"You... have suffered!"

"But remember, the sufferings you have endured will soon be over!"

"You will see light eventually!"

"Wait a little longer?"

Fang Fan showed sincerity. If he could, he would naturally like such a loyal group to live better!

"Under the crown of the wild god, we are not afraid of hardship!"

"Because... we have faith!"

"We firmly believe that the great desolate **** will not abandon us!"

Huang Ji clenched his fists, his complexion flushed, and his excitement was beyond words.

"It looks like something went wrong outside..."

"Go out and take a look!"

Fang Fan's eyes condensed, and he went straight to it.


"Our boss said that disturbances are not allowed here, and everything will be handled by him!"

Wearing black clothes and holding a machete, several castaways stood firmly in front of them.

These gods abandoned were all the subordinates brought by Huang Su.

"Boss? You're talking about desertion, right? Haha! What about others? People are gone, and the spoils are still occupied? Where does this reason come from?

"Hehehe, these girls are really good! Our brothers are really lucky today, they haven't encountered such stunning beauty in a long time!"

"Tsk tusk tusk... plus the chick captured just now, let's celebrate this evening!"

In addition, a few deities sprang out from the surroundings, also wearing black robes, but they were all engraved with a purple star.

"Brothers! Go up and grab with me!"

The purple star and black robe leader gave an order, and the other purple stars and black robe men rushed over.

"No one is allowed to move without the commander's order!"

The few gods abandoned by Huang Yu are still trying their best to stop...

"Haha! Just rely on you? Even if Huangyi is here today, I can still grab it!"

"Anyway, you desolate people want to be spineless, and you won't be interested in these women. Why don't you give it to us brothers for entertainment!"

"Everyone said, isn't it?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Hahaha! Grab his mother!"


Faced with another wave of harassment from the forsaken, the faces of Zi Ling and others became ugly.

This group of people is much more hateful than the previous group!

At most, the group of abandoned gods will kill at most, but at least they will not insult!

And the eyes of these goddesses dressed in purple stars showed extreme greed and excitement...

They fell completely into a state of madness.

In this crazy state, they used Zi Ling and others as a way to vent!

It is conceivable that if you are caught by them, you will suffer! And in the end still can't escape!

"What to do! Just stabilized the wave, and more..."


Gu Neng, the master of the soul-seeking pavilion, looked helpless. Today is really a Mercury retrograde! Everything is not going well, just when I went out, I encountered these things!

It’s not enough to encounter a wave of the forsaken, but another wave? Is there such a reason?

"Those who can't escape...they are large in number and their combat power is stronger than us..."

"This time we don't have Fang Fan to help us stop the leader of the forsaken god!"

Zi Ling took a breath, her eyes twinkling...

At this moment, it is really not her pessimism, can only say that there is really too much difference in combat power.

"Fight with them!"

"Even if my old lady died in battle, she would never be insulted by them!"

The Demon Emperor Demon Snake Charm snorted coldly, and the killing intent in his eyes instantly condensed!

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