Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 2828 Shock

Chapter 2828 Shock

At this time, the changes they saw would only make them feel more unbearable.

At this moment, Qin Feng and others came to the magnificent hall.

Originally, they thought they would have more choices in this matter.

But now it seems that such a big change will only make them feel more incredible.

What's more, when some costs appear, the changes they see will only make them feel more unbelievable.

Fang Wuxin's expression did not change. He said lightly: "The last time I came to this place was thousands of years ago, right? Master of the Five Elements Sect, I have to say that under your leadership, the Five Elements Sect is indeed becoming more and more powerful now."

Some problems are not what they are willing to bear.

If there is a choice, no one would be willing to give up.

"Master Fang is really flattering. This is just what I should do as the master of the Five Elements Sect, but now I can have such full confidence. I am very curious." The master of the Five Elements Sect said slowly.

Some changes, since they have already appeared in front of them, need not be said more.

But they can feel that there are some dangerous auras ahead.

As for whether they can grasp all this? It is unknown for the time being.

After coming to their senses, they all don't want to say any more nonsense. Now that they have these preparations, they will definitely not have any other hesitations.

Then Qin Feng said: "These changes now are happening too fast. Several seniors, there seems to be some extremely dangerous auras in this hall. I wonder if we can go in directly?"

"No need to do so. The more at this time, we must be more careful and never miss other things because of this." The master of the Five Elements said slowly.

He can see very clearly that the reason why this change happened so quickly may have already appeared in front of them.

As for whether they can finally accept all this? It is unknown for the time being.

Such a huge price will only make them more uncomfortable.

Once they find out the final result, they will no longer have such confidence and plans, which may make them even more disappointed.

This situation at the moment will only make them feel more incredible.

Even if there are no such opportunities and choices, how can they bear it?

Then Fang Wuxin said slowly: "Looking at the other party's state, it seems that these choices have been made long ago. Now as long as they can be prepared, they will no longer need to give up anything. Don't worry, at this point, there is no need to worry about anything else."

At this time, there is no need to worry about anything else.

Even in this situation, they have already been able to see it very clearly.

Qin Feng did not need to worry about anything else because he was able to make these sufficient preparations.

Not long after, Fang Wuxin said loudly: "Those people in the hall can all come out now. Some things may never be what you are willing to accept. If you don't want to die, just hide there."

Even the Five Elements Sect Master next to him heard Fang Wuxin's straightforward words.

The changes on their faces have changed greatly, which will make them feel even more incredible.

No matter which direction this matter will develop in the end, there is no need to have these unnecessary doubts.

"Master Fang, it may be inappropriate to provoke them so blatantly, right?" The master of the Five Elements asked with a frown at this moment.

Such a huge price will only make them feel even more unbelievable.

If there are no such preparations in the end, it will only make them feel even more unbelievable.

Fang Wuxin waved his hand and said: "We can basically confirm these changes now. They are inside. Under this, there is no need to have other worries and doubts."

He can see this point very clearly.

Not long after, the atmosphere inside is now more and more terrifying.

It makes their hearts begin to become extremely unusual.

The door of this hall creaked and slowly opened.

Several figures slowly walked out from inside, causing all people to have some new changes in their hearts.

As for the final result, will it be like this? This is unknown for the time being.

At this moment, Qin Feng, facing this huge change, has long been at a loss for what else to say.

These people seem to be a little unusual. As for whether they will have these new choices in the end? It is unknown for the time being.

"I didn't expect your strength to be so terrifying. Now it seems that you can find this place in such a short time. There is no need to have other doubts." The man in the middle, the change of his face at this moment, became quite fast.

As for whether this point can make them bear it again? It is even more unknown.

The more this is the case, the more it is worth their attention.

The Five Elements Sect Master frowned when he saw these people.

His expression changed very quickly at this moment. As for whether they could accept it completely in the end, it was unknown.

Now that he had these absolute certainties and plans, he no longer needed to question anything else. "Who are you guys? You dare to act rashly here. Do you really not take us seriously, or do you think this huge change is unbelievable?" The Five Elements Sect Master said slowly.

He could see very clearly that since some changes had already appeared before their eyes, there was no need to question anything else.

He wanted to see what other plans these people had.

They were able to do this to this extent. Could it be that this price would make them unable to bear it at all?

How could they bear it? But the changes these people saw would only make them feel incredible.

"Master of the Five Elements Sect, we did use some shameful means to occupy this place, but these changes will eventually happen quite quickly. However, since you are back here now, maybe there are some things that you don't need to worry about anymore, right? These costs are not something you can bear after all." At this time, the man in the middle continued.

In the face of such a huge change, what other nonsense can be said?

The more this is the case, the more difficult it will be for them to grasp.

Once these things are lost, I am afraid that even if I regret it in the end, I can no longer change this indisputable fact.

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