Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2504 Dispatch

After the two parties reached a cooperation, the Dark Demon took people to other places in the Dark Star Territory.

Now that the entire dark star field has been rebuilt, all the spiritual energy from heaven and earth has poured in, restoring some of the prosperity of the past. There is no need to worry about anything else for the time being.

And this phenomenon has long been beyond doubt.

There are still quite a lot of preparations left for Qin Feng and the others.

At this moment, Yang Tianlong watched the Dark Demon God and others leave, frowning and said: "This Dark Demon God has come with bad intentions. On the surface, he is here to seek cooperation, but no matter from which angle you look at it, it seems like Looking for trouble."

"That's right. They want to gain more benefits, but they don't want to pay unnecessary costs." Yang Zaitian also said.

These things will cause them great trouble and make them hard to guard against.

After Qin Feng listened, he fell into deep thought.

How could he not understand? But the deal is already done, and their cooperation with the Dark God is inevitable.

If you continue to be coy, you don’t know what price you will pay.

Qin Feng then said: "No matter, since this has happened now, we have to face it. Only in this way will our opportunities become more abundant."

After hearing this, they all couldn't help but nodded.

This situation is not unimportant.

If you want to make these preparations again, you must send someone to keep an eye on the situation of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect and the original will.

Those people in the dark prison are not simple people.

Although Qin Feng had already learned about the entrance to the dark prison before, who could know what would happen in the end?

The original will has probably already taken many precautions and will not let him go again.

Does it still exist in the top of darkness? This is all an unknown.

Everyone quietly sent out their most elite subordinates to pay attention to the situation in the entire dark world, and to control any developments in time.

Although their movements were very secretive, they were still noticed by the original will.

At this moment, the dark clouds and the dark sun stand quietly in front of the original will.

"Now let's talk about it. The Dark Demon Clan and the people from Tianmen are going to the Dark Star Territory. Do they want to join forces to deal with us?" Origin Will said with great interest.

He is not extremely worried about this situation, it is entirely because he has already made all preparations.

And his ambition is destined to become quite inflated.

I no longer have any worries about these things. This situation has already become quite obvious.

Now is not the time to say those words. As strong as the original will, when facing Qin Feng, you still need to hesitate.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng was able to directly find the entrance to the dark prison last time and rescue the most powerful people.

This really surprised him, but even so, so what?

This situation is no longer that simple.

The thin old man said slowly: "Sir, Qin Feng may have come with bad intentions. His strength has now become a mystery. Even the master of Fenglong Hall can be seriously injured. Nothing is impossible. "

The strength of the Dark Demon God is not weak, plus Baili Qinghe of Tianmen and the remaining dragon general of Longmen.

The opponent's strength is still quite strong.

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Although the strong men in their dark prison are not weak, they still lack some strength after all.

"Yes! Sir, now is not the time to think about these issues. We must give them a profound and unforgettable lesson." The fat old man next to him said the same.

This scene has already appeared in front of them, how can they dare to say anything more?

Once they actually join hands, it will be even more difficult to close them again.

Will we still have these preparations at that time? It's just an unknown number.

The original will paced back and forth in the room, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

What kind of medicine is being sold in Qin Feng's gourd? He is now unknown.

But can they take advantage of the last opportunities?

Now it's somewhat uncertain. All in all, the chances left to them are probably not too many.

This is bound to make them extremely hard to defend against, reaching an incredible level.

So if you think about it carefully, you still need to have those concerns.

"Sir, I don't think you should hesitate any longer. It's time for the strong men in the dark prison to see the light of day again. Only in this way can we give them a full deterrent and prevent them from having the worries of the past." The thin old man was anxious now. Very.

He didn't want to die by then, so who would he ask to reason with?

After all, who would believe such a thing?

After listening to the original will, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Now that all his ambitions have been exposed, what will be the final consequences? It is too early to say any of this.

But will we still have this opportunity in the end? It's simply unknown now.

If you think about it carefully, they will never have these preparations anymore.

Qin Feng's strength has been reflected in every aspect.

It is simply impossible for them to be as calm and calm as before, and sometimes they even have to look at his face to act.

This can be said to make them feel extremely depressed in their hearts.

Given the opportunity to be prepared, who would want to see this situation arise?

The original will clenched its fist tightly. Do you really want to choose to bring the decisive battle ahead of time?

But in that case, wouldn't it be possible for people from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect to seize the opportunity? Now, he does not have full confidence in these external hall masters.

But this matter is so imminent that there is no doubt about it.

Although he still has many trump cards in his hand, it seems that now is not the time to think about those words.

With a little bit of confidence, this problem might have been solved long ago.

If you want to wait until now, you still need to have a lot of doubts.

In the end, the original will said: "Go quickly to gather people. Since they have sent out all the people, there is no need for us to continue hiding. For us, there will be no other the benefits of."

There is no doubt about this at all. Even if there are confusions, they can still be solved with ease.

The dark clouds and dark sun were different, their eyes lit up.

Years of pampering have formed an inherent mindset in their minds.

They don't want to fight and kill anymore, it won't have any effect at all.

It's better to completely resolve these worries, maybe more opportunities will come.

The current decision of the original will coincides with their thoughts, so they are naturally happy.

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