Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2744 Speculation

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In the hall of Wanjian Sect, Qin Feng and others are gathered here at this moment.

This made some mistakes appear in their eyes.

If they don't have these choices in the end, it will make them full of more disappointments.

The atmosphere in the hall seemed quite heavy.

Some prices are never what they are willing to accept today.

If in the end they no longer have these choices, how can we make them accept it?

Therefore, these changes at this time will only make them feel even more incredible.

Apart from this, there are no other optional things at this moment. "Everyone, the changes you are seeing now will always make people feel unbelievable, but some states will always make people feel full of many incredible things. But now that we have this plan, it will definitely not be possible.

There is no need to question anything else. If the final result is like this, it will make them full of more incredible things. "Fang Wuxin said slowly.

Now he doesn't know what to say about other nonsense, but apart from this, what other options do he have?

Obviously it is not very simple, and even once these final assurances are gone, such a price will inevitably make them feel even more unbelievable.

That state will definitely no longer be so simple.

If these choices are no longer available in the end, how can we make them accept it? Ding Sanyi was still a little confused and asked: "Sir, Sect Master, although I have a choice in this matter, looking at the current situation, I still feel that it is a little different. If this continues, it will inevitably lead to

People find it a bit incredible. "

At this time, there is no need to question anything else.

But there are some things that cannot be explained by common sense. How can we make them accept this?

After making sufficient preparations, all the costs may seem quite incredible to them. "Two seniors, no matter what the purpose of the other party's coming here is, since such changes have occurred, maybe they have to admit it. If we can't admit this, it will inevitably be the case in the end.

There will be some mistakes. "Qin Feng said slowly.

There are actually many reasons why these changes have become so big.

Even if the final result will only make them extremely disappointed, what can it do?

Some of the costs are not something they can easily accept at this moment, but apart from this, they will definitely not have too many other choices.

After the two of them listened, their expressions changed very quickly at this moment.

If they can't completely seize such an opportunity, how can we make them grasp it accurately?

Therefore, this kind of price will always be difficult for them to accept.

Once they find out that these opportunities are gone in the end, it will definitely make them feel even more unbelievable.

Fang Wuxin paced back and forth in the hall, a look of deep worry appearing in his eyes.

After all, faced with such a huge change, can he be able to fully control it? has become an unknown quantity. He let out a long sigh and finally said: "The reason why this happened now is actually quite obvious. If it weren't for such conditional restrictions, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to discover these gaps in the end.


"Did that person remind you of something?" At this time, Ding Sanyi seemed to notice some new changes.

As for why this happened in the end? That's unknown.

Once they find out that they don't have these opportunities in the end, how can they accept it?

Obviously, this is no longer so realistic.

Even to some extent, you may not necessarily have more of those concerns. Qin Feng was also listening with interest, and Fang Wuxin then said: "The reasons for these changes are actually quite obvious, but now that we have these full preparations, we no longer need to have any other skills. Worry, and there are still many reasons why some situations change so quickly. The envoy of the God Realm seems to have something in his words, but now it seems that there should still be

There will be many reasons. "I see, but looking at such a situation, it seems that there are no other places worthy of too much attention now. Otherwise, such a price may make people feel even more incredible. Lord Sect Master, the reason why now I think there should be certain reasons for this change to occur. At least the situation in front of us has happened too fast. We can only enter the secret realm as soon as possible and let Qin

If Feng Qu obtains the inheritance left by Lord Sword God, he may have more success. "Ding Sanyi continued.

You can only enter the secret realm and improve your strength in a short period of time.

From now on, they don’t need to question anything else.

Otherwise, how can we make them accept it once they lose these preparations?

Regardless of the current situation, why did such a change occur in the end? It's still something they can handle.

After listening to this, Fang Wuxin fell into deep thought.

This situation happened too quickly, which made them feel incredible.

If there were no such choices in the end, how could they accept these changes?

If you think about it carefully, the gap will happen very quickly.

And they will lose more preparations, but now that they can make these preparations again, they don't need to worry about anything else.

Qin Feng's face also showed some quite surprised expressions at this moment.

After all, such a change happened too suddenly.

Even if the final result will lead to some bad results, what results can be changed?

The reason why it is like this now will make them full of more incredible things.

"Now it seems that I have to go." Qin Feng smiled bitterly.

But in his heart, he still has a lot of yearning.

He saw very clearly why such a change happened? The reason is still quite obvious.

Once they lose these opportunities, how can they accept it?

The reason why it is like this now is actually quite obvious. What will happen when entering the secret realm? It is indeed worth being curious.

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