Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2615 Qin Feng is injured

Now both sides are in a situation where neither can do anything about the other. Under this situation, the opportunities they can seize will naturally become even rarer.

If no one can deal with it properly in the end, it will inevitably make them feel quite bad in their hearts.

As for who can accept it? This is unknown.

Some opportunities, once placed in front of them, will inevitably become impossible to find.

"It seems that your strength is indeed quite strong, but I'm not sure. What else can you say about this?" At this moment, Qin Feng couldn't help but frowned.

These changes will inevitably change very quickly, so that in the end, will they have enough room to accept this indisputable fact? It is already unknown.

What if they want to take this chance and get more? Maybe you have to weigh it carefully to see if this is the case in the end.

If only those opportunities could be seized, this problem might have been solved long ago.

As long as they are willing, there is no need to worry about this matter.

The situation at this moment can be said to be full of seriousness.

It's not something they can control at will. I wonder if this situation will allow them to get more things? This is currently unknown.

The original will shook his head. This does not mean that he will lose more things.

It is only because of various conditions that we have to use this method to solve the current trouble.

After coming back to his senses, the original will sneered and said: "Qin Feng, don't think that I don't know what kind of ideas you have in your mind. As long as you can do this well, it won't lead to such a result. , it seems that you should have already made all the plans in your mind, but unfortunately, you still don’t know the heavy price you will pay when this happens. "

I don’t know if this is because he is mocking the other person for sitting in a well and looking at the sky, or because of some other reason?

Such a situation may never be something he is willing to accept.

Even if these preparations are not available in the end, it does not mean that they will face a disastrous failure.

Even if it reaches the final stage, it still cannot be what people want. There is actually nothing worth saying about this.

This made Qin Feng frown. He didn't quite understand. Now that it has reached this point, what else is worth saying about the original will? It is really incomprehensible, and even trying to figure out such a change is already unavoidable at this moment.

"Do you think there are other methods in the heart of the original will? Nowadays, it always feels a little unusual, and I don't know what the reason is that caused such a situation to occur." At this moment, Yang Tianlong said with a frown.

There is no way to allow them not to deal with it carefully.

Otherwise, such a consequence would definitely not be something they could endure at this moment.

If it really reaches that point, will there be other opportunities? This is even more unknown, and it may even cost them a heavier price.

"It's too early to say this now, but as long as Junior Brother Qin Feng can grasp these things, we should be able to fully accept them." Yang Zaitian said unequivocally.

With such a huge change, there will always be some confusion.

If they can no longer be solved, they may have to find another way.

Although the states displayed at this moment will become different, they are enough for them to absorb.

As long as you are prepared, you will have already solved it.

There was no need to wait for this opportunity, which made them feel overwhelmed.

If you have a choice, there is still hope for a solution.

Wan Xulin said: "But I always feel that this original will is quite insidious. I am afraid that he will never proceed in this way before making all preparations."

This is unknown, and what price it will cost them even after this? It's all a huge unknown.

Before all of this has settled, it is obviously too early to say these words.

At this moment, the original will was not idle either. He could only see the fingers of his right hand held together and chanting some spells in his mouth. The changes that emerged at this moment can be said to have endless reveries in people's hearts.

Qin Feng only felt that the power in his Dantian Divine Sea was not guaranteed at this moment. This made him feel a great confusion in his heart. It seemed that the power of the Heart of Darkness was being controlled by the original will. Ingested secretly?

It makes him hard to guard against. As for after this, can he get more things? It’s even less clear.

In an instant, Qin Feng felt uncomfortable all over. After all, who could have imagined that such a huge change would happen in the end?

Even if you can react, it seems to be too late at this time.

At this time, the original will completely laughed out loud, and there was no longer any cover-up. This feeling of the conspiracy succeeding really seemed to be very mysterious. On the other hand, Qin Feng at this moment, that kind of The extremely ugly face makes people even more difficult to guard against.

He looked at the original will in front of him in disbelief, and then said: "It seems that even if your mark is removed, you will still have such a great chance of winning. No wonder you are full of all kinds of confidence in this." , after all, there is a reason for being here.”

At this moment, what else can be said? It will only add some trouble to them, and apart from that, there is nothing else worth saying.

This made the original will very useful. These were originally some small tricks and conspiracies in his heart, but now after they were taken out, there was no expression on his face.

Suihe said calmly: "I have reminded you not to choose to go against me, otherwise you will not even know how to die. Now you should understand it clearly, right? There are some things that are not what you want. Eventually you can go bold."

What a joke? Who is Qin Feng? Even the chosen one of this era dares to make such a mistake in front of him? If you can't teach him a profound and unforgettable lesson, I'm afraid he will never be willing to accept this fact.

So now that I have made sufficient preparations, there is nothing else to say.

Not only that, these people from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect also had a look of deep surprise on their faces.

This was something they had never imagined, and such a change happened so quickly, which made it difficult for them to guard against it.

I am afraid that from now on, no one will be able to gain the original will.

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