Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2339 Suspicious Person

In fact, in Qin Feng's heart, he wished that the Origin Will would no longer care about the affairs of the dark world from now on.

However, since the Origin Will has made such a concession, he will not say any more nonsense about other aspects.

He will not easily miss this opportunity that he finally got.

Even if they don't have these guarantees in the end, it doesn't mean that they will not have other opportunities.

Now that he has got such an advantage, if he still sticks to these, I am afraid that the Origin Will will not be willing to pay for it.

And he also believes that this should be the biggest concession that the Origin Will can make.

For him, it is already quite good to have such a harvest now.

"Yes, since you have such a realization, I will not force you too much, but the Origin Will, although I say so, I advise you not to be too presumptuous next time, otherwise you should understand how serious the consequences will be. At that time, even if I am, I am afraid I will not show any mercy to you." Qin Feng got off the mountain.

He knew very well why such a situation happened in the end.

But now is not the time to dwell on these issues, and the original will's expression eased a lot.

Then he led the black cloud and dark sun away from here, not wanting to stay here for a moment.

Otherwise, there might be some unexpected changes, and Qin Feng and others were relieved.

At least this problem has long been obvious.

If they want to make full use of this opportunity, they are naturally very sure.

After confirming that the original will has completely left, Qin Feng looked at the dark demon and others.

"Qin Feng, I have to say that you have become more and more powerful recently." The mood of the dark demon could not calm down for a long time.

The threat of Qin Feng to them has become greater and greater.

But they can't express it openly. Even if they really suffer a loss, they can only suffer this kind of loss secretly.

Qin Feng said casually: "In fact, you don't have to say that. At least in my opinion, this is still quite certain, but if you want to seize this opportunity more smoothly, in my opinion, we may have to grow up ourselves."

Some situations may not be able to go as they wish.

But even so, Qin Feng still chose to use this method.

After all, in his opinion, this is an indisputable fact.

The Dark Demon nodded, and the fact is indeed like this.

But for those demon king-level beings under his command, if they want to do this step well, the price they need to pay at that time will make them even more unbelievable.

Once they can't meet such requirements in the end, Qin Feng will turn around to deal with them. Such a price is definitely not something they can easily bear.

"Qin Feng, of course I know what you mean, but this incident happened too quickly. Even if you want to be prepared in the end, you may still lose something. And don't disbelieve it. This is probably the only thing we can witness at present." The Dark Demon sighed slightly.

He just wanted to not fight or compete, as for what other changes would occur in the end?

No matter how much he said now, he could not solve such a problem at all.

Therefore, when they saw Qin Feng's expression, they did not dare to refute anything.

"But I found some suspicious people." What Qin Feng said at this time made them all look puzzled.

What is a suspicious candidate? Could it be related to the original will?

If this is the case, I am afraid that no matter what they do next, they will have to be more cautious.

Baili Qinghe asked first: "Master Qin Feng, I don't know what you mean?"

"Of course it is the people planted by the original will among you, otherwise, apart from this, where else can there be other possibilities?" Qin Feng said casually.

However, when they heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned.

This sentence has already stunned them. Could it be that this is the situation in the end?

How dare the original will plant traitors around them? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem so simple.

If they still can't seize these opportunities in the end, then they have to think about it carefully.

"Qin Feng, don't joke with me. Apart from you, the Origin Will can't place such people at all." The Origin Will said quickly.

Inadvertently, such a statement has been exposed.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that it is no longer so simple, but if they still can't seize these opportunities in the end, it is worth thinking about.

After all, in some cases, the situation is simply impossible to be as they wish.

Qin Feng snorted coldly, looking at their innocence, but couldn't help laughing.

After all, they still don't understand the horror of the Origin Will, it is really an all-pervasive thing.

If they are still so careless about this, I am afraid that the final result will only make them more uncomfortable.

"I just found some suspicious people. As for whether you will believe it? This is not something I need to care about anymore. If you are not willing to believe it, then just wait. Don't suffer in the end. After those losses, they turned around and blamed me for not telling you these things in advance." After Qin Feng finished speaking, he left here directly.

This made the Dark Demon God and others look at each other in confusion. Obviously, this question made them a little unsure.

But in their impression, Qin Feng would never say such rash things.

This may also mean that this matter is very likely. Who will be placed beside them?

This is indeed worthy of attracting their attention, otherwise it is just as Qin Feng said.

Perhaps all these costs will make them even more unable to control.

"Lord Demon God, do we choose to believe what Qin Feng said now?" The Demon King of Gold asked tentatively.

As for Baili Qinghe next to him, he had a pensive look on his face.

It's not that he doesn't want to believe Qin Feng, but he always feels that this happened too suddenly.

Even if you want to make some preparations in advance, it seems that there are not so many possibilities at this moment.

The Dark Demon God fell into deep thought. He was thinking about what Qin Feng meant by what he said. What is the hidden purpose?

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