Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 361: Overlord Hammer Technique

The people of the Iron Mountain Tribe have long been accustomed to this. These outsiders always think that forging weapons is a very simple matter, but they don't know that it is extremely difficult even among the Iron Mountain Tribe. Only those who have been dealing with flames since birth can withstand the high temperatures during forging. As for those who have not received special training, they will only die.

In the past, there were always some self-righteous outsiders who asked to forge weapons themselves, and the Iron Mountain tribe did not stop them. The result was that these outsiders were either roasted by the high temperature or devoured by the flames, and not even one out of ten survived.

The reason why the Iron Mountain Tribe is called the Iron Mountain Tribe is because of the mountain. This is a metal mine. The quality of the ore is extremely high and only a little smelting is needed to obtain metal with excellent texture.

But the most important thing is that there is an earth-core fire vein under the metal mine. It is precisely because of the skillful use of this earth-core fire vein that the people of the Iron Mountain Tribe can smelt various metals and forge them into weapons and armor.

The forging area is in the deepest part of the Iron Mountain Tribe and is heavily guarded. The most elite warriors of the Iron Mountain Tribe are not hunting but guarding the forging area.

Unlike the Swordfish Tribe, a small tribe that is hungry and full of food, the Iron Mountain Tribe only needs to forge some simple weapons and armors to buy enough food to feed the entire tribe, so this forging area is the Iron Mountain The most important place of the tribe!

There are five posts, one post, and one sentry at ten steps. Anyone who enters or exits the forging area needs to be searched, and outsiders must be accompanied by two Iron Mountain tribe soldiers before they can enter.

Someone had already reported that Qin Feng wanted to forge weapons himself, so those waiting at the gate of the forging area were not ordinary warriors but the three leaders of the Tieshan Tribe, Kuangfeng, Yinjian and Tiehu!

Kuang Feng and the others were also helpless about this. Qin Feng's strength was so strong that ordinary soldiers were no match for him, and only the commander could fight.

If the other commanders weren't outside, the strong wind might have pulled all the commanders over.

Qin Feng is too strong. If he causes trouble in the forging area, the three of them alone may not be able to withstand it!

"Let me introduce these two as Commanders Silver Sword and Iron Tiger. I heard Qin Feng that you wanted to forge weapons yourself and came here to observe." Kuang Feng introduced.

Qin Feng nodded as a greeting, and Yinjian and Tiehu smiled slightly and followed Qin Feng away.

As soon as he entered the forging area, a heat wave hit his face. The temperature in this forging area was several times higher than outside. It would not take long for weaker people to enter here and they would become dehydrated in severe cases and even lose their lives. Of course, Qin Fenghe These three commanders are not included in this list.

"No wonder the Tieshan tribe is able to forge various weapons because it turns out there is a fire vein in the core of the earth!" Qin Feng smiled lightly.

Earth Core Fire Vein is not uncommon, but it is extremely rare to use the Earth Core Fire Vein for forging without formation.

"Stab!" A puff of green smoke rose not far away. A weapons master who had been forging for an hour was using cold water to cool down his body. The puff of green smoke was the result of the contact between the cold water and his body. And rise.

Qin Feng could see that the weapon master's skin had been burned by the flames and even his lungs were burned, but he only rested for a moment before continuing to forge.

"What a stupid thing to do." Qin Feng shook his head. Without any protective measures, he just forged with his body against the flames at high temperature. It was a miracle that he was not burned to death by the flames on the spot.

"The physiques of people in this world are really incredible!" Qin Feng was secretly shocked.

"There is something in the ice water!" Qin Feng looked at the energetic weapons master and smiled.

Seeing Qin Feng continuing to penetrate deeper without changing his expression, the three commanders wiped the sweat from their foreheads. Even the most powerful warrior of the Iron Mountain Tribe felt the pressure in this place.

"Bangfeng, you are right, this man is indeed a monster!"

"With our physical quality, staying here for half an hour is already the limit, but he didn't seem to be affected at all."

The high temperature in the forging area really didn't seem to affect Qin Feng. The deeper he went, the three commanders had already been left behind by him.

"No, there...there..."

The expressions of the three commanders changed greatly, but they did not dare to step into the area in front of them no matter what.

The rising hot breath was like a flame, isolating them. Even though they were already the most powerful warriors of the Iron Mountain Tribe, they still did not dare to step into it. This was a forbidden area, a forbidden area of ​​life, except for that one No one except adults can enter it, and if you force your way in, it will only turn into a pile of ashes.

Feeling the hot breath, Qin Feng didn't care at all. The heat couldn't hurt him at all.




There was a heavy hammering sound coming from inside!

Qin Feng took a few steps forward and saw a shirtless strong man holding a heavy hammer and hammering a piece of metal. Raging fire poured out of a hole and enveloped the piece of metal. The fire was so raging that it even enveloped the strong man, but the strong man didn't care. The flames didn't hurt him at all.

"Is this guy immune to the damage of fire? No, he is controlling the fire!" Qin Feng looked at the strong man in surprise.

If you were in a place with spiritual energy, this would not be surprising at all, but this world has no spiritual energy. Without spiritual energy, it means that you cannot condense true energy. Without true energy, it is impossible to guide and control the flames.

However, the strong man in front of him did these things that Qin Feng thought he couldn't do, and it was so easy.

However, the strong man did not realize that there was an extra person behind him. He focused all his attention on forging, and he breathed a long sigh of relief after he forged the piece of metal into a dagger.

"Who are you?" Only then did the strong man realize that there was someone behind him.

The strong man obviously did not expect that anyone other than himself could enter this place.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "It's a good dagger, but there is still room for improvement!"

"Do you know how to forge?" The strong man's eyes lit up.

"Understood!" Qin Feng took the sledgehammer from the strong man's hand and threw a piece of metal into the air with his palm.

It was at this moment that a sledgehammer moved. In an instant, the hammer was heavily shadowed, and the piece of metal kept vibrating in the air.

In the horrified look of the strong man, a dagger exactly like the one he forged before fell into Qin Feng's hands.

It only took two or three breaths from Qin Feng's attack to the end. How could he successfully forge a dagger in such a short period of time?

"So fast! It took me more than an hour!" The strong man couldn't help but take a breath of air.

"Clang!" Then the two daggers collided together in the strong man's dull eyes, and the broken sword forged by the strong man broke in response.

The difference between these two seemingly identical daggers was so huge that the dagger made by the strong man was cut off with one blow.

"How could this happen?" The strong man stroked the dagger he forged. The fracture was smooth and flat, but the gap was really too big.

The strong man was puzzled. It was obvious that the weapons were made from the same materials, and it obviously took him a longer time, but why was there such a huge difference in the finished product.

Qin Feng played with the dagger: "Can't you figure it out? The key is impurities. Your dagger has too many impurities!"

The set of hammer techniques that Qin Feng just performed has a great background. Even in the Holy Craftsman City, only a handful of people have mastered this set of hammer techniques. This is the famous "Overlord Hammer Technique", which Qin Feng The self-created hammering technique is both a martial art and a forging method!

"Impurities? I have removed all impurities. Why..."

"That's just what you think. In fact, there are still a lot of impurities!"

Qin Feng weighed the heavy hammer in his hand: "This hammer is too light. Is there anything heavier? I am going to build a weapon for myself!"

"This is already the heaviest." The strong man said with a wry smile.

"Do you mind if I reforge this hammer?" Qin Feng asked.

"I don't mind, I don't mind!" The strong man shook his head hurriedly. The forging skills of the thin guy in front of him were obviously better than his own, and he wanted to take a good look at it.

If the people of the Iron Mountain tribe knew that this strong man actually let others touch his hammer, their eyes would probably pop out of their heads. The strong man regarded the hammer as his life and would fall out with anyone.

Qin Feng glanced at the metal ingot in the corner: "Can it be used?"

"Whatever, whatever!" The strong man enthusiastically moved the metals over.

Qin Feng casually threw all the metal ingots into the flames, and then threw the hammer into it.

"Boom!" Qin Feng used his hand as a hammer and smashed it down without fear of the flames. It was still the same "Overlord Hammer Technique". All the molten metal was smashed into the heavy hammer by Qin Feng. This heavy hammer The size of the hammer is constantly shrinking, but the strong man can feel that his hammer has become stronger.

Qin Feng felt that these were not enough and threw some metal ingots down. After hammering for half an hour, a hammer a few sizes smaller fell into Qin Feng's hands. Qin Feng weighed the weight and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Clang!" A piece of metal the size of a palm fell on the forging table.

The strong man's eyes lit up. He had come into contact with as many as eight thousand metals, if not ten thousand, but he couldn't identify the type of metal in front of him. It seemed to contain the essence of thousands of metals.

"Clang!" Another piece of metal hit the forging table.

"Hiss!" The strong man took a breath of air. It was already extraordinary to have one piece of this kind of metal, but the person in front of him actually had two pieces.

Although they are only the size of a palm, these two pieces of metal are extremely heavy. The forging table that has been tempered for thousands of times was actually smashed by these two pieces of metal to create a crack!

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