Divine Star System

Chapter 963: Final day

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Of course, Zhang Yu felt a lot of pressure. Although he felt that he had passed two test jumps, the last round should be almost passable. But when he came to the field, he began to hesitate again, but what should he do?

The referee saw Zhang Yu had come to the arena, and then announced the start of the game ... But Zhang Yu didn't seem to hear the above. He stood alone and looked like he was thinking about something.

The surrounding players watched this scene, and they were all a little strange. Could it be that this kid is now stage fright? For most high jumpers, whoever jumps to the stage for stage fright, basically has little hope of jumping over.

Time is passing a little ... Zhang Yu is still standing still in a daze, not knowing what to think. In the end, the referee was a little bit upset. He cleared his throat and said, "Please pay attention to the number one player! I'll give you the last thirty seconds. You don't have to jump."

Zhang Yu heard the referee's words, and reacted, knowing that there was no time left, and he hurriedly raised his hand to consciously jump ... It was a little easier to follow his expression, and it looked like he was in a state of confidence.

Zhang Yu jumped in place, and then slowly started to accelerate ... Although he was not happy this time, he felt very flexible.

Su Jian and a few people at the same time felt a little strange at the same time. It seems that the kid has a lot of professional starting movements. Is he now completely relaxed?

Zhang Yu took a faster pace than before in the last few steps. In a few moments, he reached the take-off point, kicked on one leg, and flew high.

"Just kidding!"

The crowd on the sidelines were almost stunned when they saw this scene, because Zhang Yu most suddenly jumped over the railing.

Zhang Yu's last jump was not the mainstream back style, but the ancient method leapfrogging, and even more exaggerated, he really passed.


"It's true! This kid actually used a leapfrog."

"So old-fashioned, I didn't expect anyone would use it now?"

"If you're old, let's not say it first! The problem is that he has really crossed over. But that's one meter eighty one good!"

"This guy can't jump to a height with a back style, he can jump over with a leap!"


"It's hard to imagine!"

"It shouldn't be a big luck!"

(Collective cold sweat!)


Leap jumping, as an ancient method of high jump, has been rarely used in modern competitions. Because the required center of gravity is relatively high when jumping, it is difficult to compare with the back-over style with a lower center of gravity when the crossbar is used.

Especially since entering the modern Olympique, the leap-jumping sports games at or above urban level have been largely invisible.


"Zeng Peng! Do you know what the leapfrog world record is?" Chen Rui had a strange expression on his face.

"I don't know!" Zeng Peng shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "I only know that the type of the back override is two meters, four or four."

"The leapfrog world record was set by Russia's Ivanov at 1.96 in the 1960 Montreal Olympics." Su Jiantong, who had not spoken, interrupted suddenly.

After listening, Chen Rui breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Great! I thought he broke the world record! Scared me!"

Su Jiantong and Zeng Peng didn't answer this, but they seemed to be thinking about ...


Of course, Zhang Yu didn't want to use the leap-jump method. He just was worried that he could not jump over the last time. In order to ensure the qualifying, he decided to use some high jump skills.

However, this tickle will affect the progress of the game. Of course, Zhang Yu has already found it, but as soon as the referee urged him, he immediately ordered one. When he had to jump, he found that it was a leapfrog, but now that time was not enough, he barely used it.

Have to say advanced skills, coupled with his amazing physical fitness, one meter eighty-one is not a problem, a jump. As for what method to use, Zhang Yu didn't care what others thought, I was over the line anyway.


Zhang Yu skipped the standard line last time, so four people were short-term finalists! There are four places left, and for the remaining six players, it can only be a fight.

In the end, there was only one player, the third skipped the standard line of 1.81, and the remaining players could only decide who entered and who went out by watching the test jump results in front.


Zhang Yu's five projects, all of which were shortlisted to the finals, are already an unimaginable achievement for everyone in the first middle school.

Originally, according to the ideas of Duan Yong and Wang Zhaowei, Zhang Yuneng had one finalist. They were very satisfied, but the result was without exception, they were all finalists. This made the two of them not satisfied. It was a joy. .

After Zhang Yu finished the game, nothing happened to him later. He greeted Wang Zhaowei and went home.


The final group and semi-finals of some events will be held tomorrow. Starting from the day after tomorrow, the finals of each event will begin, but most of them are middle and long distance running and throwing events.

Zhang Yu's project requires the day after tomorrow to start the competition, which is also his busiest day.


The next day, Zhang Yu returned to school, but the matter that all of his five events reached the finals has been spread in the school. Most people are still very surprised by Zhang Yu ’s results. How to say this is also a city-level sports meeting. Masters such as clouds. In the past, the first middle school was basically the level of the crane tail. Since the school was established, it has not been so good. However, this year can be regarded as the grandma's big turn.

Although everyone in the 12th class felt that they should be surprised, they were actually not so surprised when they learned about it. In their minds, Zhang Yu was easy to create a miracle. It is not surprising that he got out of the line. If he was eliminated, it would be strange.

Anyway, the school leaders are happy to see this situation. Although the game is not over yet, Duan Yong and Wang Zhaowei have been praised by the school leaders, and Jia Jilin also said that regardless of the final results, they will Write a credit to the two, and a quantitative score for the performance evaluation at the end of the year will definitely give them a credit for the first credit.


In the next two days, the team from No.1 Middle School didn't make any deposit ... Although Zhu Tingting and Ai Ying entered the semifinals of four by one hundred meters, they finally lost because of their own strength.

In this way, although there were five events in the first middle school that reached the finals and looked very beautiful, in fact, only two of them entered the finals competition, one was Zhang Yu and the other was long jumper Zhan Ming of the same group.


The day of the finals is coming soon. The first middle school organized a huge expedition ... Although there are only two players, Zhang Yu and Zhan Ming, there are many cheerleaders. Almost all the players who participated in the competition decided to cheer for them. The crowd can also be regarded as unloading their burdens for a relaxing trip.

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