Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 338 Mysterious Beads

"Hey, that guy Zhao Keding has a lot of money-making ability. He actually collected a whole set of heavenly materials and earthly treasures for tempering the martial arts body!" Qin Feng Qin Feng's eyes lit up when he looked at Zhao Keding's storage bag.

After entering the Fatian realm, warriors will collect various heavenly materials and earthly treasures to temper their martial arts bodies. The compulsory courses for warriors include body and soul training from the beginning, self-cultivation!

This body is naturally the martial arts body!

The Law Heaven Realm is the beginning of becoming a strong person, and the Martial Arts Law Body determines the strength of a warrior in the future.

Why the human race is always at a disadvantage in the war with the demon race is not because it ignores the basics and lags behind in all realms.

Although most of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures can be used to condense the martial arts body, the effects of tempering are both good and bad.

But it is recognized that the best thing for tempering the martial arts body is the spiritual dew of the body!

Dharmakaya Spiritual Dew is a kind of treasure that is refined with special techniques and is specially used to temper the martial arts Dharmabody. Only the Yongling people in the world know how to refine Dharmakaya Spiritual Dew. It is very expensive and cannot be used by ordinary warriors. Since then, even the Great Emperor cannot use the Dharmakaya Spiritual Dew to temper his martial arts Dharmakaya unscrupulously.

There are a full eighteen bottles of Dharmakaya Spiritual Dew in Zhao Keding's storage bag. This number can already be described as appalling.

You must know that even the other three great emperors combined only have four bottles of Dharmakaya Spiritual Dew. Zhao Keding alone has more than four times as much Dharmakaya Spiritual Dew as they do.

As soon as Qin Feng stepped into the first level of the Fatian Realm, his martial arts body was already stronger than most of the warriors at the ninth level of the Fatian Realm. This was of course because Qin Feng had laid a solid foundation in the previous realms, but it was also condensed with Qin Feng. The refining of a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures during the period of martial arts is inseparable from the relationship.

However, if an ordinary first-level warrior of the Law Heaven Realm uses a bottle of Law Body Spiritual Dew to temper the martial arts body, then the strength of his martial law body will be half that of Qin Feng!

Only half, which may sound ordinary.

But you must know that Qin Feng's martial arts body is superior to the ninth level of the Law Heaven Realm. With half the strength of Qin Feng, it can be said to be completely reborn!

There are a total of twenty-two bottles of such Fa Tian Ling Dew. Next, Qin Feng almost does not need to collect heavenly materials and earthly treasures. These twenty-two bottles of Dharma Body Ling Dew are enough.

Throughout the ages, I have never heard of any Dharma Heaven Realm warrior being so luxurious as to use Dharma Body Spiritual Dew to temper the martial arts Dharma Body. This is almost the privilege of the Great Emperor!

"Zhao Keding is a hamster, right? He can save so much!" Qin Feng smiled and put all the treasures into the Cave Dzi Beads.

It can be said that Zhao Keding was unlucky. He had saved up all his life to collect eighteen bottles of Dharmakaya Spiritual Dew, but died before he could use it. If he calmed down and refined these eighteen bottles of Dharmakaya Spiritual Dew, his The strength can be doubled with less effort!

Although doubling the strength is of no use, at least he won't die so miserably, being shot in the head by Son's iron fist!

"These beads on Emperor Zhao's body are quite interesting!" Qin Feng played with the four beads in his hand.

Suddenly Qin Feng noticed that when the light passed through these beads, it would be distorted. Qin Feng suddenly became interested. When the light converged on these beads, four strange words appeared in the sky.

These words..." The more Qin Feng looked at them, the more familiar they became, as if he had seen them somewhere!

A series of strange words appeared in Qin Feng's mind, all of which came from the "Eight Amazing Souls".

"Divinity!" A flash of light flashed in Qin Feng's eyes.

"Tiger...chicken...dog...rat!" Qin Feng recognized the words on the four beads.

"What do these mean?" Qin Feng frowned.

If you look at it literally, it only represents four animals. However, is it really as simple as it sounds?

"Tiger, chicken, dog, rat!" Qin Feng thought about these four animals in his heart.

"Twelve zodiac signs!" Qin Feng suddenly realized that if these four animals have anything in common, it is that they all belong to the zodiac signs.

Qin Feng picked up a bead with the word tiger printed on it. There seemed to be something in the bead.

He picked up the other three beads, and sure enough there was something inside.

"Boom!" Qin Feng thought, and a phantom of Emperor Wu descended from the sky and struck the bead with a sword.

"Clang!" The beads trembled violently, but there were no scratches on the surface.

This phantom of the Martial Emperor is not the one that Qin Feng fought. It is a real emperor and has 80% of the strength of the original figure!

However, the full blow did not leave any scars on this bead, and this bead was so hard.

Qin Feng snorted: "The Xuanhuang Zhao family actually has such a treasure?"

The phantom of the Martial Emperor struck several times in succession, but still could not damage the bead at all.

Even Qin Feng had to pay attention to these beads. It was the first time for him to see such a hard material.

"Whoops!" A ray of eternal fire appeared in Qin Feng's palm, and the blue eternal fire wrapped the bead.

However, the eternal fire burned for half an hour, but this bead showed no reaction at all.

"I don't believe it!" Qin Feng snorted and summoned the Heavenly Tribulation Armor. His cultivation skyrocketed instantly, and he rushed from the first level of Fatian Realm to the first level of Great Emperor Realm!

The first level of the Great Emperor Realm is already the limit that the current Heavenly Tribulation War Armor can reach. With the blessing of the power of the Great Emperor Realm, the power of the Eternal Fire is doubled.

The bead that had been motionless all this time actually began to tremble, and strange lines appeared around the bead in circles.

This kind of pattern is very strange, and it is the first time Qin Feng has seen it.

However, under the burning of the eternal fire, these lines began to disintegrate little by little.

"Boom!" A terrifying force rushed out from the beads, seeming to stop Qin Feng's move.

Qin Feng snorted disdainfully: "Blast flow!"

The blue eternal fire exploded, and the endless explosion drowned the beads.

Those peculiar lines are struggling to persist. Although these lines are extremely powerful, they are ultimately like trees without roots and water without sources.

"Explosive flow!" After Qin Feng slashed the explosive flow for the ninth time, the lines around the bead were finally cut off, and a terrifying aura suddenly spurted out from the bead.

Qin Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. He was too familiar with this kind of power. This was the origin of the Great Emperor. It was the powerful power that he only had after he advanced to become the Great Emperor. It was the foundation of the Great Emperor.

Before entering the void realm of the Emperor Soul, one needs to protect the soul with the Emperor's origin in order to resist the erosion of the Emperor's Soul Void Realm, and that only requires a small amount of the Emperor's origin.

But just that small amount of the emperor's origin is extremely important to the emperor, and no emperor will use the emperor's origin at will.

If the source of the Emperor consumed by entering the void realm of the Emperor Soul is a drop of water, then this bead is an ocean!

No other great emperor can possess so much of the origin of the great emperor. Even the Martial Emperor at his peak was not as good as one thousandth of this bead.

The origins of so many emperors definitely do not come from a single great emperor. Only the origins of hundreds and thousands of great emperors combined can reach this scale.

And this is just one bead. If the remaining three beads have so many great emperor origins, it would be terrible.

What exactly did the Xuanhuang Zhao family discover, and why did several great emperors have such weird beads on them.

The origin of thousands of great emperors. Where did so many great emperors come from in this era? Even if they existed, they would not be willing to hand over the origin of the earth.

Moreover, Qin Feng felt that even Zhao Keding and the others did not know the real secret of this bead, because he felt the aura of Zhao Keding in the origin of the emperor of this bead, which means that this bead even absorbed the origin of the emperor of Zhao Keding. gone.

However, there is only the pure source of the Emperor in this bead, and there are no other messy things. It seems that the appetite of this bead is to absorb other powers of the Emperor's source.

"You can give it a try!" Qin Feng aimed at the demon emperor on the third level of the Jiwu Secret Realm.

Suddenly, the phantom of the Martial Emperor descended on the third floor, and combined with the phantom of the previous emperor, they attacked the demon emperor. Within thirty moves, the demon emperor was beheaded.

Qin Feng's figure suddenly appeared on the third floor. With a flick of his finger, a bead sank into the body of the demon emperor.

Sure enough, the emperor's origin in the demon emperor's body was flowing away at an astonishing speed, and it was all absorbed by this bead.

"What a scary bead!" Qin Feng couldn't help but gasped.

His guesses were all correct, but what was terrifying was that a bead could absorb the emperor's origin!

Under the refining of the eternal fire, a ray of the emperor's origin was pulled out, and the "Emperor's Supreme Art" was used to incorporate this ray of the emperor's origin into the body.

"Huh!" A terrifying force collided in Qin Feng's body.

The power of the Emperor's origin is far beyond what any spiritual energy elixir can match. This force is so powerful and domineering that ordinary warriors simply cannot withstand the impact of this force.

"Enough, enough!" Qin Feng took a deep breath. No matter the emperor's origin, he still had to surrender obediently in front of his "Emperor's Supreme Technique".

The eighteen martial veins were fully activated, and the ten soul pills in the dantian spun rapidly, and the origins of the tyrannical emperor were refined.

"Boom!" Just refining a ray of the Emperor's origin is worth months of hard training. The effect of this kind of training is better than taking any panacea.

Cultivation has the origin of the great emperor, and tempering the martial arts body has the spiritual dew of the body. The great emperors of the Zhao family are not useless.

Based on Qin Feng's understanding of Zhao Huaiyi, Zhao Huaiyi 10,000 years ago definitely did not have this ability. This kind of beads has surpassed Zhao Huaiyi's ability.

Could it be that there is any other force behind Zhao Huaiyi? If there is, then did Zhao Huaiyi have another purpose in attacking him?

Various questions appeared in Qin Feng's mind. The appearance of these beads made the seemingly normal assassination a little abnormal. Zhao Huaiyi may have other purposes in assassinating himself besides getting rid of himself.

More and more warriors are pouring into the Jiwu Secret Realm, but there are very few who can pass the first level, and those who can enter the second level are rare beings.

Although the "Heaven's End and Earth's Destruction" that Daozi understood was powerful, it was not invincible. Even if he used this sword in the third level of the Jiwu Secret Realm, he could not defeat his opponent, and he was knocked out of the Jiwu Secret Realm with one sword.

Daozi smiled bitterly and shook his head. Compared with those ancient and powerful seniors, he was still a little behind.

However, a smile appeared on Daozi's face when he thought of what he had gained in the Jiwu Secret Realm. Even if he only made it to the third level, his gains still made him satisfied.

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