Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2617 Soul Blow

The original will is now ready to risk everything. No matter what preparations Qin Feng will make next, he has the intention to kill this person today.

Even if the final result would be a lose-lose situation, the people from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect would eventually steal the fruits of victory.

Then he couldn't bear it. Even if he faced this situation, he would definitely not say anything more.

If this situation continues, it will not be a pity for him.

In this case, the entire situation can still be controlled by him.

After coming back to his senses, the original will slowly walked out. Since neither of them could do anything in this state, they could only target the soul and give him a soul blow.

Seeing the original will's body becoming more and more weird, Qin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

He wanted to see what other cards this damn original will had that he had yet to use?

I hope this won't disappoint him, otherwise Qin Feng will never stand it.

Even if it's a life-and-death fight, this matter must be settled. It is absolutely impossible for those unexpected changes to happen again.

After coming back to his senses, Qin Feng said calmly: "Then let me take a good look at how terrifying your next methods will become."

"Don't worry, everything will go as you wish, Qin Feng. Soon I will make you regret why you live in this world. You brought it all on yourself, and no one else is to blame at all." The tone of the original will is very indifferent.

After making these preparations, there is naturally nothing else to worry about. Even if the final situation does not go as he wishes, it doesn't matter anymore.

I saw that the original will suddenly launched a sudden attack towards Qin Feng, but his body instantly transformed into five clones.

And his eyes are filled with an indescribable hint of threat, and you will immediately fall into it with just one glance.

Qin Feng felt completely scared in his heart.

He didn't know what was so special about this method, but he could easily accept it as long as he was prepared.

But faced with this sudden attack, he still seemed a little at a loss.

Soon, he felt a pain in his head.

At this time, he could finally understand why this was the final result.

Is it because of this appearance? No wonder these huge surprises happen.

Against his soul? It's a pity that he has the Dantian Shenhai, coupled with the protection of the dark spirit, no matter how powerful the original will is, it can't cause a soul blow to him at this time.

So if you think about it carefully, this makes sense.

The original will was trying to control Qin Feng, but at this moment, he found that his soul beat had no effect on Qin Feng.

For a moment, his mouth opened very wide, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

This is really unbelievable, but when it appears in front of him like this, what else is there to say?

Even if it doesn't necessarily turn out as he wishes in the end, it should never be like this.

Therefore, on the whole, since this change has already occurred, there is naturally nothing more to say.

"It seems that you are more powerful than I imagined. I never thought that you would end up like this. Qin Feng, you are indeed good. After all calculations, some things are still miscalculated. ”Original Will said with a frown.

Such a problem happened too suddenly for him. Even if he could react and prepare in advance, he always seemed to feel that something was missing, and this kind of thing would definitely bring huge consequences to him. disaster.

Qin Feng rubbed his hands, and then the spirit of darkness appeared instantly.

This is almost unimaginable. Even the outer hall masters of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect had a look of deep shock in their eyes after seeing the existence of the dark spirit.

Silver Fox murmured: "Devouring several realms to such an extent is rare nowadays. I didn't expect that Qin Feng was indeed quite defiant and could actually achieve this. Such an opportunity, Isn’t it too powerful? This is really infuriating.”

Sometimes the changes brought about will inevitably make them feel a little incredible, but apart from these things, there is nothing else to say.

"Why have I never heard of it? Brother Silver Fox, is there something fishy about this matter?" Fenglong Hall Master asked with a frown.

There is no doubt that Silver Fox is well-informed.

But these questions will still make him feel a little incredible after all. As for the final result, can he accept it? This is unknown.

Silver Fox nodded and said: "It's a pity that this is just an unformed version. If he is allowed to swallow more, the harvest will be incredible. If you think about it carefully, once he has swallowed it for several times, he will finally be able to Whether they will still have these reactions is unknown.”

The leader of Fenglong Hall suddenly realized that it was no wonder that such a situation was happening. It seemed that it had been explained clearly and thoroughly now.

The expression of the original will at this moment became extremely embarrassing.

This really made him unable to accept it anymore. As for what other changes will happen after this? Now I can't say for sure.

It may be too late to make him prepare those things again.

Regardless of whether there will be any gains in the end, this happened so fast that there is nothing else to say.

"Why does the hateful spirit of darkness insist on recognizing you as its master? Qin Feng, what unscrupulous methods did you use back then? I never expected that an oversight in the past has now become a bitter consequence that I must suffer." Original Will fly into a rage.

With this protection, if he wanted to take action again, it would be extremely difficult, so would those opportunities still exist in the end? It's all a huge unknown.

Qin Feng shrugged. Originally, he didn't want to do this, but sometimes, what he showed was indeed different.

As long as we can grasp something from it, this matter will not become what it is now.

Then he said calmly: "There are so many things that surprise you. Do I have to show them to you one by one? Then you really think too highly of yourself."

Next, he wanted to take a look again and see what things they could no longer grasp.

What if the original will only has this ability? Then he doesn't need to be polite anymore.

Take action when it's time to take action. If you still choose to hesitate, you will definitely not be able to make him accept it again.

At this time, you must be more prepared before you can continue.

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