Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2261 Anxious

When Qin Feng and the others were in full swing discussing the situation of the dark world with the Ninth Dean, the original will was already extremely urgent.

This situation is definitely not something they can easily endure now.

If you are not careful, you may pay more for it.

In addition, some of the actions of the black-robed man on his side did not bring any substantial benefits at all.

Over time, no matter what the final critical moment is, I'm afraid they will have to face this.

Otherwise, the consequences will definitely become more and more serious.

The man in black robe came to the front of the original will. At this time, he seemed a little trembling.

All the preparations I had made before had achieved nothing at all.

So much so that when such a situation occurs now, they have no time to deal with it.

The original will glared at him, and then asked: "What exactly is the situation? How could you make such a low-level mistake?"

Once Qin Feng and the others get the handle, I am afraid that the next matter will not be rectified.

This is the only thing they can understand clearly. It is precisely because they need to have a clear understanding that they cannot be so careless.

Otherwise, once this situation occurs, they will have to pay more for it.

In this case, can they make other preparations?

Obviously, such a problem is not something they can see.

The man in black robe quickly explained: "Sir, in fact, we have all tried our best on this matter, but it is a pity that none of us thought that Qin Feng could be so weird, which resulted in such a bad result. "

Even if you don’t want to admit it sometimes, so what?

It can't be said that because they missed this opportunity, they have to deal with it, right?

But no matter what, what should have happened has already happened in front of their eyes. Now, no matter how many explanations are given, they can no longer properly resolve this crisis.

After coming back to his senses, Origin Will's expression softened.

In such a situation, I don’t know what they should do to achieve results?

Moreover, the combat effectiveness shown by Qin Feng now surprised them more and more.

So in this case, how to properly deal with such a crisis?

If this situation remains in the end, it will inevitably cost them a greater price.

After reaching this situation, Qin Feng will be a great threat to them.

No one has the strength to properly solve this problem.

"Now he and I have reached a certain consensus, so even if there is so much anxiety on this matter, it is not necessarily possible to solve this problem now." He couldn't help but sigh.

If they are forced to break up, it will definitely be quite disadvantageous for them.

So in such a situation, can they seize other opportunities?

Obviously, this is an unknown.

If you don't deal with it properly, you will inevitably pay more for it.

Once they really reach that point, will they still have any choice?

I'm afraid no one could predict this, and the man in black robe finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

But now is not the time to be impulsive. You can only be cautious and do those things in secret.

Moreover, it is impossible for Qin Feng to do everything in place, and he will eventually let them take advantage of some loopholes.

By then, perhaps on many issues, they will no longer have to worry about other aspects.

After coming back to his senses, the man in black robe said tentatively: "Master Origin Will, since Qin Feng is so rampant now, why don't we formulate two sets of action plans? Even if he catches some of our tricks by then, I'm afraid It is unlikely that we will be forced to solve it, and even he will have to pay a certain price before this matter can be repaid. I think you are also full of hatred for him, right? "

The original will couldn't help but be stunned, and then nodded.

In his opinion, what the black robe said was indeed extremely accurate.

This is also the only opportunity they can take advantage of now.

If they cannot grasp this point, it will probably cause a huge blow to them.

But why doesn't he know these two options in his heart? But now is not the time to talk about these things.

What he needs to guard against the most is the ninth dean of the Dark Academy.

This is a really tricky person. Even he can't say he is completely sure.

Therefore, in such a situation, I wonder what kind of opportunities they can take advantage of next?

Then the original will coughed twice, and then said: "Don't worry, I have already made sure of these things. As long as he dares to take action, I will never be polite, but now there are people around Qin Feng For a master like Dean Ninth, I’m afraid I have to take action again.”

Although the man in black robe had no expression on his face, he couldn't help but feel shocked after hearing this.

After all, such a situation seemed unusual to him.

It's just that he doesn't quite know how to properly solve this problem next. Even he has heard of the great reputation of the Ninth Dean.

Therefore, in such a situation, there is really nothing to say.

If they still can't seize this opportunity next time, I'm afraid it will be full of more fear for them.

Once it cannot be resolved again, is there any other room for maneuver? This is not something that can be solved with just a few words.

Judging from the appearance of the original will, I am afraid that he already has some plans of his own in his heart.

The man in black robe did not intend to continue talking, because in his opinion, since some things had appeared before their eyes, I am afraid now is not the time to explain those things.

When the time comes, all he needs to do is cooperate with Haosheng, and everything will be solved.

And now he also has a group of masters under his command. If they can be mobilized at critical moments, they will definitely gain huge gains.

In this way, they no longer need to have those so-called worries.

Then the man in black robe left this place directly. After watching his leaving back, Origin Will had some thoughts of his own. In his opinion, some things could never be that simple, but now that It has appeared in front of them, and I am afraid they can only think of more countermeasures.

Thinking of this, his figure just disappeared, and I don't know what other plans he made.

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