Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2508 Arrival

This place now has more than just a confrontation between their two forces.

It is the people with the Ten Thousand Demon Sect who are paying attention to some situations here at any time and making some adjustments in time, because such a situation is something that they can only meet but cannot seek.

At this moment, the leader of Thunder Dragon Hall is quietly observing some situations here.

He is very clear that the price he needs to pay will not be as simple as it seems.

Over time, the influence will become smaller at that moment.

Feng Qi had a look of surprise at this moment. He didn't expect that these subordinates of the original will would act like mice after seeing Qin Feng, not daring to say anything.

"Thunder Dragon, today I'm going to test you. Do you think they can succeed in this matter?" Feng Qi asked with great interest.

Not to mention how weird this kind of question would be, it would even make them unable to guard against it.

Once these options are gone in the end, this is simply not something they can easily bear.

It's just that if you want to make such preparations again, relying on the things you see now, it seems that it is still far from enough.

After hearing his words, the Thunder Dragon Hall Master shook his head.

Now he doesn't think about so many problems anymore. As long as he can seize these opportunities, who would choose to give them up? As for why it was like this in the end? It's impossible to say for sure now.

"Feng Qi, I know what you want to say, but it's a pity that this problem is not as simple as it seems. Even if you are really unwilling to face it, you really can't change anything, right? Today for Qin Feng It may be a huge challenge for him. If he can take this step, his achievements in the future will definitely be quite high." The leader of the Thunder Dragon Hall did not hide his appreciation for Qin Feng.

He could see it extremely clearly, but he didn't explain it for the time being.

Isn’t it easy to seize such an opportunity again? Take action when it's time to take action, that's the true meaning of it.

A look of surprise appeared on Feng Qi's face. It seemed that the former Master of Thunder Dragon Hall had grown to this point, which made him feel very happy.

And they continue to pay attention to the situation there. Who wins and who loses today will determine the outcome of this game. There is no doubt about this. As for what the final result will be? It's still too early to say this now.

At this moment, Qin Feng was holding the Panyu Sword and standing there quietly, but no one dared to say anything to them.

This is entirely due to the existence of various self-confidences. Most people will not enjoy such treatment.

It's just that under the dark clouds and the sun, the look on his face at this moment is actually unbelievable.

They never thought that Qin Feng could suppress them to this point with his own strength.

If it were anyone else, this would probably be hard for them to believe, right?

But this result has been placed in front of them. Even if they don't want to admit it, what can they do?

As long as you can seize the opportunity, you have already grasped it.

Why do they need to wait until a moment like this to make them all unprepared? The dark clouds and dark sun are waiting for the arrival of the original will.

Only like this, the next chance of winning... --\u0026gt;\u0026gt;, the fastest update of Shenhun Martial Lord

The odds of winning seem to be getting better.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for them to discover the existence of the original will.

An indifferent expression appeared in front of them.

But at this moment, the original will and the whole person's temperament seemed to have undergone some inexplicable changes. Even Qin Feng seemed to be unable to react for a while.

It seems that he still thought of this matter too simply. Otherwise, why would there have been such inexplicable changes that made them all feel inexplicable? This will obviously become quite unusual.

Qin Feng said with a sneer at this moment: "You are indeed here. I thought you would be a coward this time."

His expression was quite indifferent, and his mood was not affected at all by these things.

"I really didn't expect that such a change would happen in the end. After all, you were too great and I couldn't even react to it. It's a pity that some things don't happen overnight, even if you don't want to admit it. , you are destined to fail today." Origin Will said calmly.

He didn't pay attention to this at all, it was entirely because he had already mastered the winning hand.

How could there be any big changes because of these things?

Sometimes, even if they want to make these preparations again, it will be too late.

Qin Feng shook his head secretly: "Why don't I understand what you mean? It's a pity that you want to make these preparations again? In my opinion, I'm afraid it's not that simple. The original will, do you really think you can do it? With such a good chance of winning, is it too funny to say that you will always be so conceited?”

Both sides are basically tit for tat, and they don't take each other seriously at all.

As for the final result, who wins and who loses? It depends on their respective situations. It is indeed too early to say this now.

"Qin Feng, there is no need to show off your rhetoric here. If you really have such a huge chance of winning, maybe you have solved this problem long ago. Why wait for such a moment? Isn't this ridiculous? Are you done?" Origin Will smiled coldly.

After finally falling into their hands, how could they give up such a good opportunity so easily?

That may not be so realistic at all. As for the final result, will it be what they want? This will again be a huge unknown.

But Yang Tianlong and others couldn't help but frown, because this happened so fast that they couldn't guard against it.

Who could have imagined that it would appear so quickly now? It is indeed too incredible.

Even this was enough to make them feel depressed in their hearts.

This is definitely not just a simple talk, but a story that is very likely to happen. After thoroughly making these preparations, there is no need to have unnecessary worries.

But in the eyes of others, it still happened too fast.

If you want to make these preparations again, the price you have to pay will definitely be the highest.

Even Qin Feng at this moment can still see some new things from it, which they cannot actually react to.

But Qin Feng often makes the most correct decision in his heart, and this is crucial.

What they fear most is that they will no longer have those turning points, which will lead to more failures for them.

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