Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2634: Please

At this time, it had already entered a kind of silence.

No one dares to say that they can be more prepared for this matter. As for the final result, will they all be able to accept it? Qin Feng is not sure either.

It's just that I want to be more fully prepared, but now it seems that it is too late.

If they don't have these preparations in the end, their hearts may be filled with some incredible things.

"Junior Brother Qin Feng, what direction should we go now? After we deal with these people from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, I am afraid there will be some huge changes for us." Yang Tianlong said worriedly at this moment.

It's not that he hasn't considered these issues, but even so, what other methods can there be?

This is not known at all, and even if they want to make these huge preparations, they have to weigh it to see if their own weight is enough.

There was also some worry on the faces of Yang Zaitian and others.

It seems that this is not something they can easily bear. Although the people of Wanjian Sect have already explained their intentions, do they have other thoughts of their own in their hearts? It's simply unknown now.

Some costs are definitely not something they can easily handle.

Qin Feng shook his head and said: "I really didn't expect that there would be such a huge change in the end, but we still have to act according to circumstances. Some things are not as simple as they appear."

After listening, they all stopped talking and quietly watched Ding Sanyi's operations.

Now the only people from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect are the Silver Fox and the Master of the Fenglong Hall, and they are all trembling at the moment.

It's just that some things are not as simple as they thought.

What other changes will ultimately occur as a result? It is simply an unknown quantity.

In order to make these preparations, perhaps they have to have something that they can get their hands on.

Silver Fox looked at Ding Sanyi in disbelief, who had just taken action. He had no strength to fight anymore, but no matter what, some things had finally appeared in front of their eyes. If they were to think about it at this time, It's not enough anymore.

"You, you are really so crazy? In this dark world, you killed all the people from my Ten Thousand Demon Sect. Do you really think that in the Hundred Sects War, the people from my Ten Thousand Demon Sect would not dare to attack your people? Take action?" Silver Fox asked angrily.

These problems have been displayed before their eyes without hesitation.

No matter what, I'm afraid there's nothing else to say next.

It is even more impossible to really seize these opportunities.

At that time, they couldn't even mention how unbelievable these costs would be to them.

If there is no such preparation in the end, how can we make them accept it?

Unexpectedly, Ding Sanyi didn't care at all. He sneered and said: "We have already reached such a situation, do you still think that I will be afraid? Silver Fox, you should have been very clear from the moment I took action. , some costs cannot be easily accepted by us.”

Even if you want to completely break your skin, what can you do?

Once they find that they no longer have these assurances, it will really make them feel extremely uncomfortable.

Silver Fox frowned. If he dared to say such harsh words like this, how could he make them accept it?

If they lose these assurances in the end, it will really make them feel extremely uncomfortable.

Therefore, after coming back to their senses, they still could not grasp the current changes.

"Ding Sanyi, I admit that some things may not be as simple as you and I think. But if you want to truly grasp this, why is it so difficult? Aren't you afraid of provoking disputes by doing this? ? You should be very clear that that kind of price is probably not something you and I can easily accept." At this time, the Master of Fenglong Hall couldn't bear it anymore.

If this continues, there may be some huge changes.

Therefore, if they want to fully seize these opportunities, they must have something to offer.

Ding Sanyi put away the long sword calmly, shook his head and said: "With your scumbag strength? In my opinion, there is nothing else worth talking about, so you should give up."

At this point, he didn't even need to draw his long sword to deal with them easily.

Being able to have more preparations at this moment is really crucial for them.

At this time, Qin Feng also walked up.

Seeing that Qin Feng, who had been trampled under his feet in the past and was constantly ravaged by him, could now step on their heads to shit and pee, it had to be said that Qin Feng was able to control it to some extent.

A look of anger appeared on the faces of Silver Fox and Fenglong Hall Master.

They dare to be angry but dare not speak, and they will not talk about other nonsense at all.

But at this moment, in order to save their lives, they can only succumb to others for the time being. As for whether doing so will bring more changes to them? That's unknown.

Thinking back carefully, such a situation is simply not something they can easily endure now.

"Qin Feng, there doesn't seem to be a direct interest relationship between you and me, and all we have done is just following the orders from above. I hope you can say a few good words for us in front of him." Fenglong Hall Master said quickly.

What happened between them is still worth more hesitation.

No matter the final result, whether they can accept it or not, it is already unknown.

So after this, will there be more choices? Now it is even more unknown.

If they want to grasp it better, they may have something to show.

Qin Feng shook his head. What's the point of pleasing him now?

It will only make them feel more uncomfortable.

If they will never have other preparations after this, such a price will really make them uncomfortable.

No matter what kind of situation will happen in the end, it seems to be too late.

"It seems that your luck is very bad. Even facing the situation at this moment, it is not enough for you to seize these opportunities again." Ding Sanyi said with a sneer.

Some things will never be that simple again.

And now being able to make these preparations in advance is crucial for them.

Even if Fenglong Hall Master pleases Qin Feng, what can he get?

This is not known at all, and it is very likely to bring them more disasters.

Therefore, when they noticed this, their faces became quite different. The two looked at each other, afraid that they would not be able to escape from each other's clutches today.

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