Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2589 Qin Feng fights Silver Fox

At this moment, Silver Fox, not to mention how confident he is, looks a little unusual in his current state.

He didn't know where Qin Feng got such great confidence.

But even so, it won't bring about such huge changes. If they can't cope with it in the end, it can only be said that their luck has come to an end.

There is nothing else to worry about, it will only make them pay a heavier price.

Even after that, there are no other plans, so what?

"Qin Feng, since you have such great confidence in your own strength, today I want to take a closer look to see if the legend says whether you really have such great confidence as everyone boasts? "Sometimes, Silver Fox almost couldn't bear it anymore.

But for the sake of safety, there is no other way.

I really can't control it, and there are no other methods.

The more this is the case, the more worthy of their attention, but now they seem to have more ideas, so there is no need to have unnecessary worries.

Even after this, if you can no longer face it calmly, what kind of outcome can be changed?

So regardless of this, what other costs will it cost them? This can all be seen by them.

Qin Feng said calmly: "That's what I mean, I also want to see, what kind of results can you change, even if you are ranked among the top, as the outer hall master of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect? Let me do a good job today See if you can bear the final price."

Naturally, he saw it quite thoroughly, so there was no need to worry about other aspects.

Even these last changes may not necessarily make them accept it, but so what?

Now that this matter has come up, it seems that for them, the chances of victory for both parties will eventually appear to be quite peaceful.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about this anymore. If you take advantage of it, you will have more benefits, and it will not make the matter worse and make them unable to guard against it.

"Very good! You are a person I have seen who is both strong and courageous. Since you are determined to do this, I will give you one last chance. I hope you will not completely disappoint me." Silver Fox sighed slightly. One breath.

If he had a choice, he was still reluctant to see this situation arise. Unfortunately, this was not the time to look at unnecessary things.

Since this will be quite useful, no one will choose to give up. Overall, the opportunities will become extremely abundant.

If anyone wants to deny it in the end, I'm afraid no one will buy it at all.

Even taking advantage of the ample opportunities now, it may only make the price they pay even more severe.

Not to mention, can it be fully utilized in the end? This is simply an unknown number. Even if you have made all the considerations, you cannot say that you are absolutely sure.

Qin Feng now doesn't feel any fear at all.

He knew clearly in his heart that this person would never be as easy to deal with as he appeared on the surface.

Therefore, no matter what, we must make other adequate preparations and never fall into any disadvantage in this matter.

That would definitely be a bit unacceptable and might even cause more trouble.

Qin Feng then nodded and said, "Let's take a look at your outstanding strength today."

Pan Yujian has already been drawn out by him. If he doesn't deal with it properly today, it won't make sense.

Even to some extent, it will bring them more huge changes.

The two of them were at war with each other, and the situation was changing rapidly. When the others saw this, they subconsciously moved around. They didn't want to be involved at this moment. In a battle of this level, if a third person intervened, they would be violently resolved in an instant. , there will be no other possibility at all, and even this will only make them pay more incredible prices.

Once they really don't reach that point, doesn't it mean that it will make them even more uncomfortable?

It is precisely because of this restriction that no one dares to take action rashly.

Qin Feng and Yin Hu stood facing each other. At this moment, it seemed that they had brought about a thousand inexplicable changes.

Almost everyone couldn't believe it.

But the more this happens, the more curious he becomes.

Once this matter can no longer be dealt with easily, the gap may become apparent.

As for what other reactions will be made after this? This is somewhat unclear.

"Since you and I are facing each other for the first time, I can consider giving you three moves. After three moves, I will definitely take your life!" Silver Fox said lightly.

Every word and action can be said to be full of all kinds of pride and ambition.

Qin Feng will not be looked down upon at all. This is entirely due to his own confidence. With such confidence, why worry about not being able to accomplish those big things?

Therefore, there are not so many other unnecessary thoughts in his heart. After Qin Feng heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

He really didn't know very well. Did the other party just not take him seriously? Or can we continue to be self-righteous just by relying on these things now?

No matter what, what should have happened has now appeared in front of them.

Even if you don't want to deny it, you may already be avoiding it.

Qin Feng nodded slightly. The other party insisted on giving up three moves, and he had no reason not to follow up.

Even if there are some emergencies after this, it doesn't matter to him anymore.

Even if the final result is not as expected, so what?

Doing something you know you can't do is still a good decision.

I saw Qin Feng quickly copying the Panyu Sword and attacking forward instantly. The extraordinary power that exploded at this moment was deeply shocking.

No matter whether there will be other gains in the end, let’s talk about it for now.

He would not have so many other unnecessary fears because of these small reasons. That is definitely unrealistic.

Think carefully with your head, and you may have already made all the decisions in your heart.

There is no need to have other unnecessary worries, so for this kind of problem, they may still make more plans in their hearts, and will not feel too much fear because of this.

That doesn't seem to be a very realistic thing at all, and it is even more likely that it will cost them absolutely unbelievable prices.

Once you reach that incredible point, you may be able to feel it.

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