Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2612 Shattered to pieces

After Zhao Yiming announced his identity during the day and the arrival of Saint's wife, the entire capital city was already in a state of shock. It was destined to be an uneventful night.

Deep in the palace, Pu Ping cried like a tearful person. She now felt deep resentment towards her mother and brother. If it hadn't been for them, how could she have missed this opportunity to fly to the branch? .

You must know that being a concubine to Zhao Yiming is an unparalleled honor and the status is quite high. Moreover, his seven wives have always had nothing to do. If he can give birth to a child in advance, the tide will definitely rise.

Pu Dan also has a look of regret on her face now. She did not expect that things would change like this, and that people already knew the truth of the whole matter.

The second lady made it very clear. She was very dissatisfied with her speculative behavior. She knew that she had mistaken the dignity of a strong person. If her daughter had not had a few happy moments with others, I am afraid that she would have failed in this regard. Was destroyed by others.

Park Haizhang also sighed at this time. What a good opportunity was gone. If his sister could become someone else's concubine, then the throne would not be within his grasp.

Pu Dan sighed again and said: "This time it's all my mother's fault. I didn't expect him to be such a strong man. We really made every mistake and lost every step. It's too late to regret."

Park Haizhang shook his head similarly and said: "It's too late to say anything now. I wanted to see him this afternoon, but was blocked by Li Jianjun.

It seems that we can only go all the way to the dark side now, pinning all our hopes on the Japanese. If they can win, we still have a chance of comeback. "

Pu Dan nodded seriously, and then said: "Since you have done it, you must do it. Since Zhao Yiming no longer wants my daughter, then you can serve Master Hayasaka Yayoi!"

Pu Ping was stunned at first, but then she realized that although Zhao Yiming no longer wanted her, she was the one who had served him after all. If she served his enemy, it would naturally make the enemy feel very satisfied.

After hesitating for a moment, she decided to follow her mother's instructions. Anyway, at this point, she had to find a backer for herself.

Pu Yi is also hiding in the secret room, with his two sons among them. Although his eldest son and second son are supported by two of the four masters, they have always been his confidants.

Pu Yingkun tapped the table with his hand and said: "I really didn't expect that Zhao Yusheng is Zhao Yiming. This really gave us a big surprise. It seems to me that he is also dissatisfied with the four masters."

Pu Yuan smiled slightly and said: "I don't think I can express my dissatisfaction, but he will definitely want the four masters to die. Have you ever thought about why he came to Korea?

And why he wants to help us deal with the Japanese is because the mainland is now in chaos, and he is eliminating potential threats and ensuring that no one interferes with the mainland's process. "

He seemed particularly shrewd at this time. He was no longer the nothing-at-all image he had at the beginning. He was completely a think tank, a very capable person.

He continued: "I have analyzed his itinerary. The Mingjiao is located in Huijiang, which also restrains the power of hundreds of Huijiang tribes. And he has won the title of Chosen One among the barbarians, and the barbarians have been tied to him. chariot.

He also caused a lot of chaos in the Sea Tribe. Not only were the rebels powerful, but there were also many conflicts between the six sea kings and the sea emperors, and a war was about to break out.

Then he came to our Goryeo. You have also seen this series of situations. Not only did he want to cripple our Goryeo, he also wanted to level Japan. "

Pu Yi said hesitantly: "But with his strength, he can just push it flat. Why do he resort to such means?"

Pu Yuan smiled slightly and said: "This is to satisfy his own heart. How can violent pushing and pushing have everyone in his hands? Watching those who are above him being played by him in the palm of his hand, this sense of accomplishment How would you know.

So we are now faced with a choice, whether to contact the four masters and the Japanese, integrate all his hostile forces, and fight him to the end, or let the current situation develop, and finally let him bring the four masters and the Japanese together Kill all Japanese people. "

Park Yingkun said with some confusion: "What are the advantages and disadvantages of these two options?"

Pu Yuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "The first choice is of no benefit to us. The strength of the Mingjiao is there, and judging from the situation of his wife coming over today, he should have a special way to use it at any time. Masters from the Ming Cult were transferred over.

After we integrate our power, it will be nothing more than a holy realm, four and a half saints. As long as people are willing, violent promotion is just like playing.

There is no harm in our second choice, but it is just to re-treat the three empires, and the final winner will be a vassal state. And if the strategy is right and we flatter them more, we may be able to get some good things. "

Pu Yingkun immediately laughed and said: "Then what else is there to talk about? Of course, we should use the second method. If it's cheap, it's a bastard."

Pu Yi secretly shook his head. It seemed that it would be better to give the throne to his son. This son is smart and capable, and your stupid boss is much stronger.

But no one noticed that there was a glint in Park Yingkun's eyes, and there was a bug in his pocket. He was one step ahead of everyone.

The Japanese people were also brightly lit, and Shuiyun Dazong said with a serious face: "I really didn't expect such a change. This Zhao Yiming is very capable, and his wife's ability is not inferior to mine.

Everyone must be cautious, but he alone cannot stop us from establishing the Co-Prosperity Sphere. Goryeo is a stop we must win. "

Togawa Ryu also said disdainfully: "He is just a young man at best. How capable he is, most people really think too highly of him."

Shibui Ryuji also said at this time: "Even if he has some skills, we ninjas are particularly good at assassination. Why don't I lead a group of ninjas to kill him!"

Tachibana Chiaki quickly dissuaded him and said: "I think it's better for you, sir, to calm down for a while. We should focus on major matters first, and it won't be too late to deal with him after Goryeo's matter is resolved."

Shuiyun Dazong nodded and said: "What Tachibana said makes sense, this matter has been settled, but I would like to see if the promise he made today can be fulfilled if someone really completes it. "

Everyone was silent. That promise was too powerful. If the other party could really fulfill it, it would be too terrifying.

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