaches that point, the situation will be far beyond their imagination and cognition.

On a more serious note, it would be unthinkable to have any room for maneuver in this matter.

Basically, there will never be such a certainty again. If this continues, then this will definitely be somewhat inappropriate.

The old man in gray robe frowned. He had never thought that Qin Feng would have such strong confidence in his own strength. It seemed that he underestimated the other party after all. Otherwise, how could this happen? What about an accident?

And now all these things will no longer be that simple.

Then he said: "Young people are full of vigor. This is actually understandable, but some things will make me very confused after all. Why do you have such strong confidence in your own strength? What is the source of this? Where? It seems like you have been through a lot."

This is also what the current gray-robed old man is quite curious about.

If this cannot be solved for various reasons, it will probably make it more difficult for them to grasp it.

But at this time, there is really no room for them to think too much.

"Before I answer, it's better for you to explain your identity first, so as not to be embarrassed later." Qin Feng sneered.

Bai Shengxue has said that this is definitely not as simple as it seems.

What's more, now that such a change has occurred, no matter what, it is definitely unlikely that this matter will be as easy as it seems on the surface.

If they are still unsure about the next step, they can only think of other ways.

But at this critical moment, there is really no room for them to think wildly.

After coming back to his senses, the old man in gray robe nodded, and then said: "Strictly speaking, I am actually a member of the Bai family. My name is Bai Luotian. I think I was also a real man with strong bones back then, and my name was Bai Luotian." The achievements can be said to be quite high, but they have always been hidden behind the scenes, so on some things, you may know more about Bai Shengxue, not me. He is my clan brother. It's a pity that he made the wrong choice. Starting from today, Lord Origin Will will pursue him aimlessly and permanently.”

When he said this, he looked very proud.

No matter what, after all, things had happened before their eyes. After Qin Feng heard it, he couldn't help but frown at this moment.

Because in his opinion, this point seemed too sudden.

"Now it seems that this matter is indeed not that simple, but I am quite curious about some things. Why do you have to surrender to the original will? Aren't you afraid of being scolded? The strength of your Bai family is in the entire hidden world. I think you are one of the best among the world sect, and your achievements are immeasurable. I really can't think of any good reason to support your decision like this." Qin Feng took a deep breath.

Obviously, he was quite confused about this.

If it cannot be resolved, the consequences may become even more disastrous.

At this time, there is no room for them to consider other aspects.

After Bai Luotian heard this, he couldn't help but sneered and shook his head.

The matter has reached this point, whether it is making mistakes again and again, or pulling back from the brink in time, for him, it is already too late.

In many things, there may not be more choices, but if they can have all these opportunities, they will be even more uncertain about the situation.

Even if those so-called accidents do occur at the last critical moment, it does not mean that there are no other possibilities.

"Qin Feng, I may know what you are thinking in your heart, but what can I do? Originally, you were highly valued by Master Origin Will, and it can be said that you have a good future. It is a pity that you gave up this opportunity abruptly. Buried." At this time, Bai Luotian said slowly.

In a way, he is also grateful to Qin Feng, otherwise how could he get ahead?

Therefore, at this moment, I don't dare to say anything else.

Lest you pay a certain price, the consequences will become more serious.

It's just that Qin Feng now doesn't care about some things, and his determination to do whatever it takes makes Bai Luotian feel a sense of fear in his heart.

Therefore, at this time today, Qin Feng must be completely eliminated in order to permanently eliminate their worries.

And the people he brought to betray the Bai family were all strong among them, and their rankings in the family were quite high.

Coupled with the secret help of the Dark Demon God and Baili Qinghe, as well as the original will, there should be no other mistakes or changes in the matter of hunting Qin Feng.

If not, I'm afraid I can only think of other better ways to deal with this matter.

Looking at the actions of these people, Qin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly at this moment, and then said: "It seems that I should know what your real purpose is. Do you want to hunt me? Then we have to see if you have the strength. , If you don’t even have this strength, it’s nothing more than wishful thinking.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a powerful aura suddenly erupted, shocking the entire audience. Even the Dark Demon God and others couldn't help but take a breath at this moment.

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