Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2821 Fang Wuxin's Worry

After dealing with these dozens of former subordinates, the Five Elements Sect Master came to Fang Wuxin's side.

His face looked extremely solemn at the moment, and as for what kind of changes would happen in this? It was even more unknown.

Knowing that it was impossible to do it, but still doing it, that was not the reason.

Fang Wuxin looked at the Five Elements Sect Master who was slowly walking over with some meaning, but he didn't say anything at this moment.

At this moment, in the main palace of the Five Elements Sect, there were several figures sitting here in a serious manner.

One of them saw the Five Elements Sect Master just now, and he easily abolished the cultivation of dozens of former subordinates, which made them all gasp.

A trace of deep fear appeared on their faces, and they didn't know at all how much change was hidden in it, which made them feel that they couldn't solve it anymore.

Over time, all this will definitely make them feel even more incredible.

So whether they will have these absolute choices in the end? This is even more unknown.

"Everyone, we really underestimated the true strength of the Five Elements Sect Master. He actually has such confidence, and there are dozens of powerful people in the early stage of the Qianyuan Realm. How can we deal with them? In an instant, their cultivation has been abolished. Could it be that this person can control these changes without hesitation? Now it seems that all this is really a bit unusual." One of them said slowly.

Faced with such a huge change, they have already felt that there are many incredible things in it.

As for whether they will have these preparations in the end? Now it is even more unknown.

"Even so, what can be changed? Have the other people in the Five Elements Sect been completely controlled by him? If this is the case, the people from the Five Elements Sect we have received may encounter some other unexpected changes one day."

"This square, which looks the most dangerous, was solved so easily by the Five Elements Sect Master? I wonder if there will be other preparations in the future."

"If you want to reach this place, even the Five Elements Sect Master may not dare to say that he can have such preparations."

These words made them all calm down.

As for whether they will have these full choices in the end? Now it is even more unknown.

But from other perspectives, only by making these preparations more quickly can we prevent their arrival.

Otherwise, no matter what other nonsense will be said next, this matter may no longer be grasped.

However, at this time, Fang Wuxin looked at the Five Elements Sect Master in front of him with a vigilant face.

Apart from anything else, is he too afraid of this matter? Now it is even more unknown.

Only by making these full preparations can they see through all this completely.

The Five Elements Sect Master was slightly stunned, and then said: "Master Fang, I don't know what this means? Are you not satisfied with the way I handled it just now?"

This questioning was a counter-attack, and Fang Wuxin couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

But no matter what, some things that should happen have already appeared in front of them.

They will never be allowed to have any other doubts, so as not to make them pay those extremely heavy prices in the end.

Now think about it carefully, and feel that these prices may make them feel even more incredible.

Apart from other things, at least these things seen at this moment will only make them feel more unimaginable.

"I dare not, but I don't agree with your approach. What's the matter? Don't you have any other ideas on this point?" Fang Wuxin said with a smile.

No matter what, he will never give in on such a principled issue.

Otherwise, all this will only make him feel more disappointed, and there will be nothing else to hold on to.

Ding Sanyi also said beside him: "What the master said is indeed right, Master of the Five Elements, at the very least, they are your former subordinates. Wouldn't it be a shame to abolish their cultivation directly? And is the secret method you practice the pure Five Elements Secret Method? I'm afraid no one dares to guarantee this?"

At this time, they already had some deep worries.

This is not what they are so happy to see, so whether they can have these reactions in the end? Now it is even more unknown.

As for whether they can regain these gains in the end? It is a huge unknown.

The Master of the Five Elements was slightly stunned, and then shook his head. He said lightly: "Isn't some things like this? Even if you don't want to admit it, it has become a fact."

"So what do you want to say?" Fang Wuxin said with a smile.

But this smile contains some sarcasm.

After all, no matter what, this change that should happen has already happened before their eyes.

Even if the final result will not be so satisfactory, what can be changed?

The more it is like this now, the more it deserves their attention.

Even if they know it is impossible, they still do it.

The Five Elements Sect Master said slowly: "I don't want to explain anything more. I'm tired of this matter. Let's continue. Maybe in this way, the things you see are already unbelievable. If you don't want to believe it, why come here?"

Ding Sanyi and Fang Wuxin couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and frowned at this moment.

As for the final result, will it be like this? It's hard to say for the time being.

"Hehe, since the Five Elements Sect Master has said so, I won't say much at this moment. When it's time to set off, let's continue to move forward. In this way, perhaps we can save those troubles." Fang Wuxin didn't want to explain too much.

After all, he had already seen this situation very thoroughly.

After hearing that he covered up this matter, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this moment.

The reason why it's like this now is that there is no need to worry or question about any other aspects.

After hearing this, the Five Elements Sect Master nodded.

Even if they didn't have such absolute certainty in the end, how could they accept it?

Then they crossed the square, but found something incredible in front of them.

The Five Elements Secret Method was quickly displayed here, and they all had some deep worries and doubts in their hearts.

Will there be such certainty in the end? Now it is even more unknown.

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