Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2712: Falling into a trap

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The three people from Black Dragon Hall are now secretly hiding.

In their hearts, it will even become quite clear because of this.

There are some costs that they cannot easily deal with now.

If they no longer have these assurances in the end, how can we make them accept it?

It's just that some situations are never as simple as they appear on the surface.

As long as we can seize some opportunities, the final result will not become what it is now.

At this time, Qin Feng asked curiously: "Senior Ding, if this continues, will you still have those preparations in the end?"

Some prices are never what people want.

Needless to say, the situations they saw at this moment would definitely make them feel even more incredible.

If they lose these assurances in the end, it will make them feel even more incredible.

Silver Fox and Fenglong Hall Master also frowned at this moment. Faced with this situation, no one can make more decisions.

Even if the final result is no longer what they want, what can be changed?

But after Ding Sanyi heard this, he couldn't help but frowned.

He could see very clearly that such a price would make them feel even more incredible. "Qin Feng, these things you said are not unreasonable, but it happened too suddenly. I will not choose to fully believe these people in the Black Dragon Hall for the time being. As for whether they will still have these things in the end. Sure? I don't know now. Don't worry. Didn't I bring two brothers with me when I went to the dark world? I think they should have made some absolute plans, so there is no need to worry about it. "Ding Sanyi

Said slowly.

He saw very clearly that these problems were never as simple as they seemed on the surface.

If there are no results in the end, how can we make them accept it?

Some costs are not something they are willing to see easily at the moment.

Speaking of this, Qin Feng suddenly realized it.

He didn't think of it for the time being. At that time, Ding Sanyi's two brothers had already left the dark world early.

Now it looks like they should have been hiding in the dark.

Because of this, those situations arise. In the end, can they be made to accept it? This is currently unknown.

If they want to seize these opportunities again, they must grab more things.

Only in this way will those people's machinations not be allowed to succeed. After coming back to his senses, Qin Feng said slowly: "It turned out to be for this reason. If this is the case, you can rest assured. Some things are indeed not what they seem on the surface. simple

Shan, now that we have such a certainty, there is no need to have any doubts in other aspects. "

Now let’s see if the other party will fall into the trap? This is what they should really be concerned about now.

Only by seizing these opportunities will they have more plans in the future.

Naturally, there is no need to question this point in any other aspects. Ding Sanyi looked at Qin Feng in front of him and seemed very satisfied at this moment.

He saw very clearly that this was never as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Regardless of whether the final situation can exceed some of their imaginations, what they see now may no longer be as simple as it seems on the surface.

Only in this way can they seize more opportunities.

If they no longer have those assurances in the end, can they be made to accept it? "Okay, now there is no need to worry about those changes. Now that I have those plans, I want to see what other changes there will be in the hidden people mentioned by the three people in the Black Dragon Hall." Ding Sanyi tight

He clenched his fists tightly.

It can be said that he saw very clearly that these situations did not exceed their imagination and understanding.

Needless to say, with his strength, he can definitely have more plans on this matter.

Even if the final situation will be far beyond their imagination and understanding, what can be changed?

Only Silver Fox and Fenglong Hall Master could not help but frown at this moment.

Didn't expect that Ding Sanyi still had so many tricks up his sleeve? Now it seems that this is no longer that simple.

No matter what, since some situations have appeared in front of them, there is no need to have any other questions.

If they no longer have these plans in the end, can they fully accept such a price? At this moment, the Master of Fenglong Hall said softly: "Brother Silver Fox, I didn't expect that this matter would happen so quickly, and I don't know how to prepare for it next. If this happens, I'm afraid the result will not be the same.

It will definitely be as expected. "

"Don't worry so much. Now that this matter has arisen, there is no need to worry about anything else." Silver Fox said slowly.

He could see this very clearly. No matter from which angle he looked at it, there was no need to question it from other aspects.

This made Fenglong Hall Master's face look a little ugly at the moment.

I don't know how to explain this, but now that they have these preparations, no one will be willing to give up.

Even if the final result will not be what they want, what can they do?

After coming back to their senses, thinking carefully, it is indeed like this.

But no matter what the final situation will be, there is no need to question it in any aspect.

Now it is not clear at all, in which direction the final result will develop.

What they don't know is that at this moment, in addition to them, Wan Yaomen has also sent other outer hall masters.

The purpose is to investigate this matter thoroughly. Only in this way, there is no need to question it in any other aspect.

Therefore, after thinking carefully, I feel that this is reasonable.

Even if the final result will not exceed their imagination, what result can be changed?

Some situations may not be like the current situation.

Those people in Wan Yaomen will never give up the existence of so many forces under their hands.

The shock those people brought to them was too great.

If they find out that they have no other preparations in the end, how can they accept it?

Even though they have concealed their identities, there is no need to question anything else about this matter. Even if the final result is not as expected, there is no need to question anything else.

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