"Law comprehension card? A rule comprehension card that can directly comprehend a whole rule. This thing is much more reliable than a low-profile version of the rule comprehension card... it is worth about a million billion crystals..."

Fang Fan glanced around the harvested cards, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"There are thirteen royal promotion cards...the explosion rate is quite high, one is equivalent to one trillion king promotion cards, and these are also equivalent to 13 trillion gods..."

"Low-level Emperor Master Level Potential Explosion Card: You can directly increase the five-star Emperor Level (including the five-star Emperor Level) and below level cultivators for ten minutes. After ten minutes, they will fall into a period of weakness for ten hours. During the period of weakness, The combat power is reduced by 90%!"

Fang Fan's eyes lit up, and sure enough... you still have to kill more high-level cultivators, so that the quality of the cards obtained will be higher!

Like the one in front of me, there is actually an emperor-level potential explosion card... which is very strong!

For example, if it is used by Galen, the original three-star emperor realm will be able to display the power of the four-star emperor realm within ten minutes...

In the emperor realm, a level, the increase in combat power is more than several times!

This is a card that can save lives at a critical time!

"Emperor Level Equipment Card..."

Fang Fan continued to clean up the remaining cards and nodded secretly when he saw this Emperor-level equipment jam...

Although he also had a few imperial artifacts in his hands at the moment... but it didn't mean that the imperial artifacts were worthless.

An existence like Zi Ling's level is nothing but a one-star imperial weapon to support the field.

After all, the resources of the Solar System are limited, and I don’t know that there are many Emperor Realm practitioners in the Solar System who don’t even have a single imperial weapon...

That's really humble!


"Ding! Use an emperor-level equipment card, and the Seven-Star Imperial Weapon Rule pistol has been issued!"

Seven-Star Emperor?

Fang Fan looked overjoyed at once, knowing that the average one-star imperial weapon is worth a hundred billion crystals...

The value of the Seven-Star Emperor is immeasurable!

"Law pistol?"

"What is this?"

Fang Fan frowned, looking at the silver-white pistol in front of him, lost in thought.

I have to say that the appearance of this pistol is still very good, it looks really seductive...

But seductive and practical are two different things...

Fang Fan couldn't help but look at the introduction...

"Law pistol: Seven-star imperial weapon, with the rule as the bullet, shoot out the rule bullet! The more the laws merge, the stronger the rule bullet!"

Looking at this brief introduction, the color of astonishment on Fang Fan's face became more obvious...

Take the rule as a bullet? So arrogant?

In Fang Fan’s memory, all the laws are actually illusory...

Practitioners have to be careful to understand the power of the law, and now they still need to use the law as a bullet...

This idea can only be said to be extremely bold!

Fang Fan's eyes drooped slightly...

Immediately holding the law pistol in his hand...

"How to load this gun?"

Fang Fan twitched the corner of his mouth... He pulled the trigger several times, and it was useless.

"Ding! The host can directly focus the power of the comprehend law into the barrel and launch it!"

When the system prompt sounded, Fang Fan nodded secretly, and then began to operate according to what he said.

"First urge the law of desolation..."

Fang Fan secretly said in his heart, and immediately surrounding abruptly swept through a series of laws...

These laws of desolation were directly gathered in the Law pistol in Fang Fan's hands, condensed into a bullet...

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