Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2402 Fenglong’s disdain

No matter what happens in the end, this matter is imminent. If they dare to deny it, it will probably make them more passive.

After all, what should have happened has now appeared in front of them. I am afraid that no matter what, they will not be able to make full preparations again.

When there is a need, they will not choose to give up, but what they are most afraid of is that after these unexpected changes occur, everything will make them even more unbelievable.

This is what really needs to be paid attention to, and can we have these assurances in the end? In fact, it is still an unknown number.

Once it affects them, it becomes even more difficult to explain in detail.

Even Baili Qinghe felt very much in agreement after hearing this resolution.

This hard fact should not be ignored by them.

But precisely because of this, there are some practical opportunities missing.

Now the Dark Demon God has no more thoughts of going against Qin Feng.

They only want to solve these scourges of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, and then they can take the lead.

Therefore, if they can grasp this, there will never be any other problems.

If it ends up like this, then questions like this will definitely make them thought-provoking.

"Lord Demon God, although the decision has been made now, how can we use this skillfully next?" At this time, the Golden Demon King asked doubtfully.

Even if they knew what to do next, it was still difficult for them to grasp the key points.

Because no one knows what the consequences will be if he rashly tests the Ten Thousand Demons Sect?

If no one can cope with it anymore, doesn't that mean they will never have a chance?

The Dark Demon fell into deep thought, because he really hadn't thought about this issue carefully.

Because no matter what they get in the end, this is actually extremely beneficial to them.

But if you want to do this step well, it will never be that simple again.

But he has obviously made all the plans, and no matter how it changes in the end, he can make full use of it.

Afterwards, the Dark Demon God immediately made a decision and said: "Don't worry about this matter. I will use my own strength to completely solve this problem."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Especially Baili Qinghe at this moment, there is no need to say more.

What he fears most is that the dark demons will eventually use him as a spear user, which will even cause more passiveness.

At that time, it would be difficult for them to ignore this point.

So, they are very happy to see this happen.

Moreover, the strength of the Dark Demon God can always be said to be very powerful.

After he takes action, many problems can be solved naturally.

Even in terms of strength, there is already a big difference. Who can guarantee that there will not be other gains?

"If so, congratulations in advance to the Dark Demon God!"

Everyone said in unison, because problems like this should not be as simple as they appear on the surface.

But now that he has appeared in front of them, whether it is these demon kings under his hands or Tianmen and others, they have more respect for the dark demon at this moment.

This has completely subverted their cognition and quickly reached an extremely incredible point.

Because of this, there is still a certain chance.

But if at the final moment, they can't grasp anything, it will inevitably cause them to lose more.

Moreover, the strength of the Dark Demon God has been tested long ago, and it is not something they can easily predict at this moment.

There is no doubt about his strength. Even if he is still discovered by those people after this, there is still no need to worry.

Immediately, the Dark Demon God left this place. He could see very clearly that this might not be that simple.

But this time, the Dark Lord wasn't sneaking around.

He adopted the method of appearing directly in front of the other party, so this also deeply surprised them.

If nothing else, this is probably too unbelievable.

No one thought that the Dark Demon would come so directly.

Even Feng Long and others had a look of surprise in their eyes.

At this moment, the seven masters of Canglong Seventh Hall, plus Feng Qi and Xuan Hu, were all standing there quietly.

They just stood there, like an insurmountable mountain.

This undoubtedly puts a lot of psychological pressure on them, and if they can't deal with it again in the future, who knows what other conditions are worthy of making them do it?

"Dark Demon God? I never thought that you would be so courageous. Do you really not take us seriously? Or are you just relying on your strength to do whatever you want?" At this time, Hall Master Fengqi said with a frown.

He could see very clearly that this dark demon had either eaten the heart of a bear or had the guts of a leopard, or it was due to some other reasons.

But now that the situation is completely before their eyes, I'm afraid there is no other way to explain this point in detail.

The Dark Demon shrugged, and then said: "Actually, I came here this time just to investigate some things. I hope that some of you can cooperate, so that other problems will not arise again. "

These people all looked at each other in confusion, and seemed extremely hesitant about this situation.

Because they don't know very well, once this situation occurs, can they be allowed to seize these opportunities again?

This problem is indeed not that simple, but now there are no other solutions.

What's more, this will definitely surprise them.

"It seems that your courage is far more surprising than your brain. Aren't you afraid of going back and forth?" At this time, Feng Long said with a smile.

It was obvious that such a problem had not been taken seriously by him for a long time.

But apart from this, what other criteria are there?

Faced with this indisputable fact, I am afraid that they may not be able to find other solutions now.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is reasonable, but apart from that, I'm afraid there are no other considerations.

In addition, what other options do they have? This is obviously an unknown.

"It doesn't have to be like this. Now that I'm here, I am absolutely confident." The Dark Demon looked very calm.

This made the outer hall masters of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect frown at this moment.

But is this really the case? No one can predict it yet. ap;ap;ap;lt;ter css=ap;ap;t;clearap;ap;t;ap;ap;ap;gt;

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