Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2321 Countermeasures

At this time, the choices left to everyone should have become very rare.

The Dark Demon doesn't want what he sees to turn out to be unsolvable.

That will definitely make people feel extremely hesitant. If they can't solve it in the end, then the choices left to them may become even rarer.

Before all this is settled, obviously no one will think of making such an unrealistic choice.

That would not only make them feel more hesitant, but to some extent, the price they would have to pay would be far more than that.

Now that I think about it carefully, as long as they can take precautions in advance, they basically don't need to worry about it anymore.

Even if there seems to be no chance in the end, it doesn't mean that it will make them feel uncomfortable.

After all, such a situation had already happened before their eyes when it should have happened.

It is really not allowed for them to have too many other thoughts, otherwise, even if it comes to the final moment, what will happen?

And he very much believed that even if they couldn't say anything specific now, they would still have these choices.

This is also an opportunity that can be fully utilized. As long as you can seize this, no one will choose to give up these opportunities. If it will become quite unfortunate at that time, maybe at this point, they cannot be blamed. What will happen, because no matter what, as long as they can make full use of these opportunities, no one will choose to give them up.

As for what Qin Feng will say in the end? This is quite a problem.

If they can't seize such an opportunity, wouldn't it make them even more uncomfortable?

Therefore, as long as there is still a certain opportunity, no one will think of giving up this good opportunity.

But at this moment in the dark star field, Qin Feng has learned some new news, which makes his whole face change slightly, as if this situation is really happening. It was too sudden.

Even if they wanted to take such a precaution in advance, it seemed impossible at this moment.

This is a huge blow to them.

No one is willing to see this kind of situation happen to them, because in some cases, it is worth paying more attention to them.

If there is really no certainty, no one will foolishly do these unrealistic things, which will be even more inappropriate. Therefore, the more they can grasp these opportunities, it is actually quite necessary for them. .

"Junior Brother Qin Feng, what are you talking about? Could it be that such a situation really happened at that time?" At this time, Yang Tianlong looked in disbelief.

Because in his opinion, this situation happened too suddenly, right?

Even if you want to take these precautions in advance, there are very big difficulties.

Think about it carefully, if such an unexpected change really happened in the end, wouldn't they be even more uncomfortable?

Therefore, it is actually very good for them to be able to easily seize such an opportunity. If they are forced to do so in the end, they cannot blame them at all.

Qin Feng nodded very worriedly at this moment, because this was also a situation that he could not accept in his heart.

If it's still like this at the end of the day, perhaps their preparations will become increasingly sparse.

So no matter how they looked at it, they all felt a little unbelievable after learning the news.

After all, if ordinary people can be sure, who would choose to give up easily?

But now they have learned more or less about this kind of thing that was impossible to happen. On the whole, it is worthy of their attention.

If the situation is still the same in the end, will they still have other opportunities?

This is an unknown unknown. Even at this moment, no one dares to say that they will have a lot of certainty.

Therefore, in some cases, it is worth paying more attention to avoid paying more costs.

"It seems that the original will is still evil and wants to win over the Dark Demon God? Isn't he afraid that after doing so, he will pay some other prices?" Yang Zaitian said with a frown.

Some things cannot be explained in a few simple words.

But the more such a situation occurs, the more disadvantageous it will be to them in the end.

Qin Feng shook his head and said: "Now that they have such strong self-confidence, this is mostly due to the fact that they have such a large group of people who can take advantage of them. If it were not for this reason, perhaps many people would have given up long ago. Lost."

Although the Dark Demon God did not inform him of this matter, he had already received some rumors.

I don’t know what kind of evil plan this dark devil has in his heart?

This is something worth pondering over. If this is still the result, how can we make him accept it?

Now Qin Feng doesn't dare to say that he has full confidence, lest he pay a huge price, which will make people even more embarrassed in the end.

Yang Zaitian patted his shoulder and told him not to be so anxious.

As long as these things are still within their control, there is basically no need to worry.

However, the ambiguous attitude of the Dark Demon God is indeed worthy of making Qin Feng be wary of him.

Only like this, there is no need to worry about the next step.

What if he was sold in the end? Even if Qin Feng wanted to find someone to reason with, there was nothing he could do.

"Junior Brother Qin Feng, we must not be so anxious about this matter. If we are anxious, our influence will probably be reduced accordingly. Since the original will wants to do this, it has definitely been done. Fully prepared, just waiting for us to take the bait, he can close the net." Yang Tianlong said worriedly.

This has thrown all the problems back to them. It is not clear at all. What kind of conspiracy is there in the end?

If this conspiracy can no longer be clarified, how should they do it?

Regarding this issue, Qin Feng now doesn't know how to explain it.

Then he nodded and said: "Brothers, please rest assured, I will never let his conspiracy succeed easily."

Fortunately, the Dark Demon God has a chess piece of his own by his side.

These eyes will fixate on the Dark Demon and will not allow him to overstep too much.

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