Divine Star System

Chapter 1290: high standard

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Businessmen who meet the standard in the house certainly feel relieved, because for their sales level, let alone the manufacturer prove it, even if the manufacturer comes in person to prove it, there is no problem. The only thing that is troublesome is the security deposit, but since the expansion project of the normal university is a government-level landmark project, plus their own financial support, even if the security deposit is a little more, I believe it is not a big problem.

Those merchants who did not meet the standards in the house became disappointed ... In terms of their sales, they were required to provide the relevant certification documents to their suppliers, which was a bit of a problem in the truth. And even if you can get the certification documents, your annual sales volume is still not up to standard, and people still need to collect a security deposit. With their own order volume, it is impossible for the manufacturer to owe credit. The order must be paid in advance. If Jinshengda still needs to collect a deposit, the advance payment of the order is definitely a big problem.

It can be said that Luo Bin's conditions immediately blocked most of the suppliers in the room from the project. The small businessmen who had come to the dinner tonight thought that they had finally had the opportunity to get on the big ship of Jinshengda. Who would have thought that they were finally thrown off the boat because they bought fake tickets.

How can this be done?

Those who do not meet the standard in the room can only put their hopes on these big businessmen who brought themselves into the group, one by one under the stage, constantly doing some small actions, and let their friends quickly talk.

The clothes of these big businessmen were also constantly deformed ... Although they also felt embarrassed, they were also catching ducks on the shelves. Not to say that they could not get on the boat by themselves, and they watched their old friends drown. Right!

"General Luo! You are an expert in the construction industry! I believe you also know that our real estate industry in Zhonghai City has not been very prosperous in recent years, and there are not many projects started. Even if it is started occasionally, the pressure of material competition in other provinces is also very high. In fact Everyone has n’t eaten much in the past two years. Your requirements! For them, it ’s a little too high. You can see if it ’s not easy for everyone, and then adjust it, it ’s also a reward for everyone! "

"Yes, Mr. Luo! In fact, there is a quality problem. You can rest assured that we can guarantee it with credit. There will be no problem!"

"I can also guarantee the quality! Can you lower the sales a little bit and increase the deposit?"

"Uh ... Mr. Luo! It's better to have less margin! You also know that materials are expensive during the peak season, and I have to pay in advance for the manufacturers. The pressure is too great."

These people in the room have begun to find various reasons, hoping that Luo Bin can lower the supply standard.

Luo Bin looked at the crowd and laughed, "Everyone! I understand everyone's difficulties, but I also ask everyone to understand my difficulties. For me! Standards! It represents the importance of this project to our company. I To help you lower the standards is equivalent to lowering all the standards of the project. Don't you think that a company whose standards cannot be determined! Are you kidding your future? "

People around looked at each other with a embarrassed look when they heard this ...

"In fact, many of you and I are good friends, but since everyone is a friend, it is even more important to put the ugly words in front. What I am doing now is a business, not a second-hand dealer who outsources projects to friends. So It ’s a bit unfriendly! But if I could make Jin Shengda bigger, stronger, and then go public, would n’t it be good for you as my friends? ”

Everyone around me heard this and fell into silence ...

"It may be a little early to say these things now, but in the future Jinshengda, the standards will only be higher and stricter than now. If you really want to mix with Luo Bin in the future, you must adjust your frequency to and My frequency is the same. Do n’t go too far. For this project alone, I will make everyone ’s profits more than a few times. There is no problem. If you do better than what I ask, I can also give you a brightening in advance. Engineering At the end, I will add a layer of profit to the original material price, which is a dividend for everyone. I only need efficiency and quality, as long as you can give me this, I can say that Luo Bin is more generous than anyone. I That being said, I believe everyone can understand! "

"Understand! We all understand." Some people in the room heard that Luo Bin was going to add a layer of profit to them, and naturally a smile appeared on his face. After all, the profit of such a large project is definitely the income of previous years.

But those who do not meet the standard do not know how to do it. After all, Luo Bin said this, and has blocked their qualifications to enter this feast. For them, unless they can raise a large amount of funds to meet Luo Bin's standards Otherwise, there is no chance.

But where can I find such a large sum of money?

The people in the room were happy and sad ... People in good mood picked up wine glasses and toasted Luo Bin at the same time, patted on the flesh, and also drew friends around him and Luo Bin Got into a relationship.


One of the sad-looking businessmen felt that his cell phone suddenly vibrated. He picked it up and looked at it. It was his wife, who could only stand up and left the room to answer the phone ... The man left the private room and walked forward The call was connected at the same time.

"Hey! Husband! Haven't you finished eating yet? When will I drive to pick you up?"

"Not finished! Wait a moment?"

"Oh! Husband! How's business talk tonight? Can you sign a contract these days?"

"Oh!" The man sighed, and said a bit weakly: "I'm afraid this business is going to be stingy!"

"Ah! Why! Didn't Lao Sun say that the boss of this project, his iron buddies? Did Lao Sun release his gun?"

"This is not true! The old Sun and the general manager Luo did know each other, and the relationship seemed to be pretty good. But the general manager Luo's business is now bigger and different than before!"

"What's wrong? Did he give the glass bag to someone else?"

"That's not it! It's just that people now demand that our company's annual sales reach 20 million."

"20 million annual sales? That's too much! Our company's sales in recent years have not been so much together."

"That's it! And it's not just these. People also ask the supplier to provide the A-level product qualification documents. We can order this product a year, and the manufacturer may have to grind hard to produce these documents. . And not only that, Luo always has to collect a security deposit from the supplier. Although he doesn't know how much, it should not be too small. "

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