Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 376 Demon Ancestor

Weak, too weak. Qin Feng, who had been challenging higher levels, was not used to fighting against warriors who were weaker than him. He just summoned the martial arts body and swung a sword at will, not only destroying their martial arts body but also theirs. The body that had been tempered over thousands of times was reduced to ashes.

I’m not used to it, I’m really not used to it!

In the past when he challenged the level, he faced the enemy with his physical body and rarely used the martial arts body. It was not that he didn't want to use it but that he couldn't.

Although his martial arts body is much stronger than that of warriors of the same level, it is still inferior to those in the magical realm or even the great emperor realm. If he summons his martial arts body for a head-on confrontation, he will most likely suffer losses.

Qin Feng is not stupid. It is clear that his physical body is enough to crush most warriors. Why would he use the power of the martial arts body to give others a chance?

However, after entering the realm of magical powers, Qin Feng has been able to display martial arts magical powers. With the martial arts body and martial arts magical powers, he is confident that he will not lose to anyone. Even without the help of the Heavenly Tribulation Armor, he can compete with the powerful emperors. Ichiban.

In addition to the three Nirvana realm warriors, there are also some warriors from the True Yuan realm to the Fatian realm. However, these warriors were so frightened after seeing the three Nirvana realm warriors killed by Qin Feng's sword that they dared to come up and cause trouble. ?

Who are they if they can't even block Qin Feng's sword from three people in the Nirvana realm?

Qin Feng glanced at the costumes of these warriors and felt that they were inexplicably familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember which force they belonged to.

"Damn, why do I think so much? Why don't I just ask someone to ask?" Qin Feng patted his head. He just thought too much.

"Everyone, stop right there. If anyone dares to take another step, I will kill him with a sword!" Qin Feng snorted.

Qin Feng's majestic power of killing three people in the Nirvana realm with one sword was still there, but no one dared to move under the threat.

"Grandpa, we are all innocent. We have no choice but to come to this realm!" A group of warriors knelt on the ground and kowtowed crazily for fear that Qin Feng would kill them if he was unhappy.

Qin Feng looked at the group of kowtow insects and smiled: "I can spare you, but you have to answer whatever I ask. If I find out that you have the slightest concealment, you will not survive."

"Yes, yes, senior, just ask, we will definitely tell you everything we know!"

"Yes, yes, if anyone dares to talk nonsense, we will tear him alive without senior taking action!"

Driven by a strong desire to survive, these surviving warriors were surprisingly cooperative.

"Your origins!" Qin Feng glanced at the fire pillar behind him. Tian Ling'er was still practicing meditation and he still had a lot of time.

"We are from ThunderClan!"

"Well?" A cold light flashed in Qin Feng's eyes. Do you really think he is easy to fool?

"We are vassals of the Thunder Clan!" A warrior added hurriedly after feeling the biting chill on Qin Feng's body.

Qin Feng nodded and the murderous intention on his body gradually dissipated, which matched the clothes in his impression. These human races that are attached to the ancient races are like slaves to those ancient races. From their attachment to the ancient races From that day onwards generations were marked.

"This is not the territory of the Thunder Clan, why do you appear here?" Qin Feng asked.

"We also have no choice. The Thunder Clan is retreating steadily in the battle with the Monster Clan. We human vassals have become cannon fodder. Every time we fight against the Monster Clan, we human vassals are at the forefront and suffer the heaviest losses. We suffer We can no longer live this precarious life, we..."

"Defected!" Qin Feng looked contemptuous.

These human tribes are attached to the Lei Clan. Although their status is not high, the Lei Clan really uses their own power to protect these human tribes. However, when the war between the Lei Clan and the Monster Clan started, these human vassals actually defected!

"We have no choice but to fight against the demon clan and we will die. We don't want to die!" However, these human warriors are not ashamed at all. What's wrong with the fact that the ants are still alive and they just want to live?

Qin Feng was too lazy to discuss with these guys who was right and who was wrong, but Qin Feng never expected that the Thunder Clan would be at a disadvantage in the battle with the Monster Clan.

As one of the oldest races in the world, the Thunder Clan has a strong foundation. In his impression, there are still many strong people in the Thunder Clan's Great Emperor realm. Even if they are not as good as the Monster Clan, they will not be completely defeated.

In particular, the demon clan was almost defeated in the battle with Xuanhuang Great World, and its strength is no longer at its peak. How can it be that even the demon clan is invincible in the face of such a demon clan?

"Thunder Clan, Ying'er is in the Thunder Clan!" Qin Feng frowned, saying that he and that girl had not seen each other for almost decades.

"The return of the demon clan has caused unrest in all the worlds!" Qin Feng snorted angrily.

"Yes, yes, the demon clan is just a shit-stirring stick!" The demon drum spirit echoed.

"Pa!" Qin Feng slapped Wan Yao Gu Ling on the head.

"The demon tribe is a troublemaker, so who do we think it is?" Qin Feng snorted coldly.

"Hey hey hey, hey hey hey!" Wanyao Drum Spirit smiled sheepishly. It was a mistake. This metaphor was really inappropriate.

In the ancient world of the Thunder Clan, Qin Ying, who was dressed in military uniform, took off her helmet, and her golden hair fell down her shoulders.

"Miss!" The strong men from the Thunder Clan bowed respectfully when they saw Qin Ying.

Qin Ying nodded and looked at her father sitting at the top: "All the monsters near Benlei Realm have been wiped out!"

A smile finally appeared on Lei Dong's tense face: "You are indeed my daughter. You did a good job this time!"

But Qin Ying couldn't laugh: "But the losses of our Thunder Clan's warriors are as high as 50%. I'm afraid my Thunder Clan will be the first to be unable to survive!"

Lei shook his head: "The Rain Clan and the Wind Clan are too busy taking care of themselves. The Human Clan is standing by and watching. We can only rely on ourselves."

When the human race and the demon race went to war, these ancient races stood aside and watched. Retribution came so quickly that it was their turn in just a few decades.

Because of the Xuanhuang World, the morale of the human race is now high, and they are fighting back and forth with the demon clan. Although they lose more and win less, they can withstand it with the strong population base of the human race.

However, these ancient races do not have such a large population base. Every strong martial artist will die. If the war continues like this, the Thunder Clan may be wiped out.

"Those bastards from the human race don't want to save anyone!" Some elders from the Thunder clan said angrily.

"Didn't we not help when the human race asked us for help?" Some other elders said helplessly.

"Did the demon clan take the wrong medicine recently? After decades of being peaceful, they started causing trouble again?" Lei Dong snorted.

Qin Ying did not stay in this meeting for too long. After returning to her room, two very beautiful maids took off her military uniform for Qin Ying. Qin Ying, who was wearing a long skirt, picked up the paintbrush. A man's face appeared on the paper, and it was Qin Feng.

"Miss, are you thinking about Qin Feng again?" A maid looked at the portrait.

"No, just draw as you like!" Qin Ying blushed, quickly folded up the portrait and carefully put it into a wooden box. The entire wooden box was almost filled with the portrait.

"Hmph, brother Qin Feng really promised to come see me, but he hasn't come to see me for decades, liar!" Qin Ying held her chin up angrily.

"Maybe he has something important to do. Then give him another two years. If he doesn't come back, I will really fall out." Qin Ying muttered alone.

"Boom!" Qin Ying raised her head fiercely, and an extremely terrifying aura came from the sky above the ancient world of the Thunder Clan!

"Is this here?" A young man with golden pupils looked calmly at the ancient world of the Thunder Clan below.

"That's right, this is the ancient world of the Thunder Clan!" The Evil-Repelling Demon Emperor stood respectfully behind the young man.

"Thunder Clan, we are all ancient beings born in chaos. The descendants of that guy Lei are really depraved!" The young man shook his head.

Thunder surged over the ancient world of the Thunder Clan. Lei Dong led three powerful emperors to appear in the sky above the ancient world of the Thunder Clan.

"Monster Clan!" Lei Dong's face changed slightly but he was not afraid at all. This is the ancient world of the Thunder Clan, and even the Monster Clan cannot capture it!

"It's a pity that Lei's descendants are not alive!" The young man shook his head.

Lei Dong snorted coldly: "Monsters are not welcome here. If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude."

"I came here just for a word!" the young man said calmly.

"One sentence?" Lei Dong frowned.

"How dare the Thunder Clan tear through the sky and trample this earth to pieces!" The young man smiled slightly, and the Evil-Escaping Demon Emperor swung the golden portal and swallowed them both up.

Lei Dong frowned: "What does he mean?"

"To crush the sky and crush the earth, does the demon clan want to destroy all the heavens and worlds?" The Lei clan elder frowned.

"Just them?" Lei Dong snorted disdainfully. He did not deny that the demon clan was very strong, but the demon clan was still unable to make enemies of all the heavens and worlds, not to mention that there was a more powerful Chaos God in the chaos. What about demons? Why do demons destroy all heavens and worlds?

"Why did the Demon Ancestor tell this to the Thunder Clan? The Thunder Clan has fallen and they are not worthy of reshaping the world with our Demon Clan!" The Demonic Emperor looked at the young man in confusion.

"You think too simply. The enemy we face is not that simple. At that time, I was full of confidence and thought that I could turn things around on my own. However, I ended up with my body broken into pieces. If you hadn't tried your best over the years, Looking for my remains, I don’t know that it will take me until the year of the monkey to recover!” This young man with golden pupils turned out to be the legendary demon ancestor!

"Master Demon Ancestor, what exactly are we facing?" The Demon Emperor could not help but ask.

"You don't need to know yet. We are currently trying to find the Ten Thousand Demon Drums. I have already felt the breath of the Ten Thousand Demon Drums. Come with me and bring him back!" Demon Ancestor said calmly.

"This subordinate is incompetent!" The Demon Emperor's face changed drastically.

"Okay, okay, don't make such a fuss, failure is not a big deal!" The Demon Ancestor waved his hand calmly, and as a golden portal appeared, the Demon Ancestor and the Evil-dispelling Demon Emperor appeared in front of Qin Feng. As for the group of humans The warrior had long been scared to death.

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