Divine Star System

Chapter 1929: Big dick

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After seeing Bao Zhiqi and Hao Nan entering the dormitory, Tang Yi hurriedly delivered some food. Although these snacks were bought in his name tonight, the main owner behind them was Bao Zhiqi. At this time, naturally, the boss behind him couldn't stand and watch.

After Bao Zhiqi placed his toiletries, he opened a packet of potato chips, took a few sips, and gave Hao Nan a wink.

Hao Nan nodded when he saw this, and then smiled loudly: "Hey! Let's stop eating like this. There should be a little time before the lights go out, or should we find some games to play! How about it?"

"playing what?"

"Yeah! What can be fun here."

"Rock Scissors! How about slapping?"


Hao Nan also laughed helplessly, saying, "When I was preparing something yesterday, I bought a playing card! How about we play poker?"

"Play poker?"


"Can't play!"

"Neither will the landlords! Are you Earthling?"

"I don't seem to be a human!"

"And I!"

"Count me in!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Hao Nandao: "Do not play the landlord! There are too few people to play, so boring. How about we come to play the second child?"

"Daughter? Haven't heard of it! Has anyone played it?"

"never play it!"

"No!" The people in the same house shook their heads one after another ...

Satisfied at this time suddenly said: "I know the second elder brother! The second elder brother is also called 锄 the land! It is a classic game in poker. Right!"

Hao Nan laughed: "That's right! You seem to be satisfied if you've played it! Then count yourself!"

Satisfied: "I've played it once or twice. It's not very good."

Hao Nandao: "Just play! It's better than not playing! Right, who wants to play?"

Bao Zhiqi hurriedly said, "Although I haven't played, I'm idle, so I'm one!"

Hao Nan turned to Zhang Yu at this time and smiled, "Zhang Yu! Can you play?"

While Zhang Yu took out a piece of potato chips and put it in his mouth, he said unclearly: "No play! No!"

Seeing this, Bao Zhiqi hurriedly said, "I won't be afraid of anything! I won't. Will it be a while after playing?"

Hao Nan hurriedly said: "Yeah! Play for a while! I won't teach you, it's easy."

Fang Guoxi saw this and said, "I want to learn too! Can you count me?"

When Hao Nan saw this, his face was speechless, and he could only glance at Bao Zhiqi.

Bao Zhiqi also didn't expect anyone to stir the game here, and frowned. "I didn't expect that so many people wanted to play. But there are too many people, and it's really difficult to divide. Or let's take turns!" Satisfied, I, Hao Nan and Zhang Yu play first! Fang Guoxi's turn next, and if you want to play in the future, you can also line up. Let's see!

Zhang Yu said: "I don't want to play! Let Fang Guoxi play!"

Bao Zhiqi hurriedly said: "Look at Zhang Yu, today you have made such a great contribution to our class, we can't help you at all, it was very embarrassing at the time. I just played poker at night, and you can relax. If you do n’t play, I have no fun playing it. After all, you ca n’t play poker and relax with it. Others are embarrassed to play it! You say, Hao Nan! ”

Fang Guoxi was on the side, and his face was abnormal. Because how to listen to Bao Zhiqi, how he is talking about himself. Besides, I just want to play poker. It doesn't seem necessary to make my words so bad!

Seeing Bao Zhiqi, Hao Nan turned the topic to himself and hurriedly said: "Yeah! Zhang Yu! It's good to play poker for a while and relax. It's thanks to you in today's class! Otherwise, our boys I lost my face to my uncle's house. Play for a while! "

When Zhang Yu saw this situation, it was difficult to be affectionate, so she had to helplessly smile, and said, "That ... That's ok! Since you all think I must play, then I will play a few! But I declare first, I will not, You have to play and learn at the same time. "

Bao Zhiqi saw Zhang Yu agree, and his heart was also a joy, and he hurriedly said, "I won't play either! It's also sold now. Hey! Hao Nan! Satisfied! Neither Zhang Yu nor me can play, you two can Stop bullying newcomers! "

He smiled with satisfaction and said, "I'm not playing well !?"

Hao Nandao: "It seems like I am a master! The key to this thing is luck. Okay! I will explain the general rules to you, but it is very simple and will be learned as soon as possible." After that, Hao Nan began to give a few People explained the rules of the second child.

Soon Zhang Yu understood what Hao Nan was talking about, while Bao Zhiqi pretended to react more slowly, and listened twice more before pretending to understand.

Next, a few people try to play ...

The rule of the second child is actually very simple. To put it bluntly, it is the second largest, and winning or losing is also simple. Even if the winner runs first, the remaining cards in the hands of the remaining people will score.

Hao Nan briefly explained the rules, a few people tried a few more, and with the IQ of a few people, they quickly figured out everything, and they were ready to start playing.

Bao Zhiqi smiled at this time: "Actually think about it, if it's so fun, it doesn't seem to be interesting! Should we still bring some highlights?"

"Caitou?" Satisfied and heard for a while, frowning: "You want to gamble money! What then! Students can't gamble!"

Bao Zhiqi said, "What gambling is so unpleasant! It's just a little bit more fun. How can it be more fun than playing like this!"

After hearing this, Hao Nan hurriedly said, "Yeah! Playing poker without a lottery head is really boring. If you add a little, one piece or two, there is not much to win or lose."

After hearing the content, I could only look at Zhang Yu, and seemed to want to ask what he meant.

Of course, Zhang Yu doesn't matter, he said, "Okay! Then it's a dollar! It's not a big deal, and there should be no problem."

Satisfied with the words, I nodded helplessly and said, "Then play less! I don't bring much cash."

At this time, Bao Zhiqi and Hao Nan glanced inadvertently.

that's it! Several people took out some cash and started playing as the second child ... Zhang Yu was not serious at first, but as the number of rounds increased, his luck seemed to be good, and he continued to win money. He plays a little fun.

Just as a few people were getting up, the lights in the dormitory went out!

Bao Zhiqi frowned: "Oh! Why is the light off?"

Satisfied: "It should be time to turn off the lights!"

Hao Nandao: "It's really fun! I'm playing on it!"

Satisfied: "That's no way! By the way, who has a flashlight?"

"I have it!" "I have it too!" Not long after many people answered, a few beams of light quickly lit up in the room.

Hao Nandao: "Since there is a flashlight! Should we play for a while?"

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