Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2803 Obstacles

Wanjian Sect is located very close to Wuxing Gate.

Anyone can see the discoveries and gains that should be made.

No matter what other costs they will encounter in the end, in their opinion, it doesn't matter.

And being able to fully utilize these opportunities is already quite good for them.

And there will definitely be some big changes in other aspects.

No matter what they will encounter in the end, in their opinion, there is no need to question this matter in any other aspects.

Now think about it carefully, it seems that the gap has already widened invisibly.

And this time, their number is extremely small.

If it were an ordinary Qianyuan Realm expert, it might not be easy to arrive.

But they are different from each other. The more they are like this now, the more they deserve to pay attention to it.

Even if there are no such effects in the end, in their opinion, it is still worth paying more attention to.

But when they walked halfway, everything that happened now was extremely uncomfortable.

Regardless of what kind of changes will happen in the end, Ding Sanyi and others have already noticed something different.

As for whether it will be the same in the end? It is unknown now.

"Master Fang, I have walked this road countless times, but this time I can feel some changes in it. I really don't know why it is like this." The master of the Five Elements Sect frowned and said.

As for whether it will be like this in the end? That is unknown.

Judging from this situation, there will not be so many opportunities left for them.

As for whether other changes will happen in the end? It is even more unknown now.

After all, such a huge price is not something they can easily control at this moment.

After listening to it, Fang Wuxin couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his face.

In his opinion, except for the master of the Five Elements Sect, the other forces should have been hidden long ago, and they don't need to have any other doubts about this. As for why it is such a result now? No one can go and notice the changes in it.

Thinking carefully, what the Five Elements Sect Master said seems to be quite correct.

The current situation has already made them feel extremely unsmooth.

Over time, the great changes brought about by it will make them feel even more incredible.

Then Fang Wuxin asked curiously: "Apart from this, there is no other feeling?"

"Yes, Five Elements Sect Master, some things are unlikely to be as they are now, but if we can't grasp such an opportunity, even if there are so many obstacles ahead, this matter may have changed so much." Ding Sanyi, who was next to him, said with great concern at this moment.

Will the final result be like this? It is even more unknown.

Once they find that they finally have no such absolute opportunities, the changes they see may make them feel even more incredible.

Therefore, if you think about it carefully, you will feel that the gaps you see will expand rapidly invisibly.

After listening to it, the Five Elements Sect Master couldn't help but be slightly stunned at this moment.

As for whether this is the case? Now it is even more unknown.

Some of the costs they saw will definitely make them full of more incredible.

Then the Five Elements Sect Leader said: "This matter is indeed a little unusual. You two, I have felt some abnormalities around me. As for why it is like this in the end, I am not sure now."

The more they continue like this, the more incredible the costs they see will be.

Once they find that they will no longer have these choices in the end, how should they solve it?

At this time, Qin Feng asked curiously: "Five Elements Sect Leader, are you worried that there are obstacles and ambushes nearby?"

"That's what he meant. Qin Feng, don't have to have so much pressure on this matter. In my opinion, the reason for this change is that, in fact, to some extent, this is also a deep fear of the other party." Ding Sanyi explained.

Some things, they have long been accustomed to them.

No matter what they will encounter in the end, there is no need to question it in any other aspects.

Therefore, such a huge price will only make them feel more disappointed.

Even without these opportunities, to some extent, they can accept it.

Fang Wuxin, who was standing next to him, didn't say anything more, but he had already seen this very clearly.

Only in this way can they have more choices in the future.

And no matter what they will encounter in the end, they can accept it completely.

What obstacles will there be ahead? This is not known for the time being.

The more this is the case, the more it is worth their attention.

Then the Five Elements Sect Master shouted directly to the front: "Have you all become cowards? From the current situation, it seems that you have already made all the preparations?"

In the void ahead, it is unknown what kind of person will exist.

But looking at the current situation, all this has long been no longer questioned in any way.

The more so, the more it is worth their attention.

As for what price they will pay in the end? This is even more unknown.

From the long-term situation, some of the changes that have occurred, since they have appeared in front of them, there is no need to have any other doubts.

Even Qin Feng at this moment, quietly watching this scene, the expression on his face is a little confused. He is not sure whether there will be some other people in the void ahead? The more this is the case, perhaps it is more worth their attention.

Once they find out that they will no longer have these confidences in the end, this huge price will only make them more disappointed.

But suddenly there were some voices in front, which seemed to be an endless ridicule.

As for whether it will be like what it is now, it is unknown now.

When Qin Feng heard these voices, he couldn't help but show some surprise on his face.

It seems that their guess is right, there are indeed some obstacles ahead.

As for who it is, it is unknown now.

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