Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 358 The Power of a Hundred Dragons

The huge body of the giant whale dragon is the most powerful weapon. The huge body has endless power with just one roll. Even an iron crocodile dragon will be crushed into pulp.

Although Qin Feng was successful in body training, he did not dare to let this behemoth crush him. He put his feet on the air and moved his body flexibly in the air to avoid the giant whale dragon's fierce attack.

The giant whale dragon missed the attack and its huge body fell on the beach. Without the sea water, the giant whale dragon actually ran aground.

Although the huge body is a powerful weapon for the whale dragon to roam the sea, once it leaves the sea water, this huge body is useless. Instead, it becomes the short board of the whale dragon.

The people of the Swordfish tribe hurriedly retreated when they saw the stranded whale dragon. The destructive power of the wildly twisting whale dragon was so terrifying that even a warrior like Iron Arm would be shattered to pieces if he was touched at all.

But what surprised Tieju even more was that Qin Feng could fly. How could a human fly if he was not a bird?

Although he has lost his true energy, Qin Feng can still fly in the air by relying on the technique of stepping on the air with his feet. However, mastering this technique is not an easy task. In addition to having a strong body, it also requires how to exert force. Extremely high.

Qin Feng looked at the crazily twisting giant whale dragon below and the corners of its mouth were slightly raised. Its body flew higher and higher. When Qin rose to a height of ten thousand feet, Qin Feng took a deep breath.

"Juelong Palm!" Qin Feng swooped down and enveloped Qin Feng's body with faint eternal fire. Qin Feng's speed suddenly surged and penetrated the clouds.

"Boom!" Before Iron Arm and the others could react, a light blue figure landed on the head of the whale dragon and directly penetrated the head of the whale dragon.

"Boom!" The body of the giant whale dragon suddenly stopped moving, and just one blow killed the giant whale dragon.

Qin Feng patted the dust on his body and looked at the behemoth in front of him. He wondered what kind of blood medicine could be refined from the blood of this giant whale dragon.

Iron Arm was confused. This was a monster in the legend of the Swordfish Tribe and it died like this?

"Is this giant whale dragon delicious?" Qin Feng kicked the giant whale dragon's huge body.

"Eat?" Tie Jian was stunned. Who knows this?

Not to mention eating it, you haven't even seen it. Even if you encounter the giant whale dragon, you will probably be eaten by the giant whale dragon, right?

Qin Feng opened the mouth of the giant whale dragon and looked inside. It was very spacious, and there were a lot of things inside. This guy really ate everything.

The body of this giant whale dragon was so big that even Qin Feng couldn't move it. He could only cut his body bit by bit and store it.

Naturally, these chores were done by people from the Swordfish tribe. Qin Feng found two pieces of metal that looked pretty good in the body of the whale dragon.

The stomach of the whale dragon is like a furnace. Ordinary metals will be corroded instantly once they enter the gastric juice. There must be something strange about these two pieces of metal being preserved in the gastric juice of the whale dragon.

After just a cursory inspection, Qin Feng discovered that the two pieces of metal were not a single metal, but at least a mixture of hundreds of metals.

After arriving in this ghost place, Qin Feng didn't have any weapons in his hands. It would be good if he could make these two pieces of metal into a weapon suitable for him.

"We, the Swordfish Tribe, do not have the conditions to build weapons." Tieju shook his head blankly after hearing Qin Feng's request.

The Swordfish Tribe is just a small tribe, not even ranked among the nearby tribes. The weapons used in the tribe are all polished from the bones of beasts. If you want to forge metal weapons, you can only use iron. The mountain tribe is the largest tribe in the surrounding area, with a total of ten thousand people.

"How far is it from us?" Qin Feng asked.

"More than a thousand miles of land, but asking the Iron Mountain Tribe to forge weapons is expensive." Iron Arm said with some embarrassment.

"What's the price?" Qin Feng asked.

"Anything is fine, they won't refuse food, ore, or weapons." Iron Arm said.

"Where's the blood medicine?" Qin Feng asked.

"Of course you can!"

Whether it was the Sharp Claw Tiger, Iron Crocodile Dragon or the giant whale dragon just now, Qin Feng hunted them. After letting the people of the Swordfish Tribe make blood medicine, Qin Feng was able to get the bulk of it. In addition to his and Ling'er's cultivation, Qin Feng could get the bulk of the blood medicine. There should be some left over and there would be no problem in trading with the Iron Mountain Tribe.

Speaking of Ling'er, where did this girl go crazy?

Although he has the appearance of an adult, he still has the heart of a child. After arriving at the Swordfish Tribe, he became one with the children of the Swordfish Tribe. With his physical advantages, he became one of those children without any suspense. The eldest sister among them.

"Qin Feng, we found this outside!" Tian Ling'er happily ran in grabbing a red stone.

"Stone?" Qin Feng asked.

"This is no ordinary stone, let me demonstrate it to you!" Tian Ling'er smiled mysteriously, clapped his palm and a stream of flames spurted out from the stone.

"Isn't it fun?" Tian Ling'er asked with a smile.

Qin Feng took the fiery red stone: "Are there many such stones?"

"I don't know, I found this red stone when I was playing with Yuantou and the others." Tian Ling'er shook his head.

Qin Feng flicked his finger, and a wisp of flame flew out.

A flash of light flashed in Qin Feng's eyes. This kind of fiery red stone seems to be able to emit flames when it is hit by an external force. However, the flame stone stored in this fiery red stone is limited, and Qin Feng can clearly feel it. The flames in this fiery red stone have weakened a lot.

Qin Feng took a bone spear and carved a formation on the fiery red stone. After checking it carefully several times, he nodded with satisfaction and walked outside to throw it away.

"Boom!" A pillar of fire shot into the sky.

The people of the Swordfish tribe looked at the flames that were a hundred feet long in horror. Some people even knelt on the ground and worshiped the pillar of fire.

The formation drawn by Qin Feng only stimulated the flames in the stone at once. It was a very simple formation.

The formation only needs energy to operate. The flame in the fiery red stone is also a type of energy. After a slight impact, the flame in the stone will activate the formation.

"It looks like the effect is pretty good." Qin Feng smiled slightly. If there are enough, they can also cause decent damage.

"What's going on, what's going on!" The panicked Iron Arm rushed over.

"It's just a small experiment!" Qin Feng said casually.

"A small experiment, such a big pillar of fire is just a small experiment?" Tie Arm was speechless, this Qin brother is so mysterious.

The following days were very dull. Qin Feng worked hard on "Eight Desolate Overlords" and Tian Ling'er played wildly outside. The swordfish tribe's blood medicine kept coming out, most of which fell into the pot. Qin Feng's hands.

The effect of "Bahuang Ba Ti Lu" combined with the blood medicine of the Swordfish Tribe is surprisingly good. Qin Feng's physical body has been improved to a level that frightens him. With one punch, the wind pressure brought by his fist alone is enough. It can roll up huge waves.

"Bahuang Tyrant Body!" Qin Fengchang exhaled.

Even the Bahuang War Emperor, the creator of "Bahuang Ba Ti Lu", may not be able to reach this level in Qin Feng's realm!

Qin Feng estimated that he should have the power of a hundred dragons now. Such a powerful power is extremely rare even among body-refining warriors.

And this is not Qin Feng's limit, Qin Feng feels that he can become stronger!

After waiting for half a month, the Swordfish tribe finally refined all the animal blood into blood medicine. The lowest level was the blood medicine made from the animal blood of the black goat, and the highest level was the blood medicine made from the giant beast blood. Qin Feng accounted for 70% of the blood medicine refined by Whale Dragon, no matter what kind of blood medicine it was.

The warriors of the Swordfish Tribe pulled a cart on the road to the Iron Mountain Tribe.

The Iron Mountain Tribe is the largest tribe nearby and is also the trading point for nearby tribes. If you want to exchange for things, you must go to the Iron Mountain Tribe.

Tian Ling'er sat on the cart and chatted with the children of the Swordfish tribe, adding a touch of fun to this boring journey.

Tieju and Qin Feng were on full alert. Although the path they were taking was the safest path pioneered by the predecessors of the Swordfish Tribe with their lives, this safety was not absolute. No one could guarantee whether there would be A ferocious beast pounced.

However, Qin Feng's luck was obviously not that bad. The two-day journey was uneventful. When a huge black mountain appeared in front of them, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They had entered the territory of the Iron Mountain Tribe.

"Chirp!" However, danger often comes when you are most relaxed. A pteranodon fell from the sky and grabbed Tian Ling'er.

Soon after, a bone spear whizzed out and pierced the Pteranodon's head!

"Ah!" Tian Ling'er and the children sitting in the car exclaimed, and the body of the Pteranodon pressed down. ,

"Bang!" Qin Feng punched the Pteranodon and knocked it a hundred feet away.

"Boom!" The huge body of Pteranodon fell to the ground, splashing a lot of dust.

Iron Arm hurriedly asked the tribe's warriors to get the Pteranodon back. This Pteranodon was a windfall.

"Are you okay?" Qin Feng asked.

"It's okay!" Tian Ling'er patted his chest.

"Wait a minute, this Pteranodon belongs to my Iron Mountain Tribe. Which tribe are you from and you dare to rob our Iron Mountain Tribe's things?" A warrior from the Iron Mountain Tribe stopped a warrior from the Swordfish Tribe.

Even a large tribe like the Iron Mountain Tribe would not find it too much meat, not to mention that a Pteranodon can provide not only meat but also hard bones and precious animal blood, which the Iron Mountain Tribe cannot hunt in a year. There are several pteranodons, and now I picked one for nothing. How could I give up?

"Hu Ming was obviously killed by our tribe, so how come he belongs to your Iron Mountain tribe?" The members of the Swordfish tribe were shaking with anger.

"Things on our Tieshan Tribe's territory naturally belong to our Tieshan Tribe!" The Tieshan Tribe warriors took it for granted.

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