Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2632 Ding Sanyi’s Sword

In this situation, no one dares to take the lead.

Some of the preparations they can make are certainly not enough for them to fully control.

Will he still have those full reactions in the end? It has become a huge unknown.

Some problems, if they can no longer grasp them, may fill their hearts with more curiosity and shock.

Ding Sanyi looked at the silver fox in front of him quietly, and fell into deep thought at this moment.

He wasn't quite sure why the other party had such great confidence.

But now that he takes a closer look, he actually has more choices in his heart.

If these conditions do not go as he wishes in the end, it is more likely that he will lose those things.

I saw him slowly injecting the very anxious energy into his long sword.

At this moment, it seemed that he was the only protagonist in the world. If anyone dared to make a mistake in front of him, such a price would make them feel uncomfortable instantly.

But now, I am afraid that this situation is no longer something they can easily handle.

Feeling this huge energy, Silver Fox has been completely frightened by such aura. As for whether there will be other reactions in the end? This is simply an unknown unknown.

If they want to completely seize those opportunities, this will make them unable to grasp them easily.

It's just that wanting to be better prepared for such things may cause some hesitations in their hearts.

For a moment, he actually paused on the spot, not daring to take action again.

Otherwise, this kind of price will never be something he can easily bear.

After coming back to his senses, Silver Fox swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and there was a look of determination in his eyes.

Will those reactions finally occur? This is all an unknown unknown.

If only we had been prepared, this matter might have been resolved long ago.

Then they saw him attacking directly forward. Now was not the time to think about these problems, it was very likely that they would pay more.

Looking at the people coming to attack, Ding Sanyi also smiled lightly at this time,

He didn't take this into consideration at all. As for what will happen in the end after this? It's unknown now.

I want to better grasp these things, but it is not enough at all.

"Although your strength has improved over the years, it is a pity that it is not enough in front of me. If I want to blame you, I can only blame you for paying too much attention to these unnecessary things, which ultimately led to your own failure. "Ding Sanyi sighed.

Then he struck directly forward with a sword. The sword that cut through the sky seemed to want to completely cut through the entire space.

The place scratched by the sword light was filled with shock.

That huge aura made them feel quite shocked in their hearts.

Once they find out that they will no longer have these preparations, the cost will actually make them feel a little unspeakable.

That kind of huge impact will eventually lead to some dissatisfaction among them.

Feeling that the strength of the sword is still so terrifying, at this time, there is no need to have any other doubts.

Even Silver Fox knows very well that such a price will eventually make them aware of more changes.

"I really didn't expect that after so many years, your strength would become so terrifying. It seems that I underestimated you too much after all." Silver Fox sighed.

I originally thought that with my own strength, I would be able to fight.

But now it seems that what he thought was too simple after all.

This huge gap in strength will definitely not be something they can accept.

It seems that today I am afraid that I will have to hand over my entire life here. As for whether there will be any gains in the end? It's simply unknown now.

If things go on like this, there will definitely not be so many other preparations.

Even with this kind of price at that time, I am afraid that Fenglong Hall Master and others will not be able to leave easily.

Qin Feng and others will definitely take action, and there is no doubt about this person's strength.

Even this price at that time will lead to worse results.

"I can give you one last chance. If you surrender to me, maybe I can spare your life." Ding Sanyi said lightly.

This is already his kindness. Apart from this, it is quite unrealistic for him to ask him to do any other actions.

As for whether we will still have these preparations in the end? It is even more unknown.

Silver Fox looked up to the sky and smiled, with a look of death on his face.

He would not take this into consideration at all. Even if some other surprises did occur, what would it bring to him?

Even if the final result is not as expected, in his opinion, there is no need to question it in any other aspect.

Silver Fox then said: "Your sword is indeed terrifying. From that moment on, I should be able to understand clearly that these differences will actually become quite huge. It's just that such a big change has occurred. Now I don't know what to do." Such a price will eventually cost him his life. Therefore, after noticing such a huge change, they will not be filled with so many preparations. If they don't have these certainties in the end, can they fully control it? Obviously, it is not as expected. Even after this, the preparations they can make will become increasingly scarce. Looking at the Silver Fox in front of him like a dead dog, Ding Sanyi shook his head lightly. Since some problems have already appeared, he will never ignore them. Since he has failed, he must bear such a bitter fruit. It's not possible to just ignore these unnecessary things? If it is still such a situation at that time, perhaps their hearts will be filled with more other changes. Ding Sanyi knew very well that everything the other party did was just a stopgap measure.

From his heart, he really didn't see that he had so much respect for himself.

As for the final result, will it be as they imagined? Ding Sanyi didn't want to care about it anymore.

His sword has fully explained all the problems, and it will inevitably lead to more unexpected results.

Want to achieve such a goal? Then you must have something to show off.

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