Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 429: Taking Advantage of the Situation

Now that his cultivation level has been restored, he is now a powerful fifth-level warrior of the Great Emperor Realm. Qin Feng's meager cultivation level is naturally not taken seriously by him.

He is a powerful god of destruction. His power is enough to destroy everything. He will seize the position of the king of gods and demons and let the glory of chaos gods and demons shine on Chaos!

To the God of Destruction, Qin Feng was like an ant. He was able to escape from his own hands back then because of luck. The God of Destruction did not take this small human race to heart.

But today he saw Qin Feng resisting the black ice breath with his own eyes, and he was very interested in Qin Feng, especially after knowing that Qin Feng turned out to be the descendant of the famous Emperor Wu, he became even more interested in Qin Feng.

Although there was no Martial Emperor in the era when the God of Destruction was sealed, he heard many legends about this Martial Emperor Laoshizi after he got rid of the seal and returned to Chaos.

The outside world has forgotten Emperor Wu, but the Great Emperor in Chaos will still mention Emperor Wu from time to time. After all, the group of people who were beaten by Emperor Wu are now the leaders of various races. Most of the warriors in Chaos were beaten by Emperor Wu. They can't forget it even if they want to.

The achievement of one person and one sword piercing through Chaos is indeed amazing, but the destruction of gods and demons is more due to the disdain of these Chaos warriors. It is true that each generation is inferior to the last. The dignified Chaos warrior was defeated by a human race. .

As for the Chaos Gods and Demons, he couldn't stand it. The current Chaos Gods and Demons were completely different from the Chaos Gods and Demons of his era. The retreat had already wiped out all the energy and spirit of the Chaos Gods and Demons.

"The Chaos Gods and Demons still have to rely on me to revitalize them!" The Gods and Demons of Destruction thought in their hearts.

"Huh!" The temperature between heaven and earth dropped sharply, and black ice breath spewed out from the hole again.

"How long is the interval between this time?" Someone asked immediately.

"About seven breaths!"

"Six breaths, seven breaths, five breaths, seven breaths, five breaths, eight breaths..."

The warriors who arrived first had already been exploring the pattern of the appearance of this ice breath. They concluded a pattern from breathing out again and again. The lowest frequency of ice breath is every five breaths. In other words, five breaths. Within they are absolutely safe.

The time of five breaths seems to be only a short moment, but for warriors of their level, they can do a lot of things. However, the only question now is what kind of structure is inside this cave.

The warriors who broke into this cave before were all dead, and now they know nothing about the situation inside the cave.

The lives of emperors are precious, and no emperor is willing to die in vain.

Suddenly the eyes of the warriors around the cave fell on Qin Feng and the others. Normally, these emperors would not pay attention to the basic level of magical power, but now in this Ancestral Dragon Secret Realm, several emperors suddenly appeared among them. A person with magical powers is particularly conspicuous.

Xue Min couldn't help but shuddered: "I suddenly had a bad feeling!"

"Sorry, that's not a premonition!" Qin Feng rolled his eyes, how could he not know what these emperors were planning.

Apart from them, the ones with the lowest cultivation level are all strong men in the first level of the Great Emperor Realm. No matter how you look at it, they are the ones in the Divine Power Realm who are easier to bully.

They need people to explore the way, and it is impossible for warriors in the Great Emperor Realm to explore the way, so these magical powers become their only choice.

After all, in this secret realm of ancestral dragons that are all over the Great Emperor, these magical powers are aliens. As for resistance, they don't care at all. It is possible that a few magical powers can turn the world upside down.

"Young man, I want to discuss something with you!" A great emperor from the Six-Armed Clan walked over with a smile.

Qin Feng's body stiffened: "Senior... I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I won't go in, I won't go in!"

Meiyan Ji next to her burst out laughing. She had been with Qin Feng for so long and she didn’t know much about this man. Qin Feng was not this kind of person at all. He must be holding back something when he pretends to be like this now. Bad.

"This boy, is he so greedy for life and afraid of death? He and he are two different people in the Emperor Soul Void Realm." The God of Destruction frowned. He always felt that this boy named Qin Feng was a little weird.

The Great Emperor of the Six-Armed Clan smiled and tried to be kind and harmless to humans and animals. After all, he was forcing others to die. Of course, his attitude should be better.

"Don't worry, with so many emperors like us protecting you, our mere breathing can't do anything to you!" The emperor of the Six-Armed Clan patted Qin Feng on the shoulder.

"Senior, I'm not stupid, but I clearly saw that several great emperors died in the black ice breath!" Qin Feng rolled his eyes.

"That's because they are useless, and we have figured out the rules of this ice breath. As long as you get stuck in time, I will ensure that you are fine!" said the Six-Armed Clan Emperor.

"I'm not going!" Qin Feng said and left.

"Hey, it's not up to you. You have to go whether you want to go or not today." The Six-Armed Clan Great Emperor grabbed Qin Feng with his six big hands.

Xue Min snorted: "Don't go too far, members of the Six-Armed Clan, this is the descendant of Emperor Wu!"

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the Six-Armed Clan Emperor when he saw Xue Min. The Blood-Eye Clan was a large clan of Chaos. This Xue Min had an extraordinary status among the Blood-Eye Clan. There would be no good consequences if he offended him.

"When did the Blood Eyes clan become so nosy? Do you also want to go in?" Suddenly more than ten great emperors surrounded Xue Min in the center.

"Boy, if you know the signs, you may still have a way to survive. If you don't, I will throw you into the cave." The Six-Armed Clan Emperor sneered.

More than a dozen great emperors released their pressure at the same time. No magical warrior could remain calm under the pressure of more than a dozen great emperors.

Qin Feng smiled coquettishly: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, they are all misunderstandings. I am willing, I am willing!"

"Hmph, if you know what's going on, do your best and we won't treat you badly." The Six-Armed Clan Emperor let go of Qin Feng.

No matter how powerful a small person in the magical realm can be, a dozen great emperors are jointly pressuring him to give in. What kind of descendant of the Martial Emperor can do nothing more than this?

If Emperor Wu came in person, they would not dare to offend the descendants of Emperor Wu if they had a hundred courages, but now there is such a descendant of Emperor Wu, the legendary Emperor Wu does not know where he is, and he wants to scare them with just his name?

When Xue Min looked at these great emperors, he shook his head helplessly. Was he pitying these great emperors? Why couldn't he live a good life? He wanted to commit suicide!

He had seen Qin Feng's master, and his strength was definitely not inferior to that of a ninth-level warrior at the Great Emperor Realm. If he forced Qin Feng to die, wasn't he looking for death?

"Take this Shadow Bee with you. When you enter the cave, the Shadow Bee will transmit everything you see back!" The Six-Armed Clan Emperor thrust a black bee to Qin Feng.

"Um, I'm relatively weak, can you give me some imperial weapons to defend myself?" Qin Feng asked.

"What do you want the imperial weapon for? It's of no use to you!" Naturally, the great emperors didn't want to bleed, but Qin Feng still insisted on getting a lot of spiritual weapons, even several imperial weapons.

Seeing that Qin Feng was quite sensible, they did not embarrass Meiyan Ji and the others.

The scene where Qin Feng blocked the black ice breath left a deep impression on them. This descendant of Emperor Wu must have some kind of treasure that can withstand the black ice breath. It is obviously impossible for him to hand it over, but but But they can force him to enter the cave to explore the way for them.

As for whether the treasure was a one-time use or whether Qin Feng would die in the cave, it was not within their scope of consideration.

"Boom!" The moment a black breath of ice blew out, Qin Feng rushed into the cave with a single stride.

"Hiss!" Even Qin Feng couldn't help but shrink his neck when he entered the cave. The temperature in this cave was so low that he felt as if his blood was freezing.

People's reactions become sluggish in extreme cold conditions, so Qin Feng hurriedly exited the cave.

"Boom!" The moment Qin Feng exited the cave, a black ice breath spurted out.

Sure enough, his estimate of the time was wrong because of the cold!

"Five Breaths, should I say this boy is lucky or bad? He encountered the shortest interval, but this boy survived!"

"How is the situation in the cave?" The six-armed clan emperor looked at the shadow bees in his hands. The shadow bees were originally a pair, and the images seen by the male bee and the female bee would appear.

"This kid entered a cave, was in a daze for about three breaths, and then came out." The Six-Armed Clan Emperor frowned.

"It's too cold. I felt like I was freezing as soon as I entered!" Qin Feng's face was pale and he kept breathing in the heat.

"Cold..." All the great emperors frowned. Why didn't they think of this? Black ice breath was constantly spraying out from the entrance of the cave. The temperature in the cave must have been extremely low. This low temperature may have been extremely low. It is difficult to persist in the Great Emperor Realm. It is already very difficult for this small magical power realm not to be frozen to death on the spot.

"Who has a treasure to keep out the cold!" the Six-Armed Clan Emperor asked.

"I have a tinder jacket to protect me from the cold!"

"I have a hundred-fire lamp, which can dispel the cold air when lit!"

"I have Heavenly Fire Spirit Milk. After taking it, I won't be afraid of the severe cold!"

Mei Yanji looked at the emperors who were rushing to deliver treasures to Qin Feng with a smile on their lips. She seemed to know what Qin Feng was planning, and this guy was lucky enough to figure it out.

"The real energy has been consumed a bit, please let me slow down!" Qin Feng did not enter the cave immediately after accepting these treasures, but pretended to recover for a while.

After seizing a moment, Qin Feng rushed into the cave again. This time with the blessing of many great emperor treasures, although it was still bitterly cold, there was no frozen feeling like before. Qin Feng stepped out and suddenly appeared. A hundred feet away.

"Bang!" Qin Feng's body returned immediately after touching a hard place.

"Boom!" About two breaths after he rushed out of the cave, the black ice breath erupted again!

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