Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2201 Disappointed

At this time, Qin Feng didn't know what happened in the low-level star field.

Faced with such aggressive people and faces, he suddenly had no better choice.

After all, this kind of thing happened too suddenly for them. Even if they had already thought of a certain way to solve this crisis, it seemed impossible at this moment.

It may even cost them a heavier price. Once it reaches that incredible point, will there be any other room for maneuver?

No one can figure out what will happen in the end.

It's just that at this time, they don't need too many other considerations, and after thinking about it for a long time, they haven't found a practical way.

This naturally made them extremely worried, and they were not sure whether there would be any other room for maneuver in the future.

"Junior Brother Qin Feng, what the other party is doing is really too scary. I don't know how we can solve this dilemma. I'm afraid it seems impossible for us to leave here quickly. "At this time, Yang Tianlong said, perhaps worried.

If you still can't leave in the end, you will have to be trapped in this place for the time being.

And they can't take any other actions, after all, this is definitely not as simple as they imagined.

After Qin Feng heard this, he couldn't help but frowned.

It seems that there is really no other way now, otherwise they would not proceed in this way at all. This is actually very unfair to them at the moment.

And if they are not careful, they may end up paying a heavier price for this.

Once they really reach that point, will they have other opportunities?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but said: "Brothers, I know you have encountered some difficulties now, but there is really nothing else worth saying about this matter. If we want to be thorough in the end, To solve this problem, we may have to pay a certain price, otherwise I’m afraid we won’t have these opportunities anymore.”

Now that some things have occurred, perhaps we have to take precautions. Because of this, even though he knew the final result, Qin Feng did not show too much worry, because he always felt that this matter It will eventually develop in the direction he expected.

And this is indeed the case. Faced with such a situation, the thousands of people observing their movements at this time can more or less explain the emergence of some new problems. If they are not careful, they will eventually You may have to pay an extremely heavy price for this.

However, after seeing that Qin Feng seemed to have no other reaction, Qianrenqianmian breathed a sigh of relief for the time being.

"Do you think I don't have this chance to escape?" At this time, Qin Feng seemed to have noticed the other party's gaze and couldn't help but sneer.

When thousands of people heard his words, they all couldn't help but frown.

There was always something not right in his heart at this moment. Could it be that Qin Feng already had other countermeasures?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sneer and said: "It seems that you should already have some other ideas in your mind. Otherwise, you wouldn't proceed in this way at all."

Want to delay time with him? There simply wouldn't be so many possibilities, and he wouldn't give the other party that chance.

After all, in this matter, Qianrenqianmian has taken the absolute initiative, and there is no need to be afraid in any other way.

However, at this time, Qin Feng suddenly said with a smile: "If this is really the case, then I may have to disappoint you."

I saw him taking out the Panyu Sword and swiping it directly into the space behind him.

A crack instantly appeared in front of them. After seeing this scene, Yang Tianlong and the three people who had already discussed it did not hesitate and headed directly towards the crack.

But in a blink of an eye, it had already left this range.

Looking at the thousands of faces at this moment, their faces have already turned extremely ugly.

Because such a situation is simply not something they can handle easily today.

Over time, even this will cost them more. Once they reach that incredible point, will they still have some other options?

Obviously, today's thousands of people are already very angry.

Because such a situation is simply not something they can easily grasp.

"It seems that you are very scheming. You actually thought of using this method to completely get rid of me. But do you think this is really effective? Qin Feng, what if they can escape? In the end, it is still impossible to solve the current crisis, so you might as well stay here obediently." At this time, thousands of people are not angry.

After Qin Feng listened, he sat quietly in that place.

It's not that he doesn't have the ability to escape, he just wants to see what the other party's purpose is for doing this?

If the final situation is still like this, it is worth making them think about it.

Because this situation is not that simple from any perspective. Once it is beyond their control, will there be any room for solution?

In the end, they simply closed their eyes and meditated, because such a result was simply not something they could easily predict now.

And the current situation is indeed full of more disbelief.

"It seems that you are indeed quite tolerant. Even if you let them escape, it will not help at all. Since you are willing to stay here, I will not accompany you." After seeing Qin Feng being so reticent, At this time, the thousands of people with thousands of faces no longer had so much leisure and leisure, and they just left this place.

At this moment, Yang Tianlong and others have returned to the Martyrs' Headquarters, and they can't help but have some fear in their hearts.

Because all this happened too fast, but Qin Feng was already trapped in that place, and they had to make some preparations again.

Ancestor Lijiang then appeared in front of them and informed them of some of the current situation in the dark world.

After learning that there were no other accidents, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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