Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2271 Delaying time

Under this situation now, the man in black robe is in a relatively beautiful mood.

He knew very well that the reason why Qin Feng agreed to him was actually obvious.

But the more this happens, the less he will admit it easily.

In order to avoid paying more price in the end, in this case, it may not be possible for them to control this matter.

Even if Qin Feng regrets it, what can he do?

After all, what should have happened has actually appeared in front of them. Even if they want to regret it, what problem can be solved?

I'm afraid that the final result may not necessarily be what they want.

Even to a certain extent, it is not what they want to see.

Qin Feng said disdainfully: "Do you think there is still a chance for you to regret it? Then you are too arrogant. I know your purpose is just to delay time. Since you want to wait for the original will If you ask for support, then I may let your conspiracy succeed. Hurry up, I want to see, even if he comes, what problems can you solve? "

It's okay not to say this, but after hearing this, the man in black robe felt a little incredible.

It was as if such a situation should not be something they could easily foresee now.

And the more it is like this now, the more it actually shows that maybe they can still grasp the opportunity now.

However, the prerequisite for completely resolving this matter is not that simple.

Even if it seems different, it is definitely not something they can grasp anymore.

The man in black robe took a deep breath and then said slowly: "As expected of Qin Feng, his thoughtfulness is enough to make everyone feel scared, but even if you guess it, what can you do? You really Do you think your strength can reach an unparalleled level? "

He actually felt quite disdainful of such a result.

However, due to various reasons, we now have to conduct some actual detection.

But if they could have been sure of all this, maybe they could still solve this huge problem.

Therefore, even if this matter seems different, this is what they have to face.

Qin Feng seemed a little indifferent. Even if this kind of thing was different, what could he do?

The other party has already provoked them to this point. If they show any tolerance next, then this matter will be unjustifiable.

The result at that time may make them even more disappointed.

Sometimes, such a change is not what they are willing to accept.

Dean Ninth is now somewhat unable to grasp Qin Feng's inner thoughts. He is really not sure why the other party said this.

However, in his impression, Qin Feng never seemed to do anything that was uncertain.

Therefore, at this moment, it can be considered acceptable.

As for what Qin Feng said, the man in black robe is stalling for time, waiting for the original will to come.

In time, this may become a foundation for other aspects.

It's not that they don't have any trump cards, and they will never let the other party be so presumptuous.

Then I saw the few people behind the black-robed man instantly spread out their posture, hoping to completely defeat them as soon as possible.

Because such a situation seems to them to be unusual. If they are still unable to properly solve this problem, I am afraid that there will be more constraints for them.

Therefore, only by taking action as soon as possible can they have a chance of winning in other aspects.

Otherwise, when this happens, it will make them appear even more passive.

No matter what, sometimes, what is shown is like this.

Even if they don't want to face it, it is an indisputable fact.

There is simply no room for them to have any further objections. If they are really unsure, will they be able to gain those gains again?

In fact, this is not necessarily what they want. After seeing how impatient they were, Qin Feng couldn't help but frowned. No matter how he looked at it, he always felt that the matter was no longer as simple as it was.

And now that they want to reach such a point, they will feel even more at a loss in their hearts.

Once they are finally unable to reach this point, will they have other opportunities?

Obviously, this is not something they want to solve and have enough room to solve.

Qin Feng frowned, it seemed that the other party was really going to take action.

The more this is the case, the more worthy it is for them to pay attention to this situation.

Then the Lijiang Ancestor and the Dragon General immediately launched their stance.

The purpose of today is just to find out other unreliable things, and now that we have such a plan, no one will choose to give up.

Otherwise, if we really miss the opportunity in the end, wouldn't it be quite a pity?

Obviously, in today's situation, even they may not have such certainty.

Only after making full use of all these opportunities can they dare to make other plans.

"Since you have already made a move, I have to face it, and this is what you insist on doing, so you can't blame me." At this time, Qin Feng sneered.

Because he really didn't know where the other party's strong confidence came from?

No matter how he looked at it, he always felt that the other party was too confident in some aspects.

Even if he wanted to solve it, it seemed unlikely at this moment.

If this goes on, it will be even more uncomfortable for them.

At the command of the black-robed man, everyone planned to start without any hesitation.

Because he knew very well in his heart that this matter could not be rushed, so as not to pay more for it.

But now they must recognize some indisputable facts in it, perhaps in this matter, they dare to say that they will have more chances of winning.

Otherwise, it will definitely make them even more unbelievable.

The troops of both sides fought directly together.

Although there are only four people on Qin Feng's side, their strength no longer needs to be questioned in any other aspects.

Especially the Dragon General, he is a top warrior from the Dragon Gate outside the domain.

In terms of controlling strength, he is definitely more powerful than the men in black robes.

Because of this, Qin Feng's eyes did not show any panic. He knew very well that although the Dragon General seemed unable to deal with them now, he had already made a decision in his heart.

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