Divine Star System

Chapter 1640: Two presidents

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When a sound of knocking on the window came, it awakened Ma Tao who was thinking about things. He glanced at the people outside the window and smiled. With a movement of his fingers, the power window lowered slowly.

"You are President Ma!" Said a big young man outside the window with a smile.

"Yes! I'm Ma Tao! You must be Zhang Yu! Get on the bus!" Ma Tao talked, moved to the side, and gave up his position to the other party.

After Zhang Yu entered the car, Ma Tao immediately asked the driver to drive and smiled: "Zhang Yu! You are busy enough. I want to see you. It seems difficult to make an appointment half a month in advance. Touch your silhouette. "

Zhang Yuwenyan showed a helpless smile, and said, "No way! Friends are trouble! All of them call me to have a meal, and whoever can't get there will also blame. So I can only be sorry for you, Mr. Ma!"

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter!" Ma Tao waved his hand and smiled: "But there are so many friends, it is really a troublesome thing! If you come to Beijing in this situation, you have to be as low-key as possible."

"It's a big deal to wear a mask in the future!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "By the way, Ma! Let's go directly to the National Grand Theater, right?"


"Is this usually the award ceremony of the Golden Plum Blossom Award every time at the National Grand Theater?"

"That's not it! The place for awards is not fixed. Maybe this year is the Golden Plum Awards for the tenth awards ceremony, and the association will pay more attention to it! The next session, there should be no such treatment. "

"Did I say it! But this National Theater is not small, and it should be a bit difficult to fill it up!"

"I heard a lot of people! If you think about it, there are fifteen works nominated. Counting publishers and writers, as well as members and members of writing associations in Beijing and other provinces, more than half of them are seated in the theater. It is definitely okay. Moreover, I used to host it in the past, and I also invited some university students from the Beijing Cultural Circle and the Chinese Department of a well-known university to watch the ceremony, so it should be ok to be full. "

"Oh! That's the case. I haven't participated in this kind of activity before, I really don't know what the process is, and there is something I can't figure out at that time, Mr. Ma must remember to remind me."

"No problem! In fact, you can participate in such things too much! Right! Have you been to the National Grand Theater?"

"Have been there once!"

"Go there and watch the show?"

"No! I went there to participate in a show. At that time, some musicians in our country and musicians in several European countries were going to hold a cooperative exchange concert! I had a show at the time!"

Ma Tao suddenly remembered that Zhang Yu was not only highly literate, but also an internationally renowned musician, which made him admire. Then he smiled and said, "Zhang Yu! You are really talented. Not only are you so accomplished in literature, but also world-class in music. No one I know is more talented than you. "

Zhang Yuwenyan smiled and said, "It's nothing! It's just that the hobbies are more complicated."

"Bright Zhang Yu! I heard that your comic dragon ball is selling well in Japan. I remember it seems that it has entered the top ten hot cartoons list in Japan?"

"I don't know!" Zhang Yu shook his head, followed by a smile on the other side's stunned expression: "I am now in the senior year and busy studying! I have no time to manage these things. But I have a partner! I believe Mr. Ma should have heard of it! In fact, as soon as I left my shopkeeper, he was fully responsible for the business. I would draw and take money, and leave it alone. "

Ma Tao smiled helplessly and said, "You are really righteous as a shaker! In fact, I also regret it a bit. I knew that your comic level is so high that it would be better for us to work together! Domestic animation Although the market is developing slowly, sooner or later, there must be great development. Funding is not a problem, mainly because of the lack of talented artists like you. "

"I'm not as talented as Mr. Ma! I've been here for three days and two days. I can't be more angry if I cooperate with me."

"Hehehehe! You, you!"

Zhang Yu and Ma Tao talked and laughed along the way. The car quickly arrived at the destination of this trip, the parking lot of the National Theatre.

After the driver parked the car, Zhang Yu and Ma Tao stepped out of the car and headed towards the entrance of the Grand Theater together.

"Mr. Ma!" A voice came, making the two stopped at the same time.

Ma Tao turned his head to the speaker and smiled. "President Cui! President Cha! Only two of them?"

"Just arrived! Just arrived!" Cui Xingguo and Che Hongbing came side by side, and they were followed by a man and a woman.

Cui Xingguo laughed after approaching: "Mr. Ma! Since the last time the Development Association held a development forum! We haven't seen you for a while. What have you been doing recently?"

"What can I be busy with? It's not the company's mess." Ma Tao smiled politely.

"General Manager Ma is polite! Who doesn't know that your company is already the big brother in the online literature market. There will be opportunities in the future! Take care of the younger publishers!" Che Hongbing smiled flatteringly.

"Chairman Che is polite! Your Sihai Publishing House is a well-known big publishing house in China. I am just a small company. How can I have the strength to take care of you? You do n’t have to joke with me. I ’m young, Cowardly, it's easy to be scared. "

"Hehehehehe!" Several people laughed at the same time.

Cui Xingguo laughed: "Mr. Ma talked a lot! I and the old car are a little bit bigger than Mr. Ma. But our views on the literary market are often coincident. There are opportunities for us brothers Find a place for a drink and talk about the future of literary development. As the chairman of the last forum said, literary development must also keep pace with the times. Although we cannot say that the old is the dross, there is no new vision for development. That will definitely be eliminated by the times. Are you right? President Che! "

"Ha ha ha! Right, right! President Cui said so well." Che Hongbing also laughed: "Wait for tomorrow! I will be the East! Everyone find a quiet place and have a good talk. After all, Mr. Ma is in his hands now With so many popular IPs, you ca n’t just keep it up and not publish it! If you are rich, make money and make a fortune together! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The three of them all laughed at the same time ... Of course, in the laughter of the three, how many points are true and how many are false, it is unknown.

The three Zhang Yu stood aside, but also speechless. It seems that the three did not catch a cold on Cui Chema's behavior. Everyone is literary, how can you be a little bit pompous! Why bother to be so straightforward and nauseous! Zhang Yu was okay, but the other two were a little disgusted.

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