Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 304 The Soul Pill is Complete

The demon clan, undoubtedly the largest clan after the gods and demons, shocked the world with one attack after being silent for hundreds of thousands of years.

While all the major forces were waiting in panic for the demon clan to attack, Qin Feng exchanged 10,000 battle merits for a spiritual room to practice in the Endless War Realm.

A spiritual chamber with ten thousand meritorious deeds is already the most expensive in the Endless War Realm. Ten thousand meritorious deeds only allows you to practice in this spiritual chamber for a month. It is so luxurious that even the warriors of the Fatian Realm rarely redeem it. This kind of high-level spiritual chamber.

However, for Qin Feng, who has four to five million military merits, ten thousand military merits is not too much. Facing the upcoming war, Qin Feng must also be prepared.

He is no longer the invincible Martial Emperor who dominated the heavens, and now he is just a small Soul Core realm warrior.

Even though Qin Feng's strength is comparable to that of Fa Tian, ​​it is no problem to defeat many enemies with one, but these are only based on the premise of small-scale battles.

The coming war is not a war involving tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people, but a war that sweeps across the heavens and involves hundreds of millions of creatures. The power of an individual is extremely small on the battlefield.

Qin Feng is strong, but if he faces tens of thousands of soul-dan realm warriors, one person can kill him with a sword beam.

Even the powerful ones in the realm of emperors will fall in such a large-scale battle. After this battle, the number of emperors in the heavens will definitely decrease sharply.

"Facing the demon clan, which has been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years, what are the chances of the human race winning?" Qin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

When he was still the Martial Emperor, he forced his way into the ancestral demon world. Perhaps no one understood the power of the demon clan better than him.

The demon clan has been stronger than the human race since they were born, and their growth rate and talent are not inferior to the human race. The demon clan warriors are undoubtedly more powerful when they are at the same level.

However, what is really feared among the demon clan is the evil-proofing royal family. The evil-proofing, demon clan emperor is so powerful that it rivals the gods and demons of chaos.

Especially in the ancestral demon world, the evil-fighting royal family is the only race that can summon the ancestral spirits of the demon clan, and they are invincible in this ancestral demon world.

During Qin Feng's heyday, he entered the ancestral demon world and wanted to see the power of the legendary ancestor of the demon clan. The evil-preventing king summoned the ancestral spirit of the demon clan to fight him. However, Qin Feng only lost miserably and had to withdraw from the ancestral clan. Demon world.

Even he could only achieve a miserable victory, let alone the other great emperors in the heavens. They were not even qualified to enter the Ancestral Demon Realm.

Although there are many humans, they may not be the opponents of the monsters!

"Gulu!" Qin Feng swallowed a Chaos Dragon Crystal, and the majestic Chaos Spiritual Energy exploded in his body. He eliminated distracting thoughts and absorbed the Chaos Spiritual Energy with all his strength.

While the two soul pills are absorbing the chaotic spiritual energy, the spiritual energy in the spiritual chamber is also continuously entering Qin Feng's body. The two soul pills gradually become complete under the nourishment of the spiritual energy.

"Bang!" Qin Feng bit into another Chaos Dragon Crystal. He took a lot of this thing from the ancestral dragon's slough, which was enough for him to consume.

One day later, Qin Feng's two soul pills had reached the state of Dzogchen, and the feeling of being able to enter the realm of Fatian at any time appeared again.

"Nine Revolutions of Soul-Splitting Technique!" Qin Feng used this emperor's secret technique, and the soul and elixir were separated at this moment!

Qin Feng, who was running the "Nine Revolutions of Soul Splitting Technique" for the first time, was also surprised by this. After entering the soul elixir realm, the warrior's soul merged with the yuan elixir. He had never heard of it being able to be separated.

"Sure enough, none of these hidden emperors are simple!" Qin Feng smiled slightly.

After the soul and the Yuan Dan were separated, the Yuan Dan slowly split apart under the nourishment of the chaotic spiritual energy. This process lasted for a full day.

This "Nine Revolutions of Soul-Splitting Technique" is indeed miraculous. The Yuan Dan is constantly nourished by the chaotic aura when it splits. At the moment when the split is completed, three identical Yuan Dan appear in Qin Feng's Dantian.

Compared with Qin Feng's original simple and crude splitting method, this "Nine Turns of Soul Splitting Technique" is much gentler and more efficient, and has almost no damage to the soul and Yuan Dan.

After all, not everyone can learn Qin Feng's method of forcibly tearing apart the soul and Yuan Dan. Qin Feng was able to survive because his soul and Yuan Dan were stronger than ordinary warriors. If other warriors had come here, they would have died immediately.

"This should be considered my second turn!" Qin Feng looked inside at the three Yuan Dan in his dantian.

"This "Nine Revolutions of Soul Splitting Technique" is simpler than I thought. In my current state, I can definitely split the Yuan Dan again!" Qin Feng thought in his mind.

Nourished by the aura of more than a dozen Chaos Dragon Crystals, Qin Feng's Yuan Dan began to split again.

The person in charge of the spiritual chamber of Endless Battle Hall is going crazy. The spiritual energy consumption of the No. 1 spiritual chamber is so terrible that the No. 1 spiritual chamber can no longer supply it!

"Which big brother is this practicing?" Wang Ye almost cried. Only three days had passed, and the amount of spiritual energy consumed in the No. 1 spiritual chamber had already exceeded the limit.

Half a month passed, and Wang Ye burst into tears. In order to provide the spiritual energy for the No. 1 soul room, all the A-size soul rooms were cut off.

Twenty days have passed, and of all the spiritual chambers, only No. 1 is still open, and all the spiritual energy has been monopolized by No. 1.

Although the warriors of the Endless War Realm expressed their dissatisfaction, they had nothing to do. This was the decision from above.

Qin Feng frowned slightly. He felt that the spiritual energy in the spiritual chamber was getting thinner and thinner. The spiritual chamber in the Endless War Realm was too old. It hadn't even been a month yet.

However, looking at the ten soul pills in his dantian, Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction. Since he had mastered the "Nine Revolutions of Soul Splitting Art" to the Great Perfection, he didn't care about these minor episodes.

If Emperor Zhuyou knew that Qin Feng had mastered the "Nine Revolutions of Soul Splitting Technique" to the Great Perfection in less than a month, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

As the founder of this great emperor's secret skill, he has only reached the sixth level of cultivation. It's not that he doesn't want to continue practicing, but that he simply can't do it. The transfer is already the limit that his soul can bear. If it happens again If it is divided, I am afraid that the soul will be directly annihilated.

However, for Qin Feng, there is no such worry. He splits the Yuan Dan in one breath, and then splits the soul into ten parts, evenly distributed among the Yuan Dan. The ten soul pills have full firepower, refining spiritual energy day and night. , and cooperated with the Chaos Dragon Crystal to quickly reach the state of Great Perfection.

Divine soul and divine soul are different, and so are Yuan Dan and Yuan Dan. How can Qin Feng's Divine Soul and Yuan Dan be compared to Emperor Zhuyou.

Whether it is Yuan Dan condensed from eighteen martial veins or a strange soul like the Eternal Fire, these are beyond the scope of what Emperor Zhuyou can understand.

"Ten soul pills! Now I can swing a sword at will, which is ten times more powerful than before. Now I not only have the strength to crush the Fa Tian realm, but my true energy is enough to crush the Fa Tian realm!" Qin Feng Smile slightly.

Today's Qin Feng is just wearing the skin of the Soul Pill Realm. Whether it is his physical body, true essence or the power of his soul, he is enough to crush the Fatian Realm!

It's hard to imagine what kind of scene Qin Feng will be like when he condenses the martial arts body, but one thing is certain, the martial arts body that Qin Feng condenses in this life will be extremely powerful, and it will definitely far surpass the previous life.

When Qin Feng stepped out of the spiritual chamber, Wang Ye's hanging heart was finally relieved.

"The spiritual energy in the spiritual chamber needs to be strengthened. It hasn't been a month yet and why is there no spiritual energy?" Qin Feng muttered dissatisfied.

Wang Ye staggered and almost fell to the ground. How dare you say that one person has occupied all the spiritual energy?

However, Wang Ye looked at Qin Feng's leaving back with a little envy. This is the strength of the dominating warrior. Others may not be able to do this if they want to do it. This is all the spiritual energy in the spirit chamber area, even if it is Even the strong men in the Dzogchen realm of Dharma may not be able to eat it.

"The dominating warriors are indeed monsters!" Wang Ye shook his head.

"Qin Feng!" Suddenly Qin Feng's belt shook, and a light appeared in front of him.

"I've seen the Blood Sword War Emperor!" Qin Feng nodded slightly as a salute.

"First of all, congratulations on your release, and then there is a task here that must be completed by you!" said the Blood Sword War Emperor.

"No problem, how much military merit?" Qin Feng nodded.

Qin Feng's straightforwardness made the Blood War Emperor slightly stunned. After all, he was also the Great Emperor, why should he be so disrespectful?

"Ten thousand battle merits!" said the Blood Sword War Emperor.

"Ten thousand battle merits are a bit small. Are there many demon clans in the Fatian realm?" Qin Feng asked.

The Blood Sword War Emperor couldn't help but look at Qin Feng a few more times. Ten thousand battle achievements were not enough. How greedy this Qin Feng was.

"There is no Fatian Realm, this time they are all Soul Dan Realm monsters!" The Blood Sword War Emperor shook his head.

"They are all in the soul core realm, and there is no merit in killing them..." Qin Feng thought, this seemed to be a bit of a loss.

The Blood Sword War Emperor chuckled: "A soul-dan realm demon clan has a thousand battle achievements. Are you going or not?"

"Go!" Qin Feng answered very firmly this time. A soul-dan realm monster with a thousand meritorious deeds would be a fool if he didn't go.

But I didn't expect that I had been in seclusion for less than a month, and the war with the demon clan was already so intense. A soul-dan realm demon clan was worth a thousand battle merits. What a good business.

When the content of this mission appeared on Qin Feng's waistband, Qin Feng finally understood why a soul-dan realm monster was worth a thousand battle merits.

The location of this mission is a realm called Biyan Realm. In this Biyan Realm, there is a specialty called Biyan Fruit, which is used in many elixirs.

However, the Jade Flame Realm cannot accommodate warriors who are higher than the Soul Dan Realm. Once a warrior higher than the Soul Dan Realm enters, they will be excluded. Therefore, all the warriors stationed in the Jade Flame Realm are Soul Dan Realm warriors.

However, the strength of the demon clan in the Soul Core Realm was too strong, and the warriors from the Endless War Realm were no match at all, and they were beaten back by the demon clan.

Especially among the demon clan, there is an existence with incredible strength. The warriors of the Endless War Realm can be considered experienced in hundreds of battles, but no one is his enemy.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng is probably the only one in the endless war world who can stabilize the demon clan.

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