In fact, he can only choose to stay in Fang Fan's boat forever.

So from the perspective of Sima Xiong, he also hopes that Fang Fan can hold on...

But, can this situation really hold up? Why does it feel so ridiculous...

Sima Xiong's gaze scanned the surroundings, and a wry smile appeared on his face, which almost completely offended the Chentian clan!

This is the Chentian Clan! The strongest existence of Chentian Star Domain! The only third rank power in the Chentian Star Region!

If you offend it, what good fruits will there really be in the future?

Sima Xiong's gaze scanned the surrounding Chentian City Guard soldiers who were staring at him, and subconsciously tightened his clothes...

It must be false to say that you are not afraid at all, but now even if you are afraid, you can only patient!

Even if you feel wronged, you have to resist it!

" dare to beat my princess!"

Chen Tianshi's eyes widened in an instant, and the disbelief in her eyes was obvious.

How can all this look so panic!

"I hit you, made a mistake?"

"Don't put on the air of your superb princess. With me, you are a savage, willful, indiscriminate, arrogant, stupid and idiot crazy woman!"

Fang Fan has completely spared it!

People are dead and birds are in the sky, immortal for thousands of years!

Of course, even if it is the last thing to do, Fang Fan actually has a last resort...

For example, directly leading everyone to hide in the Chutian Pavilion small world.

Chutian Pavilion itself is a divine tool, no matter how powerful the Chentian clan are, they can't destroy the divine tool, right?

Of course, the prerequisite for hiding in Chutian is not being killed instantly...

If the enemy's strong guy is too strong and he is killed instantly, then Fang Fan can only sigh with joy!

But in general, the probability of this situation is not very high.

"Brother Fang Fan, you... don't hit my sister..."

Chen Tianshan walked over, pulling Fang Fan's sleeve.

Fang Fan's body stagnated, his face couldn't help showing a gentle look.

No matter what Chen Tianshi did, but Shaner in front of him is always innocent...

Even when Chen Tianshi's opponent started an attack just now, this little girl tried to use her body to block the attack for Fang Fan...

Fang Fan saw this pile of piles in his eyes and remembered it in his heart, and naturally he couldn't easily erase it.

"Shan'er! You... don't beg this bastard! You are the little princess of the Chentian clan! How can you stay with such a mean person! Go! Go! Run! He must die!"

Chen Tianshi clenched her silver teeth, killing intent in her eyes...

Fang Fan glanced at it. This crazy woman... was still so rampant from beginning to end.

Fang Fan raised his hand subconsciously...Chen Tianshi's body trembled...A trace of horror appeared on his face...

"Brother Fang Fan..."

Shan'er interceded again, and Fang Fan sighed softly. In the end, the slap still didn't hit Chen Tianshi's face, but Fang Fan was absolutely unwilling to let it go!


Fang Fan's palm fell directly, but this time he didn't slap Chen Tianshi's face, but chose the fleshy buttocks.

Patting here can produce a certain amount of pain, but it will not hurt her body and foundation.

Fang Fan immediately rubbed Shan'er's Lolita head, which was an explanation for her.

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