Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2378 The Legend of Original Will

In fact, some of the current situations make Qin Feng very confused.

He felt that something was very wrong about this matter. Could it be that the original will has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger for so many years?

Or will there be some other legends about him? This has led to this situation.

Seeing that Qin Feng was still extremely worried about this situation, the tower spirit of the Dark Tower actually didn't know how to persuade him at this time.

Because he does know some of the past, but now due to the intervention of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, he has to keep it a secret.

Qin Feng's strength is no longer top-notch even in today's dark world.

And the death of Kui She Hall Master will definitely bring about more changes.

Although in the world where the Ten Thousand Demon Sect is located, the master of the outer hall is not worth mentioning.

But even if their people are only top third-rate forces, it is not a situation that ordinary people can easily deal with. If they really don't believe it in the end, they may have to suffer the consequences themselves.

No one wants to deal with this situation. Qin Feng already has some ideas in his mind.

But before all this was settled, he actually didn't want to make any more choices about it.

"Qin Feng, it seems it's time to tell you something, but that era has been very long ago." At this time, Ta Ling sighed.

This made Qin Feng stunned, because at this moment, he had never thought that the final result would be like this.

Ta Ling really hid something from him. As for the reason? He can see very clearly now.

Everything is caused by the lack of strength. The pressure increases out of thin air, which may be difficult for him to accept.

But even if we don't accept something like this, what kind of situation can we change?

After thinking about this, Qin Feng nodded and said: "Senior Ta Ling, if you really know something, please tell me."

This is an indisputable fact, maybe they won't have so many guarantees now.

And although the original will has intimidated the two hall masters Feng Qi and Xuan Hu, this does not mean that their dark world is safe.

He could sense that these two hall masters were probably quite vengeful people.

It won't take long for it to come back again, and by that time, even if the original will takes action, it may not be able to solve it anymore.

Ta Ling then said: "What I want to tell you today is the legend about the original will. Before the dark demons invaded the dark world, he was not the original will of the dark universe at that time, but a person with strength beyond The most powerful person, he was already the top person in the dark world at that time. Almost no one could be his opponent. The most important thing is that if the people in the dark world want to fly away, they must pass through him. ”

When he said this, Qin Feng frowned completely.

I really didn’t expect that the original will actually has such a past? It really made him feel a little strange.

And for things like this, to some extent, there must be a conspiracy involved.

But what exactly is the conspiracy? Now Qin Feng also has some uncertainties.

Then Ta Ling continued to talk and elaborate on this legend.

Then we encountered the first era, when the dark demons invaded the dark world.

The strongest man at that time had already lost more than half of his power.

The dark demons were invincible, but the original will stood up at the critical moment.

Behind the scenes, he silently helps those who are the most powerful to improve their strength. Because of this, he will gain some goodwill.

Therefore, things like this are no longer as simple as they appear on the surface.

Later, he disappeared. The master who created him had actually heard such a legend.

It's just that it's been so long that there may have been no records.

If it hadn't been for the tower spirit, perhaps this issue would never have come to light again.

This must be worthy of making them have a hard time. Even if those unseemly difficulties do arise after this, for them, they will not hesitate.

There are some situations that don’t need to be said at all, and can basically be solved with ease.

Therefore, when he became the original will, he quickly tampered with the events of that year.

It has been a mystery for so many years.

After Qin Feng listened to everything, he couldn't help but sigh and said: "There is such a legend about the original will. It seems that I underestimated him too much after all."

In his opinion, if some problems were really that simple, they would have been solved long ago, and there was no need to wait until now, which made them almost unable to prevent them.

Even if you can react, you will definitely not be able to solve this trouble in the first time.

"This is the original will. Although he made great contributions back then, it is a pity that his original intention has changed over the years. However, he still has feelings for the dark world. In such a life-and-death situation, I think he should I will stand up," Ta Ling said slowly.

The contribution of the original will cannot be completely denied just because of some things that happened before.

He also left many legends in the dark world back then, and he was able to rely on this to achieve other things.

If it weren't for the existence of these reasons, perhaps a complete change would have already occurred in many things, which would definitely not convince them.

After Qin Feng listened, he nodded thoughtfully.

Because this problem cannot be denied, otherwise even if something happens in the end, it is not impossible to solve it.

This time Feng Qi and the Master of Xuan Hu Hall came to attack. In fact, to a certain extent, it was also thanks to the original will.

If he hadn't taken action, many of the problems now would never have been solved so easily.

Once the final moment is reached, there is no need for the help of the original will at all, and they have all been destroyed long ago.

"But this also sounded a wake-up call for us. Some things are not something we want to solve and can be solved in the end." Talling said.

Qin Feng agrees with this very much. After all, even if he wants to completely solve this trouble, some things they see today are already very different from before.

Then Qin Feng said: "I understand, it seems that now we have to make some preparations in advance."

No matter what, he would never be able to do these things.

At this time, at the Origin Will, Hei Yun and Dark Ri were standing in front of him respectfully.

The body is full of huge pressure, because this is not something that ordinary people can solve.

It's just because such a situation has arisen that they feel they have to take precautions.

But if those opportunities are gone in the end, it will only make them even more miserable. ap;ap;ap;lt;ter css=ap;ap;t;clearap;ap;t;ap;ap;ap;gt;

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