Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2578 Side dishes

Although these outer hall masters of Wan Yao Sect have no other actions on the surface.

But what does it actually look like? No one can figure it out now.

Qin Feng or the original will can only rely on the movements and clues to figure out what happened.

If you can't even understand these things clearly, it doesn't mean much.

In the Martyrs Headquarters, the Lijiang Ancestor came here in a hurry.

There was a trace of deep doubt on his face, and this issue could be said to have changed quite quickly.

Even Qin Feng couldn't help but feel his heart sink when he saw this scene.

According to this familiar script, I'm afraid they will suffer a lot in the future.

"Lijiang, are they acting like monsters again?" Yang Tianlong asked tentatively.

After seeing the bitter smile of the Lijiang ancestor, everyone couldn't help but feel their hearts sink.

This change happened too fast, but who is behind it? The Ten Thousand Demon Sect or the Original Will?

No matter who is causing trouble, it will make them feel extremely incredible.

But if you want to seize such an opportunity, you have to pay the price in the end.

"My guess is that they are probably from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, but the original will seems to have become silent recently. They don't dare to say any more nonsense." Lijiang Ancestor smiled bitterly.

Everyone looked at each other, facing this situation, it only made them feel even more incredible.

As for whether we will still have these gains in the end? It's simply unknown now.

Qin Feng asked: "Senior Lijiang, why do you say it is likely to be the Ten Thousand Demons Sect?"

"Because since the last battle between you and the Dark Demon God in the Immortal Stone Star Territory, some changes have occurred in the past two days. That seems to be a sign that the space channel is opening. Now at this critical juncture, the people from the Dark Demon Clan, Tianmen and Longmen, The damn ones are all dead. I am afraid that only people from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect have such qualifications and can dispatch people from them." The ancestor of Lijiang smiled bitterly.

He was able to harvest those things instantly and draw such a conclusion, which was already very good for Qin Feng and others.

But then they may have to think carefully about what the final result will be.

Yang Tianlong sighed and said: "One wave after another, the people of Wanyao Sect are probably just serving us side dishes. The real big dish is still to come. If there really is an outer hall leader who is more powerful than their Canglong Qitang." , If we want to solve this confusion, we will inevitably pay more.”

They all couldn't help but look at Qin Feng. I'm afraid even he might not be able to solve this confusion this time.

"Junior Brother Qin Feng, if nothing happens recently, you should not leave the Dark Star Territory easily and affect your whole body with one move. Whoever takes action now will lose miserably." Yang Zai said.

Not only do they not dare to move, but the original will is probably also observing these opportunities.

When these opportunities are gradually utilized by them, there will be no need to worry about other aspects.

Even in order to snatch the Heart of Darkness, they had to consider cooperation with each other as a last resort.

Only in this way, there is no need to have other worries.

"Brothers, I already understand, but the current problem has already happened very suddenly. We can only wait and see what happens." Qin Feng subconsciously clenched his fist.

This indeed made him feel a great deal of pressure. As for what discoveries he would make in the end? It's too early to say that.

Not only them, facing this kind of side dish, the original will also got wind of this.

This made him feel somewhat incredible, and he stared at Fengyang in front of him.

"There are traces of passages in the Immortal Stone Star Domain? It seems that people from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect have really entered the dark world." Origin Will frowned.

Unexpectedly, what was said at that time has now come true.

Anyone else would find this matter quite unbelievable.

Fengyang nodded and said: "I'm afraid this should be the outer hall master who is more powerful than Canglong Qitang. Sir, Qin Feng doesn't seem to have any action, so should we wait and see what happens? This is obviously a disguised sentence, announcing You will become stronger."

"No need to say so much, the situation is not one-sided towards them, but as long as we can seize this opportunity, I think the tacit understanding between Qin Feng and Qin Feng will still become quite high." The original will raised his hand to fight. Break.

He believed that Qin Feng could make the right choice, so at this point, there was no need to worry.

Whenever there was a chance, he would like to experience how powerful the new outer hall master would be.

In terms of hard power, perhaps they are still a little behind.

Once he chooses to join forces with Qin Feng, the situation will instantly become different.

Fengyang still feels a little unbelievable. Even if the cooperation with Qin Feng is already in place, it doesn't mean that there can still be such a high degree of tacit understanding this time, right?

What's more, Qin Feng has always been unwilling to do anything early without benefit.

Who would choose to do this without seeing any results?

Although the other party is very low-key on the surface this time, they don't want to reveal any signs of a new strong person.

But the actual result is not like this.

There is still some evidence left in the Immortal Stone Star Territory.

Just waiting for them to crack it, it has become a huge problem for the people of Canglong Qitang to deal with it.

If there is another outer hall leader who is more powerful than Canglong Qitang, Qin Feng may not have such strong confidence.

Looking at Fengyang with such an ugly face, how could he not be clear about his original will?

But now that some things have appeared, they will definitely feel that there are many incredible things in them.

"Fengyang, you have grown up a lot during this period, but sometimes, the situation will never be so simple. If we lose these confidences in the end, there will naturally be other things that can make us fully Let's make use of it." Original Will smiled bitterly.

They can only face it bravely, but they must never attack themselves again.

Otherwise, they will no longer have these opportunities, and it will even make them hesitant.

When those judgment skills are lost, failure will ensue.

Fengyang cheered up and was pulled back in time.

But what kind of strength does the mysterious hall master of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect possess? How much better than the strongest? There will still be some hesitation in my heart.

He could only take one step at a time, and he believed that the people from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect would be the first to lose their composure!

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