Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2754 Search

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After listening to what Ta Ling said, Qin Feng's expression at this moment had already become quite uncomfortable.

But this kind of thing can actually explain some new problems to a certain extent.

But without these adequate preparations, how can we make them accept it? Then Qin Feng said: "Since this matter has happened so quickly, these things have now been discovered by me. Some things will not be as simple as they appear on the surface. They are just some things."

There is no need to question anything else, but what other changes will happen after leaving is unclear now. "After all, you still need to improve your strength. Qin Feng, don't worry. Once some costs appear, they will not be as simple as they appear on the surface. Needless to say, there are some things that need to be grasped well." of

Take a chance! Only then will the things we can obtain become more abundant. "The expression of the tower spirit of the Tower of Darkness changed very quickly at this moment.

But he still seems quite indifferent, because with this change, there is no need to question him in any other way.

And the things they can see can also be fully utilized by them.

Even if there are no such results in the end, how can we make them accept it?

Now that you have these preparations, the things you see will be even more incredible.

Needless to say, these changes at this moment will always make it difficult for them to get what they want.

Qin Feng clenched his fist tightly. Although he was only in the early stage of Qianyuan Realm, he would be able to seize more opportunities.

Now that we can have these gains, no matter what, there may be no need to question anything else.

With his strength in the early stage of the Qianyuan Realm, there are still many possibilities for him to gain a foothold at this point.

Therefore, seizing such opportunities is the top priority for them.

Once they finally no longer have these plans, how can we make them accept it?

If you think about it carefully, you always feel that the gap will eventually become extremely huge.

If in the end they can no longer seize such an opportunity, how can we make them accept it?

So now that I think about it carefully, I still have considerable gains.

After seizing these opportunities, it may make them feel even more incredible.

At that time, how can we make them accept these changes?

Looking at Qin Feng, who looked worried, his expression became quite uncomfortable at this moment.

He could see very clearly that this kind of price was not something they could easily handle.

Even if these uncertainties are lost in the end, what can be changed?

Therefore, being able to fully grasp these opportunities now may make them full of more incredible things.

That kind of price will definitely make it even more unbearable for them.

Needless to say, the changes taking place at this moment will eventually make them feel quite uncomfortable in their hearts. Ta Ling looked at the silent Qin Feng and said worriedly at this moment: "Qin Feng, after all, we still need to be so indifferent. Only by fully utilizing these opportunities can we have more plans in the future.

, now is not the time to give in, otherwise such a price will make them feel even more unbelievable. "

At this time, there is no need to question anything else.

Even if those opportunities are gone, what can be changed?

This is obviously unknown. Once they are the last, they will lose those opportunities and preparations, so what can be changed?

Even if they can't handle it in the end, this kind of price is not something they can easily accept. After coming back to his senses, Qin Feng said slowly: "Don't worry, senior Ta Ling, everything is measured. Even if there are some changes in the end, what can be changed? In this battle of hundreds of sects, With my strength in the early stage of Qianyuan Realm, I don’t know what kind of brilliance I can shine, but now that I have such plans and confidence, no matter what, I can only seize these opportunities to occupy a place here.

land. "

This is self-evident at all. Seeing that Qin Feng had figured this out, the tower spirit of the Dark Tower became extremely relieved at this moment.

He could even see it very clearly. If there was no such certainty and plan in the end, he might be able to make them see it.

Only by fully making these preparations can we have more decisions.

This is self-evident, and to some extent, will ultimately cost them more. After carefully scanning the surroundings, Qin Feng continued: "Senior Ta Ling, it seems that you still need to seize these opportunities properly. I would like to see how big the gap will be. This secret

In the environment, in addition to fusing the two swords, there seem to be some other things. Now look, we must completely seize such an opportunity before we can take advantage of it. "

"Just make your decision. If you can seize these opportunities, you won't have to question anything else." Ta Ling said slowly.

He could see very clearly that the reasons for these changes had actually become quite obvious.

As for whether they can finally accept it? That's unknown.

After having these preparations at this moment, it will still be unbelievable to them in the end.

At this moment, everyone in the hall of Wanjian Sect frowned. Ding Sanyi said worriedly: "Sir, the sect leader said that there should be more opportunities, but looking at the current situation, all these changes seem to have happened too quickly, and I don't know what should be done.

How to solve it? It took too long for Qin Feng to go in, which gave me some bad premonitions. "You are right. According to what the Lord Sword God left behind, this is indeed not that simple. At most, it can be shown in an hour, regardless of success or failure. Just look at it.

Three hours have passed since this moment, and I don't know what the situation is like at Qin Feng's place. "Fang Wuxin frowned.

He could see very clearly that the reasons for these changes would eventually become quite obvious.

If in the end they are unable to seize such an opportunity, what will they be able to change in the end?

Even if he failed, he should appear in front of them at this time and not be like this.

Therefore, with the huge changes that have taken place now, they no longer have much confidence in their hearts. They simply don't know how much change there will be.

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