Divine Star System

Chapter 1035: Frustrated Xie Changsheng

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Wei Zhengpeng heard Xie Changsheng's cold tone and already knew that he was doing nothing to please him this time, and his face was stuck to his cold ass. But he didn't say anything, but looked at Zhang Yu and said, "Zhang Yu! I'm so sorry, let you run for nothing!"

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "Uncle Wei! It's okay to have nothing to do with you! Let's go!"

Wei Zhengpeng nodded, and several people turned around and left the ward together.


The Xie family watched several people coldly disappeared at the door, and several of them were a little uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect that the surname Wei was actually such a person!" Xie Zida said unhappyly.

Xie Ziyang: "It can only be said that people should not look! This Wei Zhengpeng can actually bring a liar to us, which is simply deceiving people too much."

Xie Zida said: "Brother! Since this surname Wei is of this character, I don't need to continue any cooperation project that I see."

Xie Ziyang thought for a while, then nodded slowly. Although the cooperation project between the two parties is very large, if the other party's integrity is really true, it is not necessary to cooperate.

Xie Ziming thought for a moment and frowned, "How can I feel that this thing is not as simple as it seems!"

Xie Zida said: "What's wrong with this! The surname Wei must have said privately with that kid and wanted to cheat our family's money together. One hundred million treatment fee! He really dare to open his mouth and ask for 100 dollars. It ’s enough for individuals. Can they really treat our thankful families as idiots? "

Xie Ziming said: "The key is weird and weird here! If the surname Wei really wants to lie to our money, then why doesn't he find a liar with a more appropriate age and appearance? If he is looking for a middle-aged person or The white-haired old man came over, wouldn't it be easier to achieve the purpose of deception? And why did he find a loophole, and the first sentence of the opening sentence turned out to us students? "


Xie Ziyang and Xie Zida also felt that this incident was abnormal when they heard this ... In fact, a few people thought about it carefully. This incident is exactly the same as Xie Ziming said. If Wei Zhengpeng really intends to find a liar, then he should also look for a little like, at least a gray-haired old man, isn't it easier to let his own home! Why look for a young man who is still in high school? Is it for fear that others will not doubt themselves?

Xie Xueyi suddenly interrupted and said: "No matter what the purpose of the surname Wei is! But he asked a middle school student to see his father for medical treatment, and we absolutely can't accept it. In fact, whether it is Chinese medicine or western medicine, the profession of doctor must be Only by accumulation of time and experience can you achieve something. A student! Even if he is even more powerful, he will not be able to cure cancer, not to mention that he can cure cancer, which is nonsense! "

After all, Xie Xueyi is a professional doctor, so she speaks convincingly. In fact, the doctors the three brothers Xie have seen these days have at least one strengthened company. Whether it is Chinese medicine or western medicine, those who are high enough are those who are very old. There are very few people under the age of forty, not to mention I'm in my late teens, and even this age is too young to be responsible for cleaning the house.

"Then what you said! My illness is basically not saved?" Xie Changsheng suddenly interrupted at this time.

Several people in Xie's family heard this, all at the same time! Several people then reacted, talking about this matter in front of their father so straightforwardly, without any regard for the mood of the patient Xie Changsheng.

Xie Xueyi said: "Dad! Don't worry too much, I believe there will be a solution. And tomorrow, Professor Gao of Beijing Medical University will take the time to see you. Professor Gao is an expert in cancer treatment nationwide, I believe he must Will help you customize a suitable treatment plan. "

"Huh!" Xie Changsheng's expression was unpleasant: "What Professor Gao, you said, can cure me?"

"Eh! This ..." Xie Xueyi heard this and didn't know how to answer her father. I have spoken countless times to other patients on weekdays, but I ca n’t say it when facing the questions of my father. After all, my father has advanced liver cancer. Even if he can choose a suitable treatment plan, it is nothing more than extending his survival time. In truth, cure is hopeless. As a professional doctor, Xie Xueyi knows better than anyone. It's just a matter of how long it can last.

Xie Changsheng saw the children's expressions of cessation, and finally sighed weakly, saying, "Forget it! Needless to say, I already know. In fact, think carefully, the words these scammers say are really nice. At least he dared to say that he could cure my illness, and none of the so-called experts dared to say such things. What are the survival rates of several months and closed his mouth? He has lived for a lifetime and is old. This old fate has instead become the addition and subtraction by the number of words, which is all fate. "

The children of the Xie family were sad when they heard the words of the old father's boast, but there was no way to comfort the father, and they were silent.

Xie Changsheng was silent for a while and said, "In fact, I was just a little interested in the young man brought by Wei Zhengpeng. At that time, I felt that with the power of the Wei family, I could introduce this young man seriously, I believe he must What ’s so good about it. It ’s a pity! It ’s his lion's big opening. It ’s too much to look like a liar. If he can be a little less, plus the guarantee of Wei ’s family, it really makes me a little hopeful . It's a wall of crowds! I'm dying of advanced cancer, and some people come to take advantage. Shameless! "


After Zhang Yu and Wei Zhengpeng left the Xie's ward, they also separated from each other ... because Zhang Yu and Tan Xiaonan had an appointment to visit her.

Wei Zhengpeng has to go to Zhongjing's subsidiary, but the two have already made an appointment and wait for each of them to return to Zhonghai.

Zhang Yu called Tan Xiaonan, asked her where her grandfather's ward was, and walked directly.

When Zhang Yu came to the ward and pushed in the door ... I found that there was only Tan Xiaonan in the ward. On the bed was an old man with a respirator. Various data flashed on the machine next to him. ,

Zhang Yu is also a little Western medical practitioner. He looked at the various data changes on the machine next to him, and found that the physical characteristics of the elderly are still stable, and now he should just fall asleep.

Zhang Yu came to Tan Xiaonan's side and whispered, "Xiao Nan! How is your grandpa?"

"The doctor said he was stable! Right! After reading your friend?"

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