Divine Spirit Martial Art

Chapter 99 Tangled

"Time's up!" Following Hao Yang's order, all ten warriors participating in the assessment stopped refining alchemy.

Except for Qin Feng and the woman, the remaining eight people were sighing, with expressions like mourning for an heir.

To find the right medicinal materials within an hour and successfully refine them in one go requires not only solid basic skills but also a certain amount of luck. After all, even those famous alchemists cannot guarantee success every time they make alchemy.

Qin Feng rubbed his shoulders. This hour was really a torture for him, but he was exhausted.

At best, these ordinary medicinal materials can be used to refine a first-grade elixir. The success rate of refining such a first-grade elixir with Qin Feng's technology is not only 100%, but also 99.99%.

Moreover, it does not take an hour to refine this simplest elixir, but Qin Feng has successfully refined it in just a cup of tea.

However, Qin Feng didn't want to attract too much attention this time, so he kept pretending for the rest of the time, pretending to be refining alchemy.

When Hao Yang announced that the assessment was over, Qin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. It was really hard to pretend.

"Unqualified!" Hao Yang covered his nose and slapped his hands to dissipate the unpleasant smell.



"Qualified!" After a series of unqualified voices, a qualified one finally appeared.

Not surprisingly, that qualified warrior was that woman.

"The first-grade lower-level elixir, Yiqi Dan, is of average quality and is good for newcomers!" Hao Yang nodded with satisfaction.

This is not one of those people who are confused by others. This woman is extremely talented in alchemy. If she can be cultivated, in time there will definitely be an alchemy master in the Tiannan Alchemy Guild.

"Okay, you go out, the next batch!" Yi Feng said.

Qin Feng was stunned: "Have you forgotten me?"

Yi Feng glanced at Qin Feng: "You are not qualified!"

Qin Feng looked like a bitch, how could he know he was unqualified before he even looked at it?

"Don't be dissatisfied. I can tell at a glance that you don't understand alchemy at all. How can you possibly refine elixirs with such a hodgepodge of techniques like yours!" Yi Feng looked at Qin Feng with disdain.

There has to be a limit to what you can do with your eyes. Although the other eight are not up to par, their attitude is still serious, unlike this Qin Feng who is perfunctory.

"You know I'm not qualified without even looking at it. Isn't it childish?" Qin Feng said.

"You mean I'm blind?" Yi Feng snorted.

Hao Yang patted Yi Feng on the shoulder: "Okay, okay, why are you so angry? Young people are not sensible and you are not sensible either?"

"You too. Since you have decided to take the alchemist assessment, you must show the minimum respect. It's not good to mess around like you." Hao Yang looked at Qin Feng.

"This is the alchemist from the Alchemist Guild. It turns out they are all blind people!" Qin Feng shattered the lid of the alchemy furnace with one palm, and ten green pills lay quietly at the bottom of the furnace.

In an instant, a medicinal fragrance spurted out from the alchemy room!

"How can it be!"


Hao Yang and Yi Feng both felt as if they had seen a ghost. The pill turned out to be ten pills. This boy actually refined ten pills.

"First-grade high-grade elixir, hemostatic elixir!" The woman looked at the elixir refined by Qin Feng in surprise.

"You...you...you refined this!" Hao Yang rubbed his eyes to make sure he was not blind.

Yi Feng couldn't believe it. He grabbed a pill and stuffed it into his mouth. It was of high quality and pure in potency. It was indeed a hemostatic pill.

However, ten elixirs were refined in one furnace, and the elixir production rate was a bit too high. Even they could not do this.

Being able to refine so many elixirs shows that almost no medicinal properties of the herbs are wasted. This control of the furnace fire has reached the pinnacle.

If this was done by an alchemy master, they would still be able to accept it, but this was done by a young warrior, who had not even become an alchemy master.

"Am I qualified?" Qin Feng asked.

"Qualified...passed!" Yi Feng nodded awkwardly.

Just kidding, if these are not qualified, then 90% of the people in the Imperial Capital Alchemy Guild will be deprived of their qualifications as alchemists.

Qin Feng's information has long been registered, and as he passed the alchemist's assessment, the Alchemy Guild quickly issued his qualifications.

A golden sign and a three-legged alchemy cauldron are Qin Feng's identification in the Alchemy Guild.

Hao Yang patted the alchemy furnace whose lid was shattered by Qin Feng: "Are you going to swallow it whole, or are you going to break it into pieces?"

"Stop joking, how can you eat the alchemy furnace? You think I'm stupid!" Yi Feng raised his eyes to the sky.

"But this is the first time I have met such a person in the Alchemy Guild for so many years." Hao Yang looked in the direction of the door thoughtfully.

"Wait, wait!" Suddenly someone from behind called Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked back at the panting girl: "It's you, you want to see me for something?"

The woman who chased Qin Feng turned out to be the woman who participated in the alchemist examination in the same batch as him. She was also the only one besides Qin Feng who passed the alchemist examination.

"You...you...how did you do that!" The woman ran out of breath.

Qin Feng glanced at the Alchemy Guild and saw that it was only five or six miles away. As for this, could such a physique be considered a warrior?

"No... I'm sorry, I... introduce myself. My name is Yang Xi!" Yang Xi said breathlessly.

Qin Feng nodded: "Qin Feng!"

After waiting for a long time, Yang Xi finally calmed down and looked at Qin Feng with bright eyes: "You must be a master of alchemy. That kind of casual alchemy technique is rare in the world!"

"It's okay, nothing special!" Qin Feng shook his head.

Alchemy techniques, what a joke!

Refining a first-grade elixir requires alchemy techniques. With Qin Feng's skills, he can do it with his eyes closed. It would be strange if he can't do it.

The reason why Qin Feng's technique seems to be a mess to outsiders is because he knows the amount of medicinal materials very accurately. Even if he doesn't need to use attacks, he can accurately measure the amount of medicinal materials based on the feeling of his hands.

"Do you have a problem with me?" Qin Feng asked.

"You and I are both alchemists, we can discuss it with each other!" Yang Xi said.

"Well, that makes sense, I refuse!" Qin Feng waved his hand, turned around and left.

"Well...ah! Don't go, don't go, I'm really here to ask for advice!" Yang Xi didn't react for a while, and by the time she caught up, Qin Feng had long disappeared.

Yang Xi's face turned pale after running around for a while, and she had no choice but to give up!

"With such a weak body, he seems to be a guy who only cultivates the soul and true energy!" Qin Feng smiled faintly.

There are not a few such warriors, and many of them are alchemists and weapon refiners. They spend their limited energy on refining alchemy and weapon refining, and neglect the tempering of their physical bodies.

However, it is extremely rare to be as extreme as Yang Xi. This girl's body is only a little stronger than ordinary people at best.

"It's you again!" Early the next morning, Qin Feng had just walked out of the gate of Qianjin Pavilion when he ran into Yang Xi.

Yang Xi's eyes were red, as if he had stayed up all night.

"I've been thinking about that method all night and checked many classics, but I have no clue." Yang Xi said with a cry.

Qin Feng rubbed his temples: "You are really persistent. That is not an alchemy technique at all. It's just that I am extremely sensitive to the amount of medicinal materials and I can get just the right amount every time."

Yang Xi was stunned: "Is it that simple?"

"How complicated do you think it is? If you go back and practice more, you can do it." Qin Feng said.

"Really, I can do it too!" Yang Xi looked at Qin Feng in surprise.

Qin Feng nodded. As for how many times he had practiced, he wouldn't say it, for fear of hurting this stubborn girl.

In his previous life, Qin Feng was a master of both alchemy and alchemy. He had thousands of years of experience in just refining alchemy. In other words, if he didn't have thousands of years of experience in alchemy, it would be simply wishful thinking to achieve Qin Feng's level.

Of course, if Yang Xi is an unborn genius who can master this skill in just a few decades, Qin Feng will have nothing to say.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

Yang Xi rubbed her stomach sheepishly: "I'm hungry, I can't walk anymore!"

Qin Feng rolled his eyes: "You still want me to treat you to breakfast?"

"Yes!" Yang Xi nodded sheepishly.

"Buy it yourself!"

"I don't have any money, please lend me some!"

Qin Feng was speechless. How did this little girl live to be so old?

"Clatter, crash, crash!"

"Clatter, crash, crash!"

Qin Feng looked at Yang Xi who was eating so hard, and then looked at the dishes piled high on his table. Damn it, a sweet-looking little loli is so good at eating.

Although a bowl of noodles is only a few coppers, and eating hundreds of bowls is only a few taels of silver, when hundreds of bowls are stacked together, the scene becomes a bit spectacular.

"Are you full?" Qin Feng asked, looking at Yang Xi who had been licking his chopsticks.

"Um...can I add a little more?" Yang Xi hesitated.

"Boss, have another bowl!" Qin Feng was also a little curious as to how much this little loli could eat.

"Let's have another table!" Yang Xi said.

The noodle stall owner was busy getting noodles for Yang Xi early this morning. It wasn't until the noodle stall ran out of noodles that Yang Xi patted his shriveled belly and said, "I'm half full after eating. It's the fullest I've eaten in half a year." "

Qin Feng staggered: "Have you ever eaten enough?"

"I had enough to eat at home, but when I ran away from home, I was always hungry and full. The longest time was that I didn't eat for a month." Yang Xi sighed and said.

Qin Feng looked at Yang Xi in disbelief. After all, he was a warrior and knew how to make alchemy, but he couldn't even afford to eat. It was really strange in the world.

Leaving a tael of gold behind, Qin Feng left the noodle stall with the reluctant little Lolita, amidst the boss's endless gratitude.

"I'll hang out with you from now on. I'll help you make elixirs, and you'll take care of the food?" Yang Xi said suddenly.

"Your alchemy skills are not as good as mine. What kind of elixir can you help me make?" Qin Feng rolled his eyes.

"I'm diligent, and I've read a lot of alchemy recipes. Although your alchemy skills are better than mine, you may not know more alchemy recipes than me." Yang Xi said with some pride.

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