Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2528 Prepare in advance

After the Origin Will figured out some new things, he would no longer have any doubts about these situations.

That's because he knew exactly why this happened.

There are still some reasons for all this. As for the things that were finally done, can they meet his psychological expectations? That depends on the actual situation.

We must strengthen the control over there. The Dark Star Region is their battle.

As long as we can take this place, there is basically no need to worry about other aspects.

So think carefully, the gains should be quite huge.

No matter what, there is no need to worry about other unnecessary things later.

And once such conditions are met, Qin Feng can only be slaughtered by them, right? Why not do it?

"Congratulations, sir, you can attack the Dark Star Region with all your strength next. At that time, even Qin Feng will probably not dare to say any more nonsense." Heiyun Anri hurriedly congratulated him.

This made the Origin Will benefit infinitely. Isn't this kind of flattery what he likes to see the most? The opportunities that can be used will increase instantly.

Then he smiled and said, "You two have finally shown some of your remaining energy. If you continue like that, I really won't take you seriously, and even eliminate you. You did a great job today. Keep it up. I won't treat you unfairly in the future." After receiving such praise, both of them were very excited. Although they pretended, it was better than doing nothing. Once those changes occurred, could they still seize this opportunity? It is still unknown. "My Lord, should we continue to put pressure on the Dark Star Region now? I think only in this way can Qin Feng continue to compromise, which should be the most reasonable way." At this time, the thin old man suddenly asked. Although the flattery is very good now, there are still many things that must be solved as soon as possible. And it is already imminent. If they can't cherish this, they will definitely pay a higher price. After really reaching that point, can they finally seize this excellent opportunity? In fact, it can basically be shown. Therefore, if you think about it carefully, it is just right to say a little more.

After hearing this, the origin will instantly fell into deep thought. This is nothing to him.

After all, there are so many strong men in the Dark Prison now, so they must make good use of them to solve such problems smoothly.

That is to say, the Dark Star Domain has basically entered their control range, so there is no need to worry about other unnecessary things now, and Qin Feng can't escape from their palms.

So many powerful men have not been subdued yet.

Therefore, there should be a lot of time and opportunities left for them to prepare.

It depends on whether they can seize such an opportunity again in the end, which may be the top priority.

"No need, you just need to nibble well, and there is no need to worry so much about other aspects now. The Dark Star Domain will be in our pocket sooner or later, and there is no need to be too anxious now." The origin will said earnestly.

This made Heiyun and Anri feel relieved. What they feared most was that the Origin Will would take advantage of this opportunity to keep squeezing them endlessly.

In the end, they would no longer have the possibilities they had in the past, which was what really made them feel extremely uncomfortable.

Therefore, this strategy is actually very suitable for them to do.

There will be more opportunities for them to seize at that time.

Now that they have received the personal reply from the Origin Will, they are very excited.

At least now such a demand is completely acceptable to them, and there will be no changes no matter what, so this is still within a reasonable range of acceptance.

The other tasks assigned to them by the Origin Will naturally need to be completed with all their heart and soul.

Then they tightened their control over the Dark Star Domain. This time, there must be no mistakes.

Otherwise, it will be a great blow to them, and even lead to some extremely bad consequences.

At this moment, Qin Feng returned to the Dark Star Domain, the Martyr Headquarters.

His face became extremely uncomfortable. After all, the Origin Will was a person who didn't recognize his relatives. In this situation, talking nonsense to him seemed to have no effect at all, but would make them pay an endless price.

When it really came to that point, how could they accept it?

"Brother Qin Feng, does the Origin Will really want to fight to the death?" Yang Long frowned.

The other strongest people couldn't help but show a deep worry on their faces.

For this, they didn't know what to think in their hearts now.

But they knew very well that Qin Feng had tried his best.

"It's true. They must fight to the death. It seems that they have already prepared to eat us all." Qin Feng took a deep breath.

Although they are unwilling to admit it, this is an indisputable fact that they are absolutely not allowed to ignore.

Moreover, the current original will of the whole person can be said to have become quite inflated, and he will no longer look down on anyone.

Therefore, this will cause them to make more mistakes. Once this cannot be solved, the opportunities they can seize will become even rarer.

After everyone listened, they immediately frowned. This happened too suddenly.

Even if they could make these preparations in advance, they might have to avoid it now.

Yang Zai asked: "It would be a disaster for us to let them unite, and the people from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect will definitely find ways to exploit them, which will probably be quite disadvantageous for us."

Everyone else couldn't help but give a small nod. This is something that cannot be denied and will definitely make them more disappointed.

Once there is no way to solve it in the end, wouldn't it mean that their chances are almost zero?

Even if others don't want to admit it, what can they do?

Qin Feng shook his head and said: "The people of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect will probably not take action rashly until there is an absolute victory or defeat between us and the original will."

He is quite certain about this, and he has extremely high confidence in himself.

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