Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2583 Crying

Now in the entire dark world, except Qin Feng, no one can compare with the original will.

Now that these problems have arisen, no matter how many thoughts Qin Feng has in his heart, there is no need to worry anymore at this moment.

Even in their hearts, they already knew this very well.

Even if there are some huge changes, coupled with some mistakes, only Qin Feng may have such an absolute qualification.

And if these strongest men want to deal with this, they must pay a heavier price.

Even now that this point has appeared, it cannot be easily ignored.

In order not to bring them more passivity, Qin Feng sat here quietly in the hall.

He wanted to take a closer look, what kind of medicine was being sold in the other party's gourd?

Even at the final moment, it is unlikely that they will be able to fully grasp this opportunity. For the arrival of the original will, he will still feel a little sad in his heart.

It is not clear at all now, what is the purpose of the original will coming to this place at this critical moment?

This will be a huge unknown for the time being, and may even make them feel that there is too much hesitation in this matter.

If there are no such opportunities in the end, how can we make them seize them?

Obviously, the contradictions in this have long been highlighted.

Not long after, the original will appeared in front of Qin Feng. The original will at this moment was not as triumphant as before, but perhaps more of an inexplicable passivity.

Wouldn't it make them even more unbelievable if they found out that they would never have those opportunities again?

Qin Feng said sarcastically: "Original Will, you are a rare visitor, but I don't know very well. What other purpose do you have for coming to this place today? If you can't tell me why you are here, maybe I won't be able to go. Accept this."

His words were also very direct and would not give the original will any chance.

If he couldn't say something useful, he would never acknowledge it again.

Because once some problems arise, they will no longer be so simple. As for why such a change occurred in the end? I'm afraid it's too early to say this now.

As long as they can seize those opportunities, the matter will not become what it is now.

Maybe there won't be as many opportunities left for them as they appear on the surface, but what will happen in the end? There will be some huge doubts about this in their hearts.

This is something they are far from accepting. Can they even seize those opportunities in the end? You have to weigh it carefully to see if your weight is enough, and then you can guarantee those things.

"Qin Feng, after all, we are all people of the dark world, and you have no need to sneer at me. This will not do you any good." At this time, the original will said very unconvinced.

As for what changes will happen in the end? It's too early to say these things.

He simply didn't believe that Qin Feng would choose to turn a blind eye to them in this matter. As for whether such a change would happen in the end? This is not something they are willing to accept.

After some problems occur, they will simply hesitate.

Will we still have these huge gains in the end? I'm afraid I have to weigh it carefully. I don't know if my own weight is enough, so I just want to do this step well.

That would be completely incredible, and there was a trace of doubt in Qin Feng's eyes.

He is not quite sure what purpose is hidden in his heart today's original will?

Once this happens, will there be enough benefits to them? This is currently unknown.

"The sun has really come out in the west. Will the originally arrogant original will actually come to me now? But no matter how you look at it, this matter has already happened. Even if you are not willing to admit it, this is an indisputable fact. , You can't say that you came here just to cry about these unnecessary things, right?" Qin Feng looked quite disdainful, which really made him quite puzzled.

But looking at the situation of the original will, is it really here to cry?

Is this really necessary? No matter what, these things that should have happened have already appeared in front of them. I'm afraid there's nothing else to say, right?

Yuan Yuanzhi gave a wry smile and said slowly: "I know there are some things that you won't believe, but now that such changes have occurred, I have to say that the current Ten Thousand Demon Sect can be said to be In the entire dark world, no one will be their opponent anymore. Qin Feng, even with your current strength, if you want to deal with them, you may have to pay more price, and even doing so may not be enough. With those gains, the final result will become even more disastrous.”

This is self-evident. As for the final ones, can they still reach that point? This is even more unknown.

Even if they want to make such preparations in advance, they may have to weigh it carefully now to see if they have enough weight before they can continue this matter.

Otherwise, this huge price will definitely be difficult for them to accept.

After Qin Feng listened to everything, there was no expression on his face. He even knew very clearly in his heart that such a huge price would definitely make him unable to guard against it.

As long as we can fully seize these opportunities in the end, we will not become what we are now.

Although this indisputable fact will make them incredible, it may indeed appear in front of them.

Qin Feng asked tentatively: "Do you have any evidence for what you say? If there is no evidence, talking nonsense like this will not solve any problem."

He knew very well in his heart that Origin Will had always been an extremely insidious and cunning person.

As for why this is the case? You can sense how many.

But can they still seize such an opportunity in the end? Now it's a little unclear.

If it continues to develop at this rate, they will miss even more opportunities.

It's no wonder that today's original will came to find them to cry out.

But how can Qin Feng accept this attitude?

If there had been a chance, this issue might have changed long ago, and there would be no need to wait until this moment for them to have these unnecessary reflections.

But is this the actual situation? This is even more of an unknown.

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